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Simplified Scientific Christianity         

Astro-Diagnosis — A Guide To Healing
by Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel
(Part 3)

XV: The Lungs
No. 4A: Tuberculosis

  The horoscope here shown is that of a well-to-do man who spoiled his life by excesses of all kinds. He was born on August 28, 1881, at 11 P.M.

   In the first place we find Jupiter, the planet of opulence, in the 12th house, that of sorrow, trouble, and self-undoing, sextile to Venus, the planet of attraction, in Cancer, the sign ruling the stomach, and in the 2nd house, that of finance. This accounts for the native's business instinct in money matters as well as his desire for rich and unhealthful foods; in part, too, for his fatal weakness for the opposite sex. The Moon square to Venus from the fifth house, the house of pleasures, also Mars, the planet of dynamic energy, conjunct the saturnine Dragon's Tail, and both square to Uranus, the planet of unconventionality and clandestine attachments, are other strong testimonies in the latter direction. Furthermore, Saturn, the planet of obstruction, in the 12th house, that of sorrow, in conjunction with Neptune, the planet of underhandedness, in Taurus, which is the opposite of Scorpio, the sign governing the sex organs, shows trouble in that region and also in the throat.

   As a whole this horoscope shows all manner of excesses, and a —

Birth Chart No. 4A

— consequent clogging up of the system. Venus in Cancer, the latter ruling the stomach, gives a love of good things to eat, and especially to drink. Its square to the Moon in the sign Libra, ruling the kidneys, shows that there was a very bad condition there preventing proper elimination. The conjunction of Saturn, the planet of obstruction, with Neptune in the sign Taurus, this sign having a reflex action in Scorpio, resulted in painful hemorrhoids. Mars, the planet of dynamic energy, conjoined with the saturnine Dragon's Tail in Gemini, the sign ruling the lungs, square to Uranus, the planet of spasmodic action, shows a tendency to coughs and weakness of the lungs, which finally destroyed the life.

   This horoscope is a lesson on the ravages of excess and indulgence of the lower nature, and astrologers may use it for the purpose of convincing people who are on the downward path that the way of the transgressor is hard, and that our sins will surely find us out.

   By the exercise of will power, at least a great deal of the trouble indicated might have been avoided. Toward the last the man realized that he was going down and wanted help, but he was too weak to cease from his indulgences. Consequently he yielded to the tendencies shown in his horoscope, and became the victim of tuberculosis and a number of complications.

No 4B: Tuberculosis

   Female, born June 16, 1884, 8:30 A.M.

  Suffering from tuberculosis is shown very plainly by this horoscope, for Saturn, the planet of obstruction and crystallization, is in Gemini, the sign which rules the lungs. Although he is unaspected he always has a malefic bodily influence in whatever part of the chart he is placed. His obstructive and hardening tendencies clog and crystallize the lungs and would be inimical even if he were not supported by evil aspects. We find that the Sun, which is the giver of life, is also in Gemini, square to the Moon, which is the particular significator of health in a woman's horoscope. The Moon is placed in the 8th house, the house of death, in Pisces, the twelfth sign, ruling confinement in hospitals and kindred institutions. The Sun is also square to the spasmodic Uranus, and Uranus is in opposition to the Moon. This will produce the cough and the hemorrhage which are part of the symptoms of tuberculosis.

   Leo, the strong solar sign, is rising, and Jupiter, the planet of optimism and joviality, is therein sextile to Mercury, the planet of reason and mind. We may also note that all the angles are occupied by fixed signs. These conditions show that in the first place the constitution was a good one, that the native had to begin with a strong, vigorous nature and a jovial sunny and friendly disposition. Had this horoscope been set up in childhood's days so that one could have worked with the native ad counteracted the tendencies to tuberculosis, the chances are that she would have entirely outgrown this tendency. As it is, however, the squares and —

Birth Chart No. 4B

— oppositions of the Sun, Moon, and Uranus taken together with the Moon's placement in the 8th house and the 12th house sign show that this case is likely to terminate fatally. The best that can be done for the patient now is to make her suffering as little as possible. The magnetic force of an Aries person whose Saturn is not in any of the degrees encompassed by the 6th house of the patient's horoscope would be of great help to her, and milk just fresh from the cow would do a great deal to keep up her vitality as it is filled with the healthy animal ether.

No. 4C: Tuberculosis

   Male, born December 1, 1883, 3:51 A.M.

By mistake this chart was first set up so that Leo occupied the Ascendant end the Sun was in the fifth house. The planets show the affliction no matter what sign rises, but a glance showed the figure to be erroneous because the Sun cannot be in the fifth house at four o'clock in the morning. So we had it calculated again, with the result that we find Saturn in the eighth house instead of in the eleventh and the Sun in the second house instead of the fifth. This makes a great deal of difference in the strength of the symptoms. We would advise students that whenever they are given a figure for judgment it is wise precaution always to look at the place of the Sun and notice if its location in the horoscope corresponds with its actual place in the sky at the time of day when the birth took place. If it does not, that is evidence that the horoscope has been incorrectly set up and is therefore unfit to be used as a basis of judgment. We are all liable to make mistakes in our calculations but this hint will undoubtedly help students to avoid this particular mistake.

   The subject of this horoscope is suffering from tuberculosis, a disease neither necessarily serious nor fatal. The student of Astro-Diagnosis has special facilities for judging how deeply the disease is rooted by the positions and aspects of the afflicting planets. Saturn, the planet of obstruction, in Gemini, the sign which rules the lungs, shows the tendency to cold in the lungs and also hardening such as occurs in tuberculosis. But this testimony would not have been so dangerous if it had come from —

Birth Chart No. 4C

— the position shown in the erroneously cast figure where Saturn was placed in the eleventh house, instead of its position in the true horoscope where he is in the eighth house, denoting the manner of death.

   Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, is in opposition to Saturn, and so is the life-giving Sun. We may also note that the Moon, which governs the tidal air in the lungs, is in conjunction with Venus, which rules the venous blood, and is square to Uranus. All these are signs which show that there is comparatively little hope of escape for this patient from the dread disease until death looses the silver cord and frees him from the body.

   You will notice that the last degrees of Libra are rising so that the native has really more of the impulsive Scorpio characteristics than those of Libra. Mars, ruler of Scorpio, in Leo adds to his energy and makes him fond of swaggering and showing off, prodigal of his vitality. Mars trine Mercury in Sagittarius shows an inclination for sport and probably overexertion, which may have been responsible for the first breakdown about the twenty-eighth year when the progressed Moon was over the place of the radical Moon and Venus, or the year preceding when it was in opposition to Saturn.

   It would be extreme cruelty to tell the patient that there is little hope, of course, and no aspirant to invisible helpership would be so thoughtless, but would strive to make his lot as easy as possible during the remaining time, though realizing that whatever measures were taken would only palliate but not cure. Meanwhile, it should be made clear to the person that there is a spiritual reason for disease and that esoteric investigations have established the fact that a materialistic conception of life in a previous embodiment is a fruitful source of just such a condition as this one, for by the thought that death ends all, the materialist gradually puts himself out of tune with all activities in the spiritual world. When he enters the Second Heaven where the archetypes of new bodies are built, he puts all his crystallizing thoughts into the new vehicle, which is then born under the hardening rays of Saturn, who in some way obstructs the life- giving Sun. If such a patient can be taught to believe this and become a devoted Christian, he will be saved a similar fate in a future life.

XVI: The Heart
No. 5A: The Heart

   Female, born October 16, 1907, 2:00 P.M.

  Aquarius, a fixed and airy sign, is on the Ascendant. The fiery planet Mars is just above the cusp in the 12th house, and the plastic and watery Moon is in the same sign in the first house. This gave this young woman a very strange nature, for there is a great difference between the temperaments given by the Moon and Mars. Mars on the Ascendant afflicted by a parallel to the ruler, the impulsive Uranus, gave the native a very impulsive nature. It indicates one who would fly into a fit of rage at the least provocation. The two natures given by Mars and the Moon were continually at war with each other, the one impulsive, energetic, dynamic, and the other restless, plastic, and changeable. The Moon, however, is trine to the Sun, which gave a soft, peaceable, kindly nature, directly opposed to the martial temperament. The restless, critical Mercury is placed near the Midheaven in the martial sign of Scorpio; this added to the temper.

   Planets when situated in angles and in fixed signs, as are several in this horoscope, have a larger orb than otherwise, and we give eight degrees or a little more to the major planets in such cases. We would consider —

Birth Chart No. 5A

— Jupiter here to be in opposition to Mars. Venus is in square aspect to Mars, and Mercury is parallel to Venus and square to Jupiter. With Venus ruling the venous blood and Jupiter the arterial blood, both being afflicted by Mars and Jupiter by Mercury also, this young woman suffered from restricted circulation, especially due to the fact that the afflictions are all from fixed signs and angles, which affected the action of the heart. With her high-strung, nervous temperament and uncontrolled fits of temper she precipitated an attack of heart trouble each time she permitted herself to be ruled by this emotion.

   There are also indications of in harmony in the home, for we find the rulers of the 10th and 4th houses, Venus and Mars, in square aspect. Mars is also the ruler of the 3rd house, which stands for sisters and brothers. The above aspect would indicate that this young girl was greatly domineered by those in the home, and being of a very impulsive and dominant nature herself, this provoked much display of temper, which was very injurious to the health of one with the above planetary configurations.

   In 1917 the progressed Sun reached the square to the radical Mars, while the progressed Mars was in conjunction with the Ascendant. The result was that a chronic condition of heart trouble set in which slowly led to dropsy, for restricted heart action frequently bring about other complications. The doctors, unfortunately, were unable to diagnose the disease correctly, and she was treated for Bright's disease. In 1921 the progressed Moon reached the opposition to its radical place at birth. This opposition usually marks the beginning of puberty, and is sometimes a critical period for young girls, especially when Venus and Jupiter are both afflicted. When the Moon passed through Leo, the sign of the heart, while making the opposition to its radical place, it aggravated the dropsy, for the Moon in Leo or Aquarius has a tendency to cause dropsy in a patient suffering with heart trouble.

   Uranus, the planet of impulse and the higher octave of Venus, which also has an influence over the circulatory system, is in opposition to Neptune in Cancer, the sign ruling the stomach. Neptune is in the 6th house, health; this would indicate that there was trouble with the digestive organs and an abnormal desire for indigestible food.

   The young woman's parents called upon Headquarters for healing after the doctors had given her up. They were told that the case was hopeless; she passed out three weeks after she was put on our healing list. The case was an incurable one when it reached our hands. She died in February, 1921. We may here see how powerful afflictions are and how difficult to over some when they are from fixed signs and in the angles. This was truly a debt of destiny which this soul was called upon to pay, and it was beyond the power of the Invisible Helpers.

No. 5B: Heart; Kidneys

   Male, born October 25, 1862, at 5:20 A.M.

We will use here the horoscope of a man with Libra on the Ascendant and cardinal signs on all the angles. The planet of obstruction, Saturn, is exalted in Libra, and is placed in the twelfth house. Saturn is in opposition to Mars and Neptune. Mars and Neptune are in conjunction and parallel with each other. We have here three malefic planets, one in the 12th house, ruling hospitals, and two in the 6th house, the house of sickness. The twelfth and the sixth houses are very dangerous positions for planets afflicting each other by opposition.

   Saturn in Libra, when afflicted, causes obstruction of the renal secretions, and lack of these secretions disturbs the chemical laboratory of the kidneys. Poisons are thrown off by the blood after it passes through the renal arteries to the kidneys, where it is purified and undergoes a thorough filtering process, leaving its poisons such as urea, phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid, potash, lime, and other refuse matter which it has taken from the food.

   If the kidneys are healthy, these organs receive enough water from the flood to dissolve these poisonous secretions, which are then washed out from the kidneys as urine. But in a case such as we have for our diagnosis, where Saturn is afflicted in Libra, this washing out is not fully accomplished. The kidneys retain some of these poisonous secretions, which become hardened mineral matter. In course of time a hardening process develops and the kidneys refuse to function properly. The result is that the —

Birth Chart No. 5B

— blood is not purified, and this mineral matter is lodged in the blood vessels, which become clogged, and the circulation becomes impaired.

   The eyes are closely allied with the kidneys, and when the latter organs are sluggish and filled with mineral matter, the eyesight becomes impaired.

   People with Mars in Aries have a desire to drink much liquid, as in the case of this man, who was afflicted with an unquenchable thirst. As the kidneys were not able to extract the excess water from the blood, this liquid, which was not eliminated through the skin, remained in the blood, and in time the man suffered from palpitation of the heart and dropsy. his case was diagnosed by the doctors as heart disease. People suffering with this affliction have very scanty and very highly colored urine.

   If a case of this kind is taken in time, the kidneys can be flushed and the poisons eliminated by a proper diet. String beans, carrots, asparagus, and tomatoes are most helpful in stimulating the kidneys and assisting in the elimination of water. Onions are astringents, and where there is an excess of urine, the onion will regulate it. Therefore it is very necessary that the vegetables be properly chosen to work against and not with the disease.

No. 5C: The Heart

   Male, born October 6th, 1855, 1:00 A.M.

   Well may we say of the soul whose destiny we read through this mystic scroll that his work in the past followed him. He hewed a path for himself, and chose one that was rough and rocky. His was the path of a leader of men, for he had the sign of Leo on the Ascendant, with the Moon in conjunction with Mars and the Ascendant and sextile to the ruler, the Sun. He also —

Birth Chart No. 5C

— had fixed signs on the four angles and five planets therein. This is the sign of a strong soul, a man who will never lean on anyone, but who will be a doer, a lifter; as such he spent his life. This was a man who carried his cross willingly and who bore the stripes of the cruelties of the world uncomplainingly. One with such signs on the angles and with the planets as strongly placed as in this horoscope and afflicting one another surely finds his life full of lessons, and many responsibilities are placed upon him.

   In his home he was most unhappy, as we see from Mercury in conjunction with the Dragon's Tail in Scorpio in the 4th house. This indicates that the wife was a nagger and a scold. Mercury in Scorpio shows that the wife would never permit the husband to have a moment's peace. Then we find Saturn in Cancer. Cancer is the natural fourth house sign. Saturn is square to Venus, again indicating a masterful and discordant marriage partner. With Jupiter in the seventh house, in opposition to the Moon and mars and square to Uranus, marriage and partnership are shown to be accompanied by many trials and much opposition.

   In spite of all this we find that this man achieved quite a fortune, did a big work, and made many friends. He was a leader in Masonry, where he did many kind acts, helping the widow and orphan generously with his money. He was deeply interested in prison work and also in esoteric studies. Neptune in Pisces, sextile to Uranus, shows his interest in esotericism, but both these planets are retrograde, which brought him all kinds of restrictions. He was never free to follow his higher ideals.

   With his many crosses, hard work, and disappointments he developed heart trouble of a very serious nature, and for years he used heart stimulants so as to keep at his work. He never allowed his physical sufferings to interfere with his business, however, which was of a very responsible nature, with many branches scattered over a large pat of America; also he had many men under him. With leakage of the valves of the heart and in spite of the resulting suffering he lived to the ripe old age of seventy years. We may see from this that the will can be used to overcome and that man is truly the master of his fate. Had this man had Virgo on the Ascendant or some other sign less strong than Leo, together with the afflictions from fixed signs, he would have become a confirmed invalid or have passed out as a young man. Hence we may see that "the wise man rules his stars; the fool is ruled by them."

No. 5D: Heart Disease

   Male, born September 12, 1858, 8:15 A.M.

Our first concern when diagnosing this horoscope is to ascertain the mental caliber of the patient. Jupiter placed in the house of the higher mind and Mars near the cusp of the house of the lower mind are in opposition, also square to the Sun and Mercury, a fact which stamps the native as a pessimist of an irritable nature. This is accentuated by the opposition of mercury to Neptune, the lower mind being out of tune with all spiritual concepts. Saturn square Venus prevents the native from seeing the beauty of life. As these adverse testimonies are only counterbalanced by the Moon sextile Mercury and the Sun, and trine Neptune, we may conclude that this person is in a sad state and needs all the help and cheer it is possible to bring him. We are afraid that even the best efforts will avail little against such a barrier of pessimism as he has built around himself.

   Regarding the disease to which he is subject, the cold hand of Saturn in Leo shows us the obstructed heart action, and the consequent sluggish circulation is designated by the square of Saturn to Venus and the square of the Sun and Mercury to Jupiter, for Jupiter and Venus govern the arterial and venous circulations respectively. Uranus sextile Saturn produces a spasmodic action felt as a fluttering of the heart; and being posited in Gemini he also imparts a spasmodic motion to the lungs, making it at times difficult for the patient to breathe, though the condition is not so well defined as in asthma. The affliction of the Sun and Mercury in Virgo —

Birth Chart No. 5D

— opposition Neptune indicates intestinal trouble. The affliction of the Sun and Mercury by Jupiter and Mars from the houses of travel, also the opposition of the last named planets, show a predisposition to accidents, especially when on a journey. With this phase of the indications we are not, however, concerned at the present time.

   We may bend our efforts to accelerate the action of the heart and promote impaired digestion in order to give the person relief and a brighter outlook upon life. As Saturn controls the pneumogastric nerve, his presence in Leo shows us that this is the principal set of the trouble, for his nerve inhibits the heart action and acts also upon other vital organs. It is difficult to reach this nerve in an efficient manner when we are clothed in our dense bodies. But the conscientious Rosicrucian health adjuster has other means at his disposal, for his Obligation to himself taken before the Elder Brothers enables him to work upon his patients during the hours when his body is sleeping. And he is taught how he may materialize fingers inside the body of the ailing and thus give the needed help to remove obstructions, growths, etc.; yes, even to adjust displaced bones. We receive many letters at Headquarters from patients who sense the presence of the Invisible Helpers and the withdrawal of hands from their bodies at the moment when they awake.

   The best method to treat such a case as this would be for the healer to thoroughly impress upon his or her mind where the seat of the malady is to be found, physiologically and astrologically. Then after retrospection in the evening say, "Now, I will go to help my patient under the direction of the Elder Brothers," letting that be the last waking thought.

   The healer best fitted to take charge of this case would be one whose rising sign is in harmony with Libra. Aquarius would be the first choice and Gemini the second. It is further required that he or she should not have Saturn in Libra or Pisces.

No. 5E: The Heart

   Female, born September 18, 1854, 10:00 A.M.

Here we have a horoscope with the energetic, active, and aggressive sign of Scorpio on the Ascendant, with the life ruler, Mars, in the 1st house within orb of the Ascendant and in its own sign, where a planet has the greatest power either for good or evil. In the case of this woman this martial energy is dissipated and not kept under control, for the planet Mars is in opposition to the erratic and impulsive Uranus which is posited in the 7th house in the fixed sign of Taurus where it is in its fall and therefore apt to show its evil side. The combined influence of Mars and Uranus, both being planets of impulse, acts like a fire fanned by the wind which has got beyond control.

   We find the water Moon near the Midheaven in the hot, fiery, and fixed sign of Leo, and this planet is in square aspect to both the above planets of impulse. Fire in contact with water generates steam. This affliction of the planets of fire to the watery and emotional Moon has a similar effect upon the mind of this woman. Mars in Scorpio afflicted and on the Ascendant —

Birth Chart No. 5E

— gives an uncontrolled temper, showing a woman who would fly into a rage at the least provocation and this anger is apt to be directed toward the marriage partner. If we place a kettle of water on a fire which is kept fanned into a red heat, in time the water boils down, the bottom of the kettle becomes dry and burns out. In this state we find this woman. For years she has created such a nervous and emotional environment about her in her home that the poor heart has been burned and scorched, for the Moon afflicted in Leo indicates that the heart has been under a great strain. The result is that in the year 1916 when the progressed Moon reached the conjunction of the radical Mars in the 1st house and later the opposition of Uranus in the 7th house (indicating the husband), domestic relations reached a critical point. With the progressed Venus, Mercury, Sun, and Moon all transiting the 1st house and in the martial sign of Scorpio, the resulting fiery emotions were too much for the body, and the poor woman lost all control of herself. She wanted to cry all the time, she could not digest her food, and would often swoon away with heart trouble.

   There is, however, another cause for this physical break. We find a wonderfully strong and well fortified Neptune in its own sign of Pisces in the esoteric 4th house, in sextile to Jupiter and Uranus and trine to Mars. These aspects, especially the sextile between the two esoteric planets, Neptune and Uranus, ordinarily give a strong desire for development along mystical lines and would cause one to develop rapidly. But Neptune is making a square to Saturn, and Uranus is square to the Moon. Evil aspects between planets as well as good will bring development but the development is of a different nature.

   As we have often stated in our lessons, anger and evil emotions are much more injurious to a person who is endeavoring to live the higher life than if he were content to drift and be of the earth earthy. Each time that this woman gave way to her anger she set in motion a counter-clockwise vibration, a fire that burned up the spiritual life that had been awakened, and the poor body could not stand the strain. She cannot long continue placing this strain upon the heart, for with the squares and opposition of Mars, Moon, and Uranus from angles and fixed signs, the heart will not be able to stand the strain and death may be very sudden.

XVII: The Stomach
No. 6A: Stomach Trouble and Tuberculosis

  In the diagnosis of disease by the science of the stars it is sometimes most difficult to know in what direction the afflictions may work. For instance, we have so often written of the sinister effects of Saturn in Cancer, the sign which has rule over the stomach. When he afflicts in this sign he robs the stomach of its gastric juice, which is necessary for the digestion of the food. Saturn in this place has also a tendency to create a desire for unhealthful foods and leads to the excessive use of cream, sugar, desserts, etc. But in this lesson and the next we will endeavor to show how Saturn when placed in the opposite sign, Capricorn — in which Saturn is at home and where his influence is much more subtle and malevolent than when he is in the sign of Cancer — has similar effects.

   We will use two horoscopes by which we will show the effects of Saturn in Capricorn whereby diseases are produced of vastly different natures. We will first use horoscope 6A, which is that of a man born February 19, 1902, 3:00 P.M.

   We find Saturn in 23-21 of Capricorn in the 6th house which has rule over the health. Saturn is in opposition to the Moon. This last named planet is in its own sign of Cancer, the sign ruling the stomach. The Moon is also in opposition to Jupiter. When Jupiter has any connection with signs or —

Birth Chart No. 6A

— planets which rule the appetite, he creates a desire for food in large quantities. Whatever Jupiter does must be on a big scale; with the Moon and Jupiter in opposition we may look for the gourmand.

   With Saturn afflicted in Capricorn the gastric juice of the stomach is sluggish, and we may expect trouble in the digestion of the food.

   If the stomach is filled with an excess of rich food, the man will receive nourishment from only that part which the stomach can digest. The blood is carried to the lungs to be oxygenated. Oxygenation is to the body what the draft is to the stove. If we shut off the draft, we smother and kill the fire, and so it is in the body. If man stops breathing, he dies. In shallow breathing the lungs are not able to supply sufficient oxygen for warmth and energy, and they do not exhale all the carbon dioxide.

   In this horoscope we find Neptune in Gemini. Gemini has rule over the lungs. Neptune is on the cusp of the 12th house in opposition to Uranus in the 5th house in Sagittarius. Uranus and Neptune when afflicted indicate a nervous, cramping, spasmodic action. Neptune here indicates that the capillaries of the lungs were incapable of taking the amount of oxygen necessary to oxygenate the blood. Consequently the carbon dioxide formed faster than the lungs were able to exhale it. The result was that poison was stored up in the system. The nerve cells became weak and sluggish, and little by little the body became lowered in resistive power; the weakest organ was then unable to keep up with its work. The bellows of the body, the lungs, in the case of this man were unable to inhale enough air to burn up the poisons. The result was the lungs became diseased and tuberculosis set in.

   People with planets afflicted in common signs are frequently susceptible to tuberculosis. With the Sun and Mars in conjunction in Pisces, and with Uranus in Sagittarius in opposition to Neptune in Gemini — Pisces, Sagittarius, and Gemini being common signs — the lungs as a consequence attracted the impurities. hence we can see that Saturn in either Cancer or Capricorn may be the direct cause of disease which expresses itself in another sign.

   Three years ago this man began to suffer with stomach trouble, which has now been followed by tuberculosis of the lungs, a disease which had its beginning in wrong eating. It can at this stage be cured by a very carefully chosen diet of raw vegetables and fruits and very little protein.

   We will in our next lesson take up Horoscope 6B, which has Saturn in Capricorn, but which has its outcome in a quite different disease.

No. 6B
Stomach Trouble and Inflammation of Kidneys

   Horoscope 6B is that of a man born February 26, 1871, 4 P.M.

This will be a continuation of the lesson on the effect of Saturn in Capricorn, showing how this planet may express its evil side through the planet which it aspects adversely.

   We find Saturn, the planet of obstruction, in the sign of Capricorn, a cardinal sign. Signs of the like nature, especially the cardinal signs, have an affinity for one another and respond to afflictions more readily on that account. In this horoscope Saturn is in Capricorn, square to Mars in Libra, both cardinal signs. Libra rules the kidneys and the little ducts leading from the kidneys to the bladder, the ureters. Where we find Mars afflicted we may look for heat and excessive action. Saturn in Capricorn gives tendencies similar to those which he gives in Cancer — perverted tastes, desire for strange and unnatural foods, and a liking for sugar, pastries, etc.

   Saturn in Capricorn also obstructs the flow of the gastric juices in the stomach, hence we can see why people with an afflicted Saturn in tropic or cardinal signs, namely, Capricorn or Cancer, are often afflicted with indigestion, rheumatism, uric acid deposits, etc. When we find the inflammatory Mars in the cardinal sign of Libra, square to Saturn in Capricorn, we may expect that the poisonous elements which are left undigested to ferment in the stomach will lodge in the kidneys, creating highly acid urine, which causes inflammation in the kidneys and ureters.

Birth Chart No. 6B

   In this horoscope we find the Moon in Gemini, square to the Sun in Pisces. Gemini and Pisces, being common signs, here obstruct the oxygenation of the blood and interfere with its purification, hence more impurities are sent to the kidneys from this source. Thus we may see the similarity of causes in this horoscope and horoscope 6A, although the results are not the same.

   This man should be placed on a milk diet for several weeks, and after the kidneys have been purified by this system of flushing, he should eliminate all highly seasoned and most starchy foods from his diet.

No. 6C: The Pylorus

   Female, born March 29, 1909, 1:30 P.M.

We find that this girl has a very bright mind, with Mercury, the mental planet in sextile aspect to the quick-witted and active planets, Mars and Uranus, in the sign of Capricorn which gives stability and balance, bringing the saturnine influence to bear upon the impulse and quick wit of the last two planets. Mercury is also making a trine to the Moon which is in its own sign of Cancer. But we find much that is dangerous in this active mentality should the parents allow this child to take up the dangerous fads of mystic writing such as the planchette, ouija board, etc. Saturn in the sign of the head, Aries, in square aspect to the mystical planet Neptune, Neptune being in conjunction with the Moon, and the Moon in opposition to Uranus and mars from the 12th to the 6th house, show that some time in life, if the parents are not careful this girl may suffer through insanity or spirit obsession.

Birth Chart No. 6C

   This horoscope has another affliction which makes it a very interesting figure for diagnosis. The Moon is in the sign of Cancer, the stomach, in opposition to the inflammatory Mars and the nervous and contracting Uranus which has a tendency to disturb digestion and create gas in the stomach, also inflammation of the mucous membrane. Uranus is airy, the Moon watery, Mars fiery. In order to illustrate the effect of these three planets upon one another, we kindle a fire, allow a strong breeze to blow upon it, and after it is in full blaze pour water upon it; this will describe to a certain extent the effect of these three planets when acting upon the stomach. Every bit of food that was taken into the stomach created a disturbance. This child rarely tasted food without having great distress, nausea, and vomiting; nothing could be retained in the stomach. She was afflicted in this manner even from birth. At the age of eight years she was operated upon by the doctors, who diagnosed her trouble as being in the cardiac orifice, saying that this was too small. But the patient received no relief from this operation.

   If the physician could only have reasoned that the vomiting and disturbance when food was in the stomach could not have been caused by a defect in the entrance of the stomach but by another cause deeper down in the organ! Astrology tells us that Saturn in square to Neptune indicates malformation, undersize. if these two planets had been in the first pat of the sign of Cancer or the last degrees of Gemini, it would have indicated the cardiac orifice, but we find that the Moon is in 22 degrees of Cancer, showing that it was nearer the lower part of the organ. Mars and Uranus indicate involuntary muscular action. Mars, when afflicting the Moon, shows nausea, and Uranus, when afflicting the Moon, causes contraction. Thus we see indications that there were involuntary muscular action and contraction which caused nausea. But why should the food be thrown back out of the stomach? as the child could retain nothing. We find an undersized pylorus, an undersized outlet. After the food was in the stomach it could not be passed into the intestines in the proper manner, and there being also insufficient mucous membrane, there was faulty digestion. Naturally vomiting would be the result.

   In such a case it would have been difficult to cure this young woman without an operation, but instead of operating upon the cardiac orifice, the doctors should have observed the pylorus and watched the action in this part of the stomach.

No. 6D: Stomach and Kidney Trouble

   Female, born January 23, 1886, 4:00 A.M.

A number of operations have been performed in the abdominal region of this patient, and she has gone from one doctor to another until now she is a physical and mental wreck.

   When we trace these effects back to their primal cause, we come to Saturn in Cancer, the sign which rules the stomach. It is our experience that most people who have Saturn in this position are mincers and peculiar in their choice of food. Saturn in this horoscope is square to Jupiter, the planet of self-indulgence, and to Uranus, the planet of spasmodic and irregular action. Thus Saturn causes this person to indulge unduly her desire for good things to eat.

   Uranus and Jupiter in the sign Libra, which rules the kidneys, square to Saturn, the planet of obstruction, show that after the system has been filled with food which it cannot assimilate, the kidneys are unable to eliminate the waste products. Thus there is a general clogging of the system with toxins and poisons of all kinds. Then the hot and fiery Mars placed in Virgo, the sign ruling the intestines, lights the fire of inflammation in order to cleanse the system. As the native's will power is not particularly strong on account of the weak sign Sagittarius rising, she is easily persuaded to undergo operations rather than undertake a reform in her ways of living which would bring about an amelioration of her condition even at this late hour.

   If is very sad to say that this is the case with a great many people. They are sometimes ready to admit being gluttons when the fact is shown —

Birth Chart No. 6D

— them, but in most cases they think they are models of self-control as far as the appetite is concerned even when they admit that they are eating the wrong food. We have had a number of cases, however, where they admitted this but claimed absolute inability to overcome the fault and curb their appetite. The person whose horoscope we are considering was not exception to the general rule, and therefore all our efforts to aid her were in vain. She would not even expend the energy necessary to keep up the weekly letters required of patients. In such cases there is of course nothing to do but to leave the patient to his own resources until he learns his lesson — if not in this life, then in some other one.

XVIII: The Kidneys
No. 7A: The Kidneys

   Male, born March 14, 1892.

The horoscope which we will use here is a flat figure. The hour of birth is not known, but in astro-diagnosis it is not necessary that we have the hour of birth unless we are looking for a crisis. We must then take into consideration the exact degree of the progressed Moon and its aspects, also the transiting planets; but the natural tendencies as to temperament and morals, also the organic weaknesses are shown by the radical planets, which give the astrologer they key to the health of the native, although if one has the rising sign to show the will and the strength it is a help. Certain signs such as Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius will overcome and fight off a disease where most of the feminine signs, especially Taurus and Virgo have not the will power to rise above physical conditions. Of the common signs the sign of Gemini is the best able to control physical ailments.

   In this horoscope we find the Sun, the life-giver, in the common and negative sign of Pisces. The Sun is afflicted by an opposition and parallel of the destructive Saturn. Here we have at the beginning an indication of low vitality. Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces and having rule over the —

Birth Chart No. 7A

— arterial blood is in its own sign in conjunction with the Sun and in opposition to Saturn. This opposition tends to lower the vitality, for if the blood stream is stagnant, the entire body must suffer. We find Venus, the planet having rule over the venous blood, in its own home in Taurus where this planet is strong. Venus is afflicted by the opposition and parallel of Uranus. This will increase the ill effects of Jupiter and the Sun afflicted by Saturn. With the afflicting influence of Saturn from Virgo, the sign which has rule over the small intestines, we may expect impaired assimilation of food.

   We find the Moon in opposition and parallel to Jupiter and square to Mars. These aspects coupled with Venus in Taurus in opposition to Uranus in Scorpio would indicate that sensual pleasures have ruled this young man and that his health was quickly shattered. Uranus in Scorpio in opposition to Venus indicates indiscretion regarding the sacred generative function, and at the age of sixteen when the progressed Moon had reached the conjunction of Venus and the opposition of Uranus, he contracted the dread disease of syphilis. Although later seemingly cured, yet the powerful compounds such as those of mercury and the various remedies used by medical science to combat this disease left their destructive influence in the blood, and tuberculosis of the kidneys set in. This is shown by the Moon in the sign of Libra, ruling the kidneys, square to Mars, in opposition and parallel to Jupiter, and in opposition to Mercury.

   This young man entered the medical profession. Later he was operated on and had one of his kidneys removed, which was found to be hollow. The doctors diagnosed his condition as tuberculosis of the kidneys.

   He passed out at the age of twenty-eight. When he reached that year, we note that the progressed Moon had finished its cycle and had again reached its place at birth in Libra, and the progressed Jupiter had reached the opposition to the radical and progressed Moon. The time when the Moon has made the circle of the whole horoscope and reached its place at birth is a critical time, and frequently when the Moon is afflicted in the radical figure, this is a time of illness and one in which the native is faced with many trials.

No. 7B: Kidneys and Mastoiditis

   Male, born May 8th, 1865, at 1:45 A.M.

This horoscope has the fixed sign of Aquarius on the Ascendant, with the Sun in the fixed sing of Taurus and in conjunction with Venus and Mercury. The Sun is also sextile to Mars. Jupiter, the planet of opulence and benevolence, is in the 10th house in its own sign of Sagittarius. These positions and aspects of the Sun and Jupiter indicate one who is a great lover of humanity, a man who is very generous financially and very ready to go out of his way for others, even sacrificing his own comfort if he finds anyone whom he can relieve of suffering or shield from harm. But we find Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn all retrograde. This indicates that the man will find difficulty in realizing his ideals and in doing as much good as his heart dictates, for retrograde planets indicate latent talents, possibilities, and opportunities.

   Ability for earning money is very marked. This man is also a liberal spender, having Venus in its own sign, and house — Taurus and the second house — in conjunction with the Sun and sextile to Mars. Whatever he does must be done on a large and generous scale. He is a good entertainer also and a good liver, for the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Taurus, sextile to Mars in Cancer, and Taurus ruling the palate, give a desire for good things to eat and plenty of them. Likewise does Mars in Cancer, sextile to Venus and the Sun, desire rich, highly seasoned foods and in large quantities.

   With Mars in the 5th house this man loves to share with his friends. But while this generosity may have been good for others and he has made people —

Birth Chart No. 7B

— happy by tickling their palates, the result has been disastrous to himself. His health could not withstand the onslaughts made upon the body by high living.

   To find in what part of the body the damage done by excess of food will show, we look for the strongest afflictions. We find Mars in Cancer, ruling the stomach, square to the Moon and Saturn, which are in the sign of Libra, Libra having rule over the kidneys. We also find Saturn in conjunction with and parallel to the Moon. The Moon rules the white fluids of the body and the lymph. Saturn being the afflicter would as a result resist the free flow of these fluids. As Jupiter, the planet ruling the arterial blood, is in its own sign of Sagittarius, near the Midheaven, in opposition to the nervous, excitable, and spasmodic Uranus in the Mercurial sign of Gemini, and as Mars is parallel to both Jupiter and Uranus, we find an obstructed arterial circulation with the lymphatic circulation also impaired.

   When the man is continually breaking the laws of health by excessive eating, we may expect that the break must come some time. In 1906 while the progressed Sun was in conjunction with the radical Uranus in Gemini and the progressed Moon was making a square to Mars and an opposition to both the Moon and Saturn radical, this man was taken down with a severe attack of pneumonia. In 1907 the progressed Sun reached the opposition to the radical Jupiter. This was followed in 1912 by the progressed Moon in conjunction with the radical Mars in Cancer. During that same year the progressed Moon afflicted by square its own place at birth and the radical Saturn, both in Libra. This brought on a severe attack of kidney trouble and constriction in the ureters, which interfered with the waste water passing from the kidneys to the bladder.

   At the age of thirteen, when the progressed Moon had reached the sign of Aries, and during its transit through this sign, it came to a conjunction with the radical Neptune, an opposition to the radical Moon and Saturn, a square to Mars, and a conjunction with the Dragon's Tail. This brought on trouble with the ears and continual headaches and earaches. When the Moon reached the conjunction with the radical Mercury and the retrograde progressed Venus in Taurus, inflammation of the mastoid cells developed. The doctors operated on the mastoid bone twice, draining the pus which had formed in the mastoid cavity. These operations left the patient with a chronic headache and impaired nerves.

   If this man had been taught that he should eat to live instead of living to eat he might have been saved much suffering.

No. 7C: General Breakdown

   Female, born April 19, 1888, 4:30 P.M.

Judging the mind first as usual, we find that Mercury is in conjunction with Venus and trine to the Moon and Jupiter in fiery signs. Thus all the three significators of mind may be said to be in trine. Jupiter is in a measure concerned in the mental makeup because he is ruler of the ninth sign, Sagittarius, and from him come the benevolent impulses which are gradually lifting humanity from savagery through civilization to sainthood.

   It is at once apparent that we have here a person of unusually fine mentality. Even the conjunction of Saturn with the Moon is very beneficial, for as we have often said before, the nature of Saturn is obstruction, and when he lays his restraining hand upon Mercury or the Moon, it helps to steady the flighty mind and gives power of concentration. At the same time, of course, there is a tendency to melancholy connected with any of the aspects of Saturn to the significators of mind. Therefore it may be said that those who have the greatest and deepest minds are usually of a sad disposition.

   This woman is not of a deliberative nature, however. She does not moan her days away over the sorrows and sufferings of the world for there are cardinal signs upon the angles and Mars is conjunction Uranus in the first house. This gives here a very impulsive and restless nature. She has the mind to see where reforms are needed, but the nature of her effort to carry out these reforms depends upon her station in life, with which we are not acquainted. If she had been born into a broad environment where wealth, —

Birth Chart No. 7C

— position, and influence were at her command, she would have been a powerful factor, felt in a wide sphere; but if she was born in a financially cramped environment, she would be correspondingly hampered by its circumstances. However, no matter where she is her influence is bound to be felt, and she will endeavor to revolutionize things with the inevitable result that she will wear herself out in her efforts for improvement.

   As a chain always breaks at the point where the weakest link is found, so it is also with the human life. Uranus, the planet of spasmodic, uncontrolled action is in opposition to Mercury, the planet which governs the cerebro-spinal system, showing that there will be a nervous breakdown whenever great strain is put upon the body. Saturn, the planet of obstruction, is in conjunction with the Moon in the sign that governs the heart, Leo, and it is square to the Sun, ruler of Leo. Thus it is evident that the heart action is very poor and there is an inability to specialize the vital force from the Sun, also a poor circulation. In fact, the chart shows the possibility of a condition which can only be described as a general breakdown from overwork and nervous tension, affecting every organ in the body, for Uranus and Mars in Libra will interfere with the action of the kidneys, the Sun afflicted in Taurus will act upon the throat, and the rectal elimination, governed by Scorpio, will be interfered with. This condition has finally materialized.

   It is almost needless to say that in such a case as this, absolute rest, mental and physical, is necessary, preferably on a diet of fruits, for it is very detrimental to force food into a system that is in such a shape as this one. An Aquarian nurse whose Saturn is not in Libra or Pisces would have a quieting and beneficial influence. But even though relief is given and a cure effected, persons with this nature and temperament are bound to work themselves to death some time sooner or later. Nothing that one can say or do to educate them to the fact that they should take things quietly in order that they may last will have any effect, for the spasmodic urge of Uranus and the dynamic energy of Mars on the Ascendant will outweigh any consideration because there are cardinal signs on the angles. This woman is bound to work even if she knew that she would drop dead the next minute. There is no doubt, however, that she is bound to benefit very much in soul growth even if the body is destroyed in the process.

No. 7D: Renal Calculi

   Male, born September 21, 1863, noon.

In this horoscope Saturn is in conjunction with Mars and Venus. Neptune is in opposition to all three, and the Moon is square Saturn and Venus. Mars, the planet of impulse, causes the native to see red on the slightest provocation, and were he left alone there would be absolutely no chance of restraining him save by putting him in a straight-jacket, particularly as the Sun is square Uranus, which would intensify the impulsiveness and obliterate reason. But the saturnine ray is sufficiently effectual to wet-blanket most of the erratic tendencies for he is in the sign of his exaltation, Libra, and highly elevated.

   Mercury in conjunction with Jupiter, both elevated and in trine to Uranus, shows us that there is a wholesome, kindly, and religious side to the mind. From Mars comes the readiness to take offense even where no reasonable ground for it exists; Saturn will cause the native to brood over injuries whether they be real or fancied; but Jupiter will endeavor to instill charity and judgment. It is apparent, however, that the forces which tend to accentuate the evil side of the nature are the strongest and that it is a hard and uphill fight for the higher nature.

   Saturn in the first part of Libra, the sign ruling the kidneys, acts in such a manner that the secretion of urine is obstructed. Mars there causes inflammation. The conjunction of Saturn with Venus, the latter governing the venous circulation, reveals the fact that the branch of the portal system which conducts the blood from the kidneys is obstructed, and the square —

Birth Chart No. 7D

— of Saturn to the Moon diminishes the amount of urine secreted. Neptune in opposition to Saturn shows clearly a mental cause, irritability and worry, interfering with nerve action. Thus renal calculi are formed, and the person is subject to one of the most painful maladies imaginable.

   To help a person of this nature we must invoke the aid of Jupiter and Mercury trine Uranus. Mars is the great energizer that impels to action, but Saturn in conjunction puts a damper on him, and the native becomes indolent, averse to the exercise generally enjoyed by the Sagittarians. We must therefore wake the native up to the urgent necessity for exercise and plenty of it. The Moon in Capricorn acts in the opposite sign, Cancer, ruling the stomach, and because it squares Saturn in Libra, the sign of the kidneys, it interferes with the secretion of urine. Hence the necessity for the regulation of the diet. Nothing of an irritating or unduly stimulating nature should be eaten.

   The best healer for this person would be one who has Leo rising, as that is in harmony with Sagittarius. Aries is second choice for the reason that an Arian may be too rough and arouse antagonism without so intending. Neither should have Saturn in Sagittarius or Taurus, these being on the cusps of the patient's first and sixth houses respectively.

No. 7E: Renal Circulation

   Female, born March 24, 1845, 5:06 A.M.

In judging the case presented in this horoscope our first care, as usual, is to find out what sort of mental quality this person has, for always we must remember that the mind is the maker of the body. Therefore the wisest doctors now use harmless pills and helpful suggestions.

   Mercury and the Moon, the two particular significators in respect to mind, are in opposition. The Moon is also in opposition to the Sun, Jupiter, and Uranus. Mars is square to the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, and Uranus. Thus the person is extremely erratic, vacillating, and torn between different purposes. There is only one redeeming feature, namely, Saturn trine the Moon and sextile Jupiter. Were it not for these aspects, which steady the mind, the native would likely have gone insane. Take now in conjunction with the foregoing remarks the fact that four common signs are on the angles and you will understand that she is extremely difficult to handle mentally. She is one of those unfortunate weaklings afflicted with a wishbone instead of a backbone. The Sun square Mars makes her impulsive, also the adverse aspects from cardinal signs give a certain surplus energy which manifests as impulse. But she lacks the persistence to carry out her impetuous designs.

   The affliction of Jupiter indicates faulty circulation, and naturally we judge the presence of Saturn in Aquarius as an indication of obstruction in that place, for the diseases to which the human body is heir are found in the weakest spot, and Saturn usually marks this. Aquarius governs the lower —

Birth Chart No. 7E

— limbs, and the presence of Saturn there shows us that the obstruction of the circulation is at work in that region. Moreover, Mars has progressed to the conjunction of Saturn in Aquarius, and both are in the twelfth house, the house which indicates confinement. Therefore we may judge that the person is afflicted with a severe case of impeded circulation, and it is no surprise to learn that her legs are numb and cold, that she cannot use them properly, and that she is confined to her bed on that account.

   The Moon in Libra, which rules the kidneys, and her opposition to Jupiter shows that the renal circulation is out of order, and the presence of so many planets in Aries, which governs the head, is a sure indication that there is a riot of conflicting forces there. Thus because of the afflictions of these planets we have a case of sleeplessness, extreme nervousness, and the irritability given by Uranus. The blood runs riot in the upper part of the body, and there is too little in the lower.

   As the native is well along in years there is not much to build upon, but an effort should nevertheless be made to stimulate the kidneys. The secretion of urine is often totally stopped by the opposition of Uranus, Mercury, and Jupiter to the Moon in Libra. This leaves deposits of poison in the system, and as long as these are not eliminated the person will be weighted down by a heavy and sluggish feeling which makes the body seem as if it were made of lead. Great care should be taken to soothe and calm this woman as every bit of anger or irritability makes elimination more difficult and causes more poison to collect in the system. A healer who has Scorpio rising and who does not have Saturn in Aquarius, Pisces, or Leo would have a beneficial effect.

No. 7F: Bladder Trouble

   Female, born October 21, 1886, 11:00 A.M.

When we note that the Moon and Mercury, which are significators of the mind, are squaring each other from fixed signs, it is at once evident that this patient will be rather set in her opinions and on that account difficult to handle. A person with Leo or Aries rising whose Saturn is not in Gemini would probably have the best success in making her obey orders. Saturn, the planet of obstruction, in Cancer, the sign which rules the stomach, shows that the digestion is poor, and his square to the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus placed in the sign Libra, which rules the kidneys, indicates that there is difficulty in the removal of the waste material through these organs. The Sun being close to the cusp of Scorpio, the sign which rules the rectum, further accentuates the trouble of elimination, showing that the person is subject to constipation.

   It should be noted that when the significator of bladder trouble is in the fore part of the sign Libra, the difficulty will usually be found in the kidneys themselves, but if in the latter part of Libra, the bladder will be affected. Thus, following out this line of judgment we may know that as of the Sun is in 28 degrees of Libra, the trouble will be found more in the bladder than in the kidneys. The square of the Moon to Mercury in Scorpio shows that there is nervous trouble in the rectal region. Altogether the various signs and aspects which we have enumerated show that this person is suffering from constipation and bladder trouble.

Birth Chart No. 7F

   This is not all. We find Mars, the planet of surgery, conjunction Antares. When one of the malefics is placed near the nebulous spot Antares, Sagittarius 8, and either of the lights are afflicted, trouble with the eyes is quite certain to result. In this horoscope both the Sun and Moon are afflicted, one by a square of Saturn, the other by a square of Mercury. We may therefore judge that this woman will have trouble with her eyes, and as Mars is placed in the twelfth house, which rules confinement in hospitals or kindred places, it is evident that she is facing a grave danger from that source.

   It is also plain from the horoscope that Saturn in Cancer is at the root of all the trouble by obstructing the digestion, and if we can once convince the patient that right living is the key to health, it may not be too late to restore the tone of the system. It will probably be very difficult to so convince her on account of her fixed mental attitude indicated by the square of the Moon and Mercury in fixed signs.

   A diet of coarse food consisting of whole wheat bread and vegetables which have a great deal of fiber in them will be necessary to stimulate the peristaltic action of the bowels. Asparagus and other foods which act on the kidneys, with plenty of lettuce and spinach, which are full of iron, will help to tone the system up so that in time elimination will become normal and then the eyes will grow better.

No. 7G: Diabetes

   Female, born December 28, 1885, 11:55 P.M.

  The patient in this case is suffering from diabetes, a disease in which the food is turned to sugar in excess of the requirements of the body, and this product is eliminated in the urine. Here we find Jupiter on the Ascendant in the sign Libra, which governs the kidneys, conjunction and parallel Uranus, and square the Sun and Saturn, the latter in the sign Cancer, which rules the stomach. We also find that the Sun is square the Moon in Libra, and parallel and opposition Saturn. Thus it is very evident that the stomach and kidneys are the weakest links in the chain of the body, and therefore we may look for disease in these organs.

   Jupiter afflicted and on the Ascendant denotes one who is too fond of good things to eat, a glutton. The conjunction with Uranus tells us that this person is not satisfied with quantity alone but desires her food to be superfine in quality and to be excessively seasoned. Saturn, the planet of obstruction, being in Cancer, the sign governing the stomach, interferes with digestion. Consequently the food cannot be entirely assimilated, and some of it must be expurgated from the system or it will cause a clogged and poisoned condition. Jupiter has rule over the liver, where the sugar usually required in the economy of the body is manufactured but he is sorely afflicted by a square of Saturn and the Sun. Consequently this activity is abnormal, and as Jupiter is placed in the sign of the kidneys, Libra, he allows the sugar to slip out in the urine, thus giving rise to the symptoms which we diagnose as diabetes. There is also a throat affliction because —

Birth Chart No. 7G

— Neptune is in Taurus, the sign that governs the throat, afflicting Venus, the ruler of Taurus.

   When we look to the inner causes of this disease in our endeavor to find a remedy we note that Saturn is elevated and afflicting the Sun and Jupiter. This makes the person morose and irritable, given to looking upon the dark side of life and to finding fault with everything and everybody. The ductless glands are centers of important spiritual activity. An afflicted Neptune in Taurus and an afflicted Uranus in Libra interfere with the activities of the thyroid gland and the adrenals.

   Before such a person can be really cured she must experience some kind of a shock or be taken into an entirely new environment and more cheerful surroundings. A healer with Gemini or Aquarius rising whose Saturn is not in Pisces would probably have the most beneficial effect.

No. 7H: Diabetes

   Female, born February 24, 1863, at 9:50 P.M.

The horoscope of this woman has the sign of Libra on the Ascendant, with cardinal signs on the four angles, and Leo intercepted in the 10th house. These are all signs of strong feeling. The cardinal signs are the favorites of the universe, for the Sun's entrance into these four signs marks the four seasons. People with the cardinal signs on the angles feel more keenly, live more intensely, and as a result suffer more than others.

   The ascending sign of our patient is that of Libra, with Jupiter retrograde on the Ascendant. Jupiter is parallel to the Sun, but its being retrograde naturally weakens the effects of this planet. We find Jupiter in the latter degrees of Libra, a Venusian sign, and Venus and the Sun in the Jupiterian sign of Pisces; usually under such conditions the body taken on an abundance of flesh after middle life. This woman was of immense size, weighing over two hundred pounds, which is indicated by the above positions, also by Jupiter on the Ascendant and Mars in Taurus sextile to Venus in Pisces. Venus being in the fifth house, this woman found great pleasure in good things to eat and wanted her food in large quantities. This naturally caused her to put on much flesh.

   Neptune, the planet of mysteries, representing hidden or esoteric things is in Aries in the 6th house, sextile to the Moon. The 6th house rules labor and the 10th house the vocation. The Moon is the ruler of the 10th house, and together with Neptune indicates the vocation which this woman would choose. It is thus clearly indicated that she was a professional medium.

Birth Chart No. 7H

  She was reported to be a very good one, which is shown by the Moon sextile to Neptune and trine to Saturn, the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses being involved. Uranus being trine to Mercury, she would seek reasons for spiritualistic phenomena, also because Mercury is in the intellectual sign of Aquarius. Uranus is in the mercurial sign of Gemini, a sign of intellectuality, and Uranus and Mercury are therefore in mutual reception, which is conducive to much sympathy between these two planets. What is meant by "mutual reception" is that these planets have exchanged signs; Uranus is in Mercury's sign, and Mercury is in the Uranian sign. These two planets as a result have a strong influence on the life of the native. This woman conducted classes in spiritualism and gave spiritualistic readings.

   We find Venus and the Sun in Pisces in the 5th house, the house of pleasure. Venus is sextile to Mars and has a weak square to Uranus. This was clearly expressed in the woman's life, for she lived with a man whom she introduced as her husband but to whom she had never been married. This man was represented by the Sun and Venus in Pisces and by Venus sextile to Mars and in weak square to Uranus. The man was large, red-haired, and fond of drink. He depended upon this woman entirely for his support, and they both lived to eat, and to make merry upon the money which she earned as a medium. This kind of a life may do for a while, but there comes a time when nature rebels, when the vital organs refuse to stand the strain any longer, as in this case.

   When the progressed Venus reached a conjunction with Mars in Taurus and the progressed Moon was in Aquarius, making a square to Mars radical and to Venus progressed, the strain which the woman had placed on her body by her riotous living found a weak spot in the kidneys, for the chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Saturn usually shows the spot where the weakness is apt to show itself. We find in this case Saturn in Libra in opposition and parallel to Neptune. This woman called upon headquarters when she was suffering very greatly from diabetes. It was, however, very difficult for her to follow the diet laid down for her as she was accustomed to the richest foods, which were taken in large quantities.

XIX: Sex
Sex and Throat
No. 8A, B

We are told in the Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, (click/touch here), that when the Ego entered into possession of its vehicles, it became necessary to use part of the creative force for the building of the brain and the larynx. The latter was originally a part of the sex organ. The larynx was built while the dense body was yet bent together in the bag-like shape which is still the form of the human embryo. As the dense body straightened and became upright, part of the creative organ remained with the upper part of the dense body and later became the larynx.

   It is always possible to make the lesson stronger by using two horoscopes. In this case we will begin with the horoscope numbered 8A, which is that of man born April 22nd, 1881, at 2 P.M.

   The common sign of Virgo is on the Ascendant and common signs on all the angles. In this horoscope we will show the law of the vicious circle, which the doctors are so interested in and which is so baffling, and how this law proves the truth of the statement quoted from the Cosmo-Conception.

   We have Saturn, the Sun, and Jupiter in conjunction, and Saturn and Jupiter are parallel to the Moon. Neptune is in conjunction with Venus and both —

Birth Chart No. 8A

— are square the Moon. All these planets except the Moon are in Taurus, the sign which has rule over the throat.

   We find the planet of impulse, Uranus, retrograde on the Ascendant in Virgo and in opposition to Mars. These planets are in common signs and in angles. Thus they are strong by house position but placed in weak- willed signs. Uranus and Mars give the desire for pleasure and the gratification of the senses. Mars is sextile to Venus and Neptune in Taurus, a sign which —

Birth Chart No. 8B

— makes one apt to drift along the same path, Taurus ruling the sense of taste. Neptune and Venus in Taurus, square to the Moon in Aquarius, would lead to the habit of drink and also to irregular association with women friends, for the Moon is the ruler of the house of friends, the 11th.

   We find no planets in Scorpio, the sign which rules the generative organs, but Uranus afflicted by Mars gives a tendency to venereal diseases. Syphilis was the net result. Therefore we may see that Taurus which rules the throat and larynx, here expresses itself through the opposite point of the vicious circle of the fixed signs, namely Scorpio, ruler of the generative organs. The Moon in Aquarius, the third point of the circle, is also a contributing factor in the situation.

   In the second case we will use a plain figure, as the hour of birth is lacking. This is the horoscope, numbered 8B, of a woman born November 12th, 1895.

   In this figure we find Mercury, Mars, Saturn, the Sun, and Uranus all in the sign of Scorpio, which has rule over the generative organs, with Saturn and Mars in conjunction and square to Jupiter. The Sun and Uranus are also in conjunction with each other and the Sun is parallel to Jupiter.

   This woman had her tonsils removed at puberty. The tonsils are ruled by Taurus. Due to Mars in conjunction with Saturn, and the Sun in conjunction with Uranus in the sign of Scorpio, she unfortunately yielded to the vicious practice of abortion, which so weakened the functions of the generative organs that removal of the ovarian tubes was necessary. Here again we see the vicious circle of the fixed signs in operation, Taurus and Scorpio being the points affected.

   We may see by comparison of these two horoscopes how the generative organs and the throat are closely in sympathy with each other and that abuses of the function of one of them often express themselves through impaired functioning of the opposite organ.

No. 8C: Sex

   Female, born November 24, 1909, hour of birth not known.

We will here illustrate how it is possible to diagnose a disease correctly from a flat figure. It is, however, impossible to predict the exact time of crises or to judge the strength of the will of the patient, for those with a common sign on the Ascendant some times become hopeless invalids if planetary aspects are also weak, while one with fixed signs on the angles (especially with the vital Sun sign Leo ascending), even if the planets are weak, will often through the determination and will power of the fixed signs overcome adverse conditions. The Taurians, however, although under a fixed sign, sometimes allow fear to throw them into a chronic condition of ill health which with the fixed and stolid nature of this sign it is very difficult to overcome.

   In this lesson we shall deal largely with the ductless glands, upon which science has spent so much time, though it has been unable as yet to arrive at a full understanding of these little organs. We will deal particularly with the thyroid gland, which is under the rule of Mercury and in which —

Birth Chart No. 8C

— science is greatly interested, the thyroid glands of goats and monkeys having been grafted into men to rejuvenate them.

   In the above horoscope we find Saturn, the planet of obstruction and crystallization and ruler of the pneumogastric nerve, in conjunction with the Moon, which rules the uterus, ovaries, and sympathetic nervous system. Venus, the planet ruling the sign of Taurus, the throat, also rules the thymus gland, the organ through which the child receives the parental blood necessary to build the body. This gland has especially to do with the development of the reproductive organs. At puberty the thymus gland atrophies, and its work is then continued by the pituitary body, ruled by Uranus, which is the higher octave of Venus. In this girl's horoscope we find the planets Venus and Uranus in conjunction, square to Saturn and the Moon, and in opposition to the planet Neptune, which has rule over the pineal gland and which is the higher octave of Mercury. Scientists have observed that the pineal gland has some connection with the mind. Dr. J. S. Lankford stated in The New York Medical Journal some time ago that "the pineal gland, which is at the base of the brain, is a partly glandular and partly nervous structure, and is known to be the center of all sensation and emotion; at the same time it rules and directs all the activities of the whole system of ductless glands and the vegetative nervous system, thereby governing all the functions of organic life. It also serves as a communicating center between the brain and the other organs."

   Now, where we find the planets which have rule over the nervous system and the brain in square and opposition, what can we expect but that abuse of one kind or another will cause bodily disturbance! In the case of this young girl, whose guardians called upon our Healing Department for help, she had for some years been afflicted with the secret sex habit, of which the guardians were unaware until apprised through our diagnosis. The venous circulation is obstructed by the conjunction of Venus and Uranus. The latter planet, according to The Message of the Stars (click/touch here), "is responsible for strange and abnormal growths which produce...freaks of nature." The thymus gland in this case has an abnormal growth caused by the conjunction of Venus with Uranus, which created too much blood for the development of the generative organs in childhood. This in turn created a disturbance in the parts of the body ruled by this gland.

   We are told by the doctors that the pineal gland (under Neptune) rules and directs all the ductless glands. Max Heindel has been alone in his claim that Neptune is the higher octave of Mercury, the latter planet having rule over the thyroid gland. Other astrologers have claimed that Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. But science corroborates our contention that the pineal gland has rule over the mentality. The Cosmo-Conception states that this was at first an organ of sensation and orientation, and that when it began to withdraw into the head, the division of the sexes began to take place and the brain and larynx were developed.

   Dr. Lankford further states that the large amount of sugar consumed by humanity overdevelops and overstimulates the pineal gland. The truth of this has been shown in our experience with cases in which Neptune was afflicted and especially where the afflictions were such that the patient had to overcome unnatural sex desires. These patients invariably were heavy sugar eaters. Sugar in excess as well as liquor is a false stimulant and excites the ductless glands, which when overstimulated are responsible for sex degeneracy. This young girl by years of abuse had dissipated the vital fluids that were necessary to help build the brain, and consequently at the age of eleven she was afflicted with epilepsy, which is a disease caused by abnormality of one of the ductless glands. The doctors could not find the cause and wished to remove the tonsils. When there is an abnormal exercise of the sex function or unexpressed unnatural desires, the throat, and especially the tonsils and the larynx, are often enlarged and swollen. Oh, what a pity that all surgeons and the doctors of all schools do not have a knowledge of diagnosis by the wonderful science of astrology to combine with their own science!

   In order to help a case such as the one under consideration it is first necessary to remove the cause, which is to help this poor girl overcome her unnatural desires. The diet must be changed; all highly seasoned food, condiments, eggs, and especially sugar, must be eliminated, and the vegetables which contain elements that work directly upon the nervous system should be used, such as celery, onions, parsley, lettuce, et cetera. This body should be kept clean by bathing and dry rubbing, and plenty of exercise in the fresh air and sunshine should be taken. It will be difficult at the girl's present age to build up the brain, which is very undeveloped. Young people who have dissipated their vital fluids between the ages of seven and fourteen when the creative force should be used for the development of the brain will seldom be very bright mentally. The physical body, however, can be built up, and if the habit is overcome before the age of twenty-one, there is hope that by careful living the brain can be developed, giving an average mentality.

No. 8D, E: Gonorrhea

   Female, born July 30, 1896, hour not known.

Two horoscopes will be used in this lesson in an endeavor to illustrate how the planets show when disease may be the result of breaking the laws of nature in former lives, and how the seeds that have been sown by past sins will bring their fruits in this life.

   The first horoscope is that of a woman whose hour of birth is not known. Nor is it necessary for diagnosis in a horoscope with planets so strangely grouped and in the fixed signs. We will set the figure with Aries on the Ascendant. We find Mercury, Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and the Dragon's Tail all in the fifth sign, Leo, which represents the pleasures of the native. We find Mars in Taurus in its detriment, the sign in which this planet of dynamic energy shows its most evil tendencies. This planet is afflicted by the opposition of the licentious Uranus and the obstructive Saturn. These last named planets are in conjunction and in the fixed sign of Scorpio. These three malefic planets, Mars, Uranus, and Saturn are also square to the planets in Leo.

   Here we find a very heavy debt of destiny. In the Rosicrucian teachings we are told that we lay the foundation in this life upon which we shall build the structure of future lives. This woman in her previous life had developed a very powerful desire nature, which in this embodiment was very hard to keep under control. Venus in conjunction with the Sun and Jupiter —

Birth Chart No. 8D

— and square to Uranus and Saturn in the sign of Scorpio, also Mars, the planet which has rule over the desires, square to Venus and Jupiter, all lead to free love and clandestine attachments, with the result that this poor woman has contracted that dread disease, gonorrhea, which has resulted in tuberculosis of the pelvic and hip bones.

   Now planets impel but they do not compel. This woman by her former living had attracted to herself these planetary afflictions, but she was not impelled to respond to their weakness, for we find the Moon well aspected, making a sextile to Neptune and a trine to Jupiter, Venus, Sun, and Mercury. Neptune is also sextile to Venus and Jupiter. If the woman had used her will and followed the desire to live right which naturally must have come to her from time to time, she could have transmuted this seeming evil into good. But the path of sensual pleasure was so much broader and so alluring, while the upward path meant self-surrender!

No. 8E

   Male, born August 13, 1920, 1:18 A.M.

   The second horoscope is that of a young boy born with the dread disease with which the woman in case No. 8D was afflicted. The boy's poor little body at birth was covered with sores, and in the early part of November of the birth year this poor soul passed out under great suffering.

   Now as regards the man who does not understand and believe in rebirth and the law of consequence this last case would be apt to disturb his faith in God, who to him might appear cruel and unjust to have visited this suffering upon an innocent babe. But when the esotericist who has a knowledge of —

Birth Chart No. 8E

— astrology seeks an answer to this seeming injustice, he finds Uranus in Pisces, the 12th house sign of self-undoing, near the Midheaven and in opposition to Saturn, which is in the 4th house. These two planets represent the parents and show that this soul had sinned in its previous lives in such a manner as to be attracted to parents who were afflicted with the above disease.

   We also find Mars in the sign of Scorpio, square to Neptune, Sun, and Moon, which are in the fixed sign of Leo, the natural 5th house sign of pleasure. This soul had passed out of its former embodiment in a manner very similar to that of the woman with the first horoscope. The parents were only the instruments through which it received its lesson.

   How strangely the threads of life cross one another, weaving in and out with the threads of other persons' lives we have wronged, and who then must be the means through which we learn our lessons.

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