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Simplified Scientific Christianity |
Mars is the exact opposite of Venus, and if we study him now while the characteristics of Venus are fresh in mind, we may learn more of his nature. The first great contrast we wish to point out is that the higher the status of a person in the scale of evolution, the better Venus is placed in the horoscope, and the younger the soul, the more it is dominated by the discordant martial ray. The animals are wholly under the sway of Mars, for as Venus nourishes the love nature, so Mars fosters the passions. An illustration will make the difference clear.
Suppose Venus is Ruler and situated in the 7th House, (representing the public), sextile to Jupiter in the 9th, (Religion), trine to the Moon in the 11th, (Friends). It is then easy to see that here we have a person well disposed toward the public, (Venus in 7th); Jupiter is benevolence, and his being placed in the 9th House shows his work to be along religious lines; the Moon signifies the people, and is in the house of friends; in short, good planets in good aspect describe him as a benefactor of mankind, much esteemed for his benevolence.
Now take an opposite case, where Mars is Ruler, placed in the 10th House, denoting social status, square to Uranus, (whose keynote may be called Ingenuity), in the 7th House, which is the public. These are so-called evil planets and aspects, signifying that this person uses his ingenuity as a menace to the public; and if Mars is also square Saturn, the planet which binds and restricts, and Saturn is placed in the 12th House, (sorrow, trouble, and imprisonment), we may conclude that his depredations will bring him into jail as a public enemy.
But let us now suppose that the potential public enemy comes as a child under the influence of the developed benefactor, that his horoscope is read, the latent tendencies to evil detected, and pains taken to eradicate them ere they get a chance to flower. Saturn in the 12th House will always make him a recluse; very few are ever strong enough to break the bonds of Saturn, but the power of Mars may be turned to construction, and Uranus may bring ingenious inventions from his laboratory to the public. No matter how evil a horoscope seems, it also has good points, and if we as parents can find and bring them out, great will be our treasure in heaven.
As we have now learned to find the sidereal time at birth for any place on our planet, we will proceed to cast the horoscope of an imaginary child born in New York City, N. Y., July 23, 1912, at 6:00 A.M., True Local Time. We figured the sidereal time of this birth to be 2 hours, 2 minutes, and 49 seconds. Now you need a Tables of Houses. (See our Simplified Scientific Table of Houses, which covers Latitudes from 0 to 66 degrees). Students who live in the Southern Hemisphere are particularly grateful for these tables for they are the only ones we know of that permit casting a horoscope for south latitude by the same easy process as when the birthplace is in the Northern Hemisphere. In addition there is a first section, a 50 page atlas, listing the principal cities and towns in the world including all county seats in the United States with their longitude and latitude rounded to the nearest exact degree (no minutes) as well as their adjusted time difference to the Greenwich Meridian. This saves the trouble of looking up the longitude and latitude of the birthplace in an atlas.
We now look for the longitude and latitude of New York City, N. Y., in our list and find that it is located in latitude 41 North and longitude 74 West.
In the second section of the Tables of Houses the left-hand column on each page is marked "Sidereal Time", and you will notice that there are about 4 minutes between each sidereal time recorded and the one below it. This is because a new degree of the zodiac reaches the Midheaven, or zenith, at each of those intervals.
The Midheaven is the tenth house, and in the Tables of Houses the degrees occupying it at a given sidereal time are found in the columns having the number 10 at the head.
The degrees which occupy the cusp of the eleventh house are found in the column having the number 11 at the head, and so on with the columns headed 12, 2, and 3.
The wide column headed Asc. shows the degrees to be placed on the first house or Ascendant.
It is worth while knowing and remembering that at a given sidereal time the same zodiacal degree is on the Midheaven in all northern latitudes, whether North or South as the student can readily see by comparing the degrees in the columns marked 10.
Even the numbers in the other narrow columns covering the 11th, 12th, 2nd and 3rd houses often correspond, but (mark this carefully) the Ascendant is always different for every degree of Latitude. As this is one of the most important points in the horoscope, the student is cautioned to be very careful to find the right sidereal time in the right table, for an error at this point will throw the whole horoscope off and make it less valuable by causing an error in the location of the houses.
With these preliminary remarks we will proceed to cast the horoscope of the child which we imagine was born on July 23rd, 1912, at 6:00 A.M., True Local Time, in New York City, N. Y.. In our last self-study module we figured the sidereal time at that birth to be 2 hours, 2 minutes and 49 seconds. We now turn to the Tables of Houses for latitude 41 N. and find the sidereal time nearest to 2 h. 2 m. 49 s. on the left hand page in the left column, the fourth from the top: 2 h. 3 m. 9 s.
Latitude 41 occupies the center of the page so we run our finger across the stop at the first column, where we see the figure 3. At the top of the column above it is the number 10, and below that the sign of Taurus. This would mean that the 3rd degree of Aries is to be placed on the tenth house of our horoscope, but in this case we do not heed that sign for in the third line above our finger we find Taurus — therefore we place 3 degrees of Taurus on the tenth house. In the next column in line with our sidereal time is the figure 9, and at the top of the column the zodiacal sign Taurus with number 11 above, here again we do not heed that sign but the next, Gemini found ten lines above our finger; we place 9 degrees of Gemini on the eleventh house of our map. The figure next on the right in line with our sidereal time is 14; above, at the head of the column are the sign Gemini and number 12 but seventeen lines above our finger appears the sign Cancer, showing that the 14th degree of Cancer is to be inscribed on the twelfth house. Following our line toward the right we next see the numbers 13 and 30 in the wide column with the sign Cancer and Asc. above. Eighteen lines above our finger is found the sign Leo which means that the 13th degree, 30th minute of Leo were ascending at the time of birth, and we write this in the first house. Still following our line to the right we note the figure 5; above, the sign Leo and number 2. Six lines above our finger we have the sign Virgo indicating that the 5th degree of Virgo is to be placed on the second house of our horoscope. In the last column next to the heavy dividing line between this division and the next is the figure 1. The sign Virgo is at the head of the column, but in the line above our finger there is the sign Libra; therefore we place one degree of Libra on the third house.
Note: This is a very important point which the student is requested to note most carefully: We always use the first sign above our line, regardless of whether it is at the top of the column or in the middle. If we had been using the figures in the next line above or any other line where a sign is placed but no degrees, we simply put down that sign and 0 degrees. Be sure to watch this!
We have now obtained signs and degrees for six of our houses from the Table of Houses; the other six houses of our map we complete by filling in the opposite signs.
Taurus 3 is on the tenth house; the opposite degree is Scorpio 3 and the opposite house is the fourth; we therefore place 3 degrees of Scorpio on the fourth house.
Sagittarius 9 is opposite to Gemini 9 and the fifth house is opposite to the eleventh; we therefore place Sagittarius 9 on the fifth house.
Capricorn 14 is opposite to Cancer 14 and the sixth house is opposite the twelfth; we therefore place Capricorn 14 on the sixth house.
Aquarius 13:30 is the opposite degree of Leo 13:30, and the seventh house is opposite the first: therefore we write Aquarius 13:30 on the seventh house.
Pisces 5 is the opposite of Virgo 5, and the eighth house opposes the second, therefore we write Pisces 5 on the eighth house.
One degree of Aries is the opposite of one degree of Libra, and the ninth house is opposite to the third, so we write Aries 1 on the ninth house,which completes the circle.
As we have stated in previous self-study modules, there are cases where certain house are more than thirty degrees long in the northernmost and southernmost latitudes, and other instances where they are much shorter. When a house is longer than 30 degrees, a whole sign may happen to be placed in the middle thereof. A sign thus placed is called intercepted and so it becomes necessary after we have entered on a map the degrees given in the Tables of Houses, to count the signs and make sure that they are all there. If any has been omitted, we simply write it between the two signs where it ought to be; for instance, as the place of Gemini is between Taurus and Cancer, we would so write it in the horoscope where it is found missing: similarly, Capricorn between Sagittarius and Aquarius, etc.
A count of the twelve houses on the map we have made shows that all the twelve signs are present and our horoscope is therefore complete so far as the signs and house are concerned, but it remains to calculate the places of the planets and enter them in their respective houses before the map is complete. This instruction we will reserve for another self-study module, however, and show by another example how the signs are placed on the houses.
We will take the birth in New York City, July 23, 1912, at 10:00 p.m., True Local Time, for which we calculated the sidereal time at birth to be 18 hours, 5 minutes, and 29 seconds. The nearest sidereal time, 18 hours, 4 minutes, and 22 seconds is found on the right hand page of Simplified Scientific Table of Houses second figure from the top. Under latitude 41 is the figure 1,above are the sign Capricorn and the number 10, which mean that 1 degree of Capricorn is on the tenth house. The next column has the figure 23; Capricorn and 11 are at the top, showing that the 23rd degree of Capricorn is to be inscribed on the eleventh house. 20 in the next column, Aquarius and 12 above, show that the 20th degree of Aquarius goes on the twelfth house.1:54 in the next wide column and Aries at the top indicate that the 1st degree and 54th minute of Aries are ascending and are to be inscribed on the first house. 13 in the next column, Taurus and the number 2 above, show that the 13th degree of Taurus must be placed on the second house. 10 in the last column, Gemini and 3 at the top indicate that Gemini 10 goes on the third house.
We inscribe the same degree in the opposite points on the opposite houses: Cancer 1 on the fourth, Cancer 23 on the fifth, Leo 20 on the sixth, Libra 1:54 on the seventh, Scorpio 13 on the eighth, and Sagittarius 10 on the ninth. A count reveals the fact that the signs Virgo and Pisces are missing; these are then inserted, making the horoscope complete so far.
Please refer to Astrology Independent Study Module No.2, Diagram No.2, for the correct method of Zodiacal Sign placement in the horoscope blank.
(You are welcome to e-mail your answers and/or comments to us. Please be sure to include the course name and Independent Study Module number in your e-mail to us. Or, you are also welcome to use the answer form below.] You will find the answers to the questions below in the next Astrology Independent Study Module.)
1. What are the degrees opposite to Leo 20, Aquarius 19, Gemini 16,and Taurus 20?
2. In Lat. 41, what is the nearest sidereal time to 14-31-5; 15-11-12; 23-31-1? [optional]
3. Below you will find a horoscope blank. Please figure the signs and degrees for a birth, New City, N.Y., September 15, 1912, at 2:00 A.M., Standard Time, giving all calculations. [optional]
1.The Sidereal Time at birth determines the sign (and degree), to be placed on each of the twelve houses.
2. a) March 24, Noon
b) June 17, Noon
c) August 1, Noon
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