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Simplified Scientific Christianity |
Dear Friend,
To read a horoscope correctly, it is essential to know whether material or spiritual advancement is intended for the soul during this embodiment, and to what extend one phase is expected to predominate. This is denoted by the progression of the angles. When the Midheaven moves faster, opportunities for intellectual and spiritual endeavor present themselves and bring success, if grasped. When the Ascendant moves faster, material affairs will claim expression.
Were this understood and acted upon, there would be fewer failures in life, for the right Opportunity knocks at every door. Satisfaction and success always result if we embrace it. If we miss our chance, there will be an undercurrent of regret despite any seeming success; the Soul feels the resulting lack.
The greatest danger of missing our chance is by a preconceived, mistaken idea of what constitutes opportunity, and an astrologer ignorant of this inner teaching may be a dangerous guide. Suppose he is asked to indicate the life work of a young man with Mars elevated in Scorpio. In the light of common knowledge he can say that the young man will excel in surgery. Passing years may bring him fame and fortune; apparent success may seem to justify the astrologer beyond cavil. Yet, had he known that the young man's Ascendant progressed much faster than his Midheaven and stamped him as too materialistic to make a good doctor (for the first qualification of a good doctor is a heart too big for his body), he might have realized that the world had lost a good ironworker and become afflicted with a fiend who reveled in the bloody work of surgery for scientific satisfaction and who did not waste a thought of pity on his hapless victims.
Therefore it behooves the spiritual astrologer to first ascertain the relative progression of the angles, and make all delineations subsidiary to that cardinal point.
To illustrate how the angles are progressed, take the test horoscope for Sept. 15, 1911, 9:20 p.m. Chicago. We will progress this for 45 years, as that will give a good gauge. The rule is:
The birthday represents the birth year, and each day after birth (in the ephemeris), is as one year of life.
Counting 45 days from Sept. 15th gives Oct. 30th. We use the S.T. on that day to find the houses, but proceed otherwise as taught in Simplified Scientific Astrology.
S.T. Greenwich on noon previous to (progressed) birth: | 14 30 00 |
Correction for West Long.: | 00 59 |
Interval from previous noon (Oct. 30) to progressed birth (true local time): | 9 28 00 |
Correction for Interval: | 01 34 |
24 00 33 | |
Deducting 24 hours gives S.T. of progressed birth: | 00 00 33 |
Nearest S.T. in Tables: | 00 00 00 |
Our Table of Houses for Lat. 42 gives the corresponding progressed Ascendant: | Cancer 19.43 |
Subtract the position at birth: | Gemini 08.13 |
Travel during 45 years: | 41.30 |
Our Table of Houses for Lat. 42 gives the corresponding progressed Midheaven: | Aries 00 00 |
Subtract the position at birth: | Aquarius 13 00 |
Travel during 45 years: | 47.00 |
Thus we see that the ASC and MC have kept fairly even pace. This is therefore a comfortable "middle of the road" life, in which the spirit does not strenuously strive with the recalcitrant flesh, though opportunities for slight spiritual advancement will be given.
(You are welcome to e-mail your answers and/or comments to us. Please be sure to include the course name and Independent Study Module number in your e-mail to us. Or, you are also welcome to use the answer form below. You will find the answers to the questions below in the next Astrology Independent Study Module.)
1. Please cast a horoscope for Sept. 12, 1911, 12:50 a.m. Seattle. Progress the angles for 45 years and interpret the results. (optional)
We use the word anniversary to designate a timing for the expressions of our appreciation of life. To those we love, admire, and respect we do not give gifts simply because these persons have succeeded in living a certain number of years — because it is natural for everyone to remain on this plane as long as he can. We give gifts at our festival occasions to express our appreciation that those we love (whose vibratory qualities represent our ideals) have remained here with us. We love, admire, and respect certain people because their vibratory quality is such that it stimulates something of our finer, regenerate consciousness; contact with these persons "ignites" our perception of the Light that abides in each of us and of which we are the manifested expressions on this plane.
All ceremonies pertaining to the spacing of human experience originate in the primeval impulse to recognize the principles of life in their rhythmic expression during our years here. Since mankind tends to objectify consciousness, festivals and symbolic ceremonies are used to interpret man's awareness of life-processes. It will be observed that all peoples have their own particular ways of presenting their interpretations of life; some are joyous and rhapsodic in quality, others are dignified and solemn. Ceremonies and festivals are dramatizations of mankind's emotional reactions to the phenomena of life and his giving is an expression of his appreciation and/or sympathies.
At the festival of Easter mankind, according to place and time, celebrates his joy-in-living — the primordial response to awareness of his on-going as a physical manifestation; his gratitude for the Earth as a physical expression of beauty in its flowering, fragrance, and promise of fruition. This is the occasion when mankind celebrates the Ascendant of the horoscope — the renewing of the I am consciousness, the upward glance, the forward impulse. The reference to the Ascendant of the horoscope pertains to the dynamic, energizing quality of the sign Aries, the Ascendant-sign of the abstract horoscope of the entity, humanity. The Easter-festival, regardless of its varied forms and rituals, is mankind's "song of confidence in Life," the indestructible faith in universal good that makes possible his equally indestructible determination to progress. Easter is the timing in each year- period to re-charge our own — and others' — consciousness with renewed vitality, renewed courage, renewed awareness of the Divine Potential, and renewed joyousness in the releasements and expressions of that potential. The story of the Resurrection is the drama of liberation; our gift-giving at this season is our appreciation of the liberating agency of Spirit as it manifests through those we love, and the liberation which their love and encouragement has meant in our lives. Easter is the "decrystallizing" function of Spirit, and in the horoscope it is symbolized by the vibration and action of the planet Uranus and the function of the sextile aspect between two planets to decrystallize a congestion made by either or both of them to other planets. The transmutation of quality of one — or both — squared or opposed planets permits a redistribution of the planetary energies for more constructive expression. This is the "Resurrection" in the life of each human who progresses spiritually. Our "Easter gift," as Astro-philosophers, is our contribution of insight to unraveling the congestions of our fellows and assisting them to redirect themselves onto higher levels of consciousness and expression.
The birthday celebration of an individual is an appreciation — by his loved ones and friends — of the way he expresses the ruler of his Ascendant. This planet, whatever and wherever in the chart, is the symbol of self-awareness and personality-potential. Our giving of gifts at such a time is our expression of appreciation for the Light which that person represents in our lives — as a "spark of the Divine Light." We must be grateful for the efforts made by those close to us to improve their vibratory qualities and expressions; their improvements assist us to make ours since their best ignites our best. We objectify our appreciation by a material return — something that will lift further the consciousness of the appreciated person.
It is not known by the writer whether occasions comparable to "Mother's Day" and "Father's Day" have been celebrated by other races or if they are, uniquely, American festivals. However, in composite, they are the "festival of the fourth and tenth houses" — the vertical diameter of the horoscope, the dynamic Essence of the universe. In appreciation of the people it commemorates, we signify our reverential awareness of Love- radiation, Sacrifice, Nurture, and Protectiveness which are the inherent regenerate "bases" of the parental principles. We lovingly give a gift to Mother and Dad on "their day" to express our appreciation to them as individuals who, in Love-service, provided us with incarnation, protected and guided us in our years of growing. But we appreciate something of which Mother and Dad are individual human expressions: the nutritive and protective forces of Life itself. Mothers and Dads who are truly loved and respected by their children are so because they, in themselves, symbolize the overshadowing protection of Divine Forces; their service of sacrificial Love is a human counterpart of all out-giving for the perpetuation and on-going of human life.
When, indeed, has Mankind not celebrated, in ceremony, the union of two who love each other? The festival of marriage is the dramatization of the horizontal diameter of the horoscope, the cusps of the first and seventh houses. The ecstasy and inspiring beauty of love-union is the agency by which mankind is most intensely alerted to the existence of his ideal self — ignited in his consciousness by the virtues and graces of the person who represents his or her complement. The human heart responds with utter joy to the "beauty that is Love" and those persons who have lived this beauty in the marital relationship stand as symbols, in human form, of the eternalness of beauty itself. We respond with a sense of deep rapture to the exalted vibration of a wedding ceremony — and the radiant happiness of the new wife and husband bring forth our most sincere wishes that their experience together will be happy and successful in every way. Because of the quality of spirit that they display, we appreciate couples who make a true success of marriage because they have lived the truth of loving and we are grateful to them for what they represent. The Astro-philosopher "celebrates the horizontal diameter" whenever he learns something from the best of other people and incorporates those qualities into his own living. The other person represents the seventh house — the complement; he is the Ascendant — the I am; the fusion of the best of the complement into the I am consciousness is what the marriage ceremony really symbolizes — the rounding out of personal consciousness into a more complete and perfect whole. As wives and husbands, Astro-philosophers re- live the love that united them whenever they seek to emulate the virtues and regenerate qualities of their partners: and they use the symbolic patterning of their horoscopes to clarify the inner meanings of their union and to gain perspectives on how each can help, teach, and guide the other.
Though it is not credited with the scope of meaning implied by Easter or Christmas, the festival of St. Valentine's Day is a charming occasion which celebrates the fifth house of the horoscope and the sign Leo. This is the "song of the young in heart," the "star-shine of love," the warm and gracious impulse of the human heart to appreciate the beauties and virtues of the opposite sex, the recognition of the dawning of emotional fulfillment. Gifts of flowers and sweets are offered as expressions of the "feelings of sweetness" in our hearts to those who represent our ideal of loveliness and charm. The radiant quality implied by the sign Leo is that from which our Love consciousness warms and blesses the lives of those who are dear to us — we express to these persons our appreciation for the ideal which they represent to us. The young woman or young man who is beloved is a human symbol of Life's beauty in the eyes of the one who loves and the message that is presented by the sign Leo is that of: "live by loving;" "keep your heart renewed and refreshed by warm impulses of affection; "keep your perception of beauty alive by loving the finest in the other person." The daily gift of our heart's finest impulses toward beautiful living in relationship, the enchantment of harmonious togetherness and the inspiration of ever-renewed awareness of the Light which is inherent in the consciousness of the loved one is the true celebration of St. Valentine's Day — the annual gift of flowers (or whatnot) is simply the outer expression of that which the human heart should express continually toward the loved one; it is our appreciation of that which the person represents to us as an ideal of our hearts.
The composite festival, in the sign Scorpio, of Halloween — October 31 — and All Saints' Day — November 1 — has a much more solemn implication; it is the "Esotericist's Festival."
Halloween, in later days, has become a festival of "fancy-dress and monkey-shines" — a far cry from the deeply spiritual significance which it had originally. Its perpetuation through history has been an expression of mankind's awareness of life on the inner planes and its astrological pattern, through the sign Scorpio, is the eighth house — the regeneration of evil into Good — the arch-symbol of the Powers of the White Esotericist. Halloween is, according to old traditions, the one night of the year when those dead are granted respite from the bondage of their graves and freedom to roam the habitations of the living. The picturing of witches, devils, skeletons, and all such weird creatures are dramatizations, by man's imagination, of his awareness of the earth-bound and condemned; they symbolize his fear of the unknown — unknown because not understood. The sequence of Halloween with All Saints' Day completes the meaning of this festival: the conquest of the forces of darkness (fear and ignorance) by the Forces of Light (Virtue and Truth). In this connection, and at this point, a word of deepest appreciation to:
Mr. Walt Disney, whose work in motion-pictures has proved him to be one of the greatest agencies for inspiring the heart of humanity in the world today. In the last two parts of his monumental work "Fantasia" — "Night On Bald Mountain" and "Ave Maria" — Mr. Disney and his colleagues have presented this "Scorpionic Festival" in magnificently dramatic form. We see the shades of Egos who, while on earth, became congested in negative qualities of pride lust, greed, cruelty, wrath, and envy. In "Fantasia" the characters which serve to represent these qualities live in a world where all is dark, smoky, fetid, painful, and anguished. These levels of consciousness, in any human being, are truly the hell-realms, and in such, we are lost in the power of the Prince of Darkness, hopeless and lacking self- direction. The luminous music of "Ave Maria" introduces the advent of dawn which is the Light of Truth, Purity, and Virtue, dispelling the perverse and dark conditions and powers of the "Black Angel." The esotericist, or Astro- philosopher, who meets his personal experiences with courage and fortitude, fulfills them to the best of his ability and through regeneration of his negative impulses purifies his intuitions and illuminates his Inner Knowledge, conditions himself to be a "Light-thrower" into the darkened areas of another's consciousness. We may give parties and enjoy games and fun on Halloween and go to church in tribute of reverence to our saints the nest morning, but we celebrate, as philosophers, this occasion in our daily living when we regenerate and qualify ourselves to be givers of Light to humanity. Every Astro-philosopher has a particular planetary condition as the ruling agency of his eighth house — and this planet gives him the key as to the principal requirements of his regenerative experiences. Each effort in this direction contributes more light into the collective vibratory body of humanity — it is the great spiritual gift by which the part contributes to the well-being of the whole.
The great festival of Christmas is the most "Composite" of all of our present day celebrations. It is the dramatization of mankind's most profound spiritual realizations, hopes, ideals, and aspirations — the focal-point for expressing love for his fellow-man.
It is remarkable that the story of the first Christmas involves in its presentation life on this plane from the "lowly beasties" to the angelic hosts — the complete range of life-expressions from the most humble to the most exalted. Kings and wise men, humble shepherds, the angelic voices, the transfigured human parents — all grouped around the representation of Divine Spirit embodied in the purity of the new-born child. This festival is the dramatization of the eleventh and twelfth houses of the Abstract Horoscope as the impulse behind the manifestation of the cardinal cross; the symbol made by the vertical and horizontal diameters of the wheel is the Mighty Symbol of Incarnation.
The eleventh house is spiritualized universal Love- consciousness — the polarization — or higher octave — of the fifth house. Its abstract rulership by Uranus is Love for all, Love that recognizes no limitations or hindrances, Love that decrystallizes and transforms all limited conditions. The twelfth house is the voice of redemption — the impulse (and necessity) to reincarnate for further fulfillment through evolutionary processes and experiences. That which is manifested by the powers of these two houses is the expression, in material dimension, of the bi-polar vehicle through which the latent Godhood is revealed. "...and He took upon Himself the likeness of a man" is the statement of Spirit manifested, and it pertains to the appearance of every Life-expression on this plane.
In the consciousness of humanity, the symbol of a child has always represented the innocence of a new start; in the adoration of the Child who was to be Christed, we see the dramatization of mankind's up-looking to the vision of its own forgotten purity. Our hearts are deeply touched by the vibratory power of this festival because, all over the world, the joyousness and well-being of children and, in general, all people who are dependent, are focal-points of our emotional attention. We seek to manifest the power of benevolence to make better the conditions of others.
Since incarnations are taking place every day all over the world we realize that spirit, manifesting, is an endless process and the Principle of Light, incarnate, is implied by every birth on this plane. Our giving of gifts at this season is our dramatization of homage to the Divine which is manifesting through myriads of forms through the entire cycle of evolution and our expressions of friendliness and good-will toward our brothers and sisters constitute our recognition of them as expressions of divine light, and divine love.
The reality of Christmas can only be perpetuated if we function in this consciousness daily — never to lose sight of the essential light in all other human beings. The continued expression of such consciousness makes more and more evident the underlying meaning of the statement that: "He came that the Kingdom of Peace and Righteousness would be established on Earth." As with the Teacher, so with us; we are all agencies of this illumining and transfiguring power; our reverence for the Child, His human parents and the Angelic Hosts is our reverence for the love and the light which enfolds us all.
"Do unto others what you would that they do unto you."
This Great Commandment was given as a directive for conduct so that humanity could become aware of the action of the universal Law of Cause and Effect in its experiences, relationships, and affairs. By adherence to it, the self-preservative impulse is appealed to in such a way that consideration of the well-being, happiness, and success of other people is stimulated, and the natural, normal desires for fulfillment of the individual are extended into the higher octave of fulfillment for the self and for the "other self" — which means "all people."
In considering the "self and the other self," let us re-word the Commandment slightly into: "I do unto others; so do they unto me:" and combine this phrase with the following simple mandala: a circle with horizontal diameter; the symbol for the sign Aries at the point which corresponds to the Ascendant; the symbol for the sign Libra at the point corresponding to the seventh cusp.
Place the point of a pencil on the Aries cusp as you say "I do;" as you say "unto," let the pencil-point travel around the circumference of the wheel passing (what would be) the cusps of the second, third, fourth, fifth, and the sixth houses, arriving at the seventh cusp as you say "others;" let it remain there as you say "so do they;" let it travel over the upper semi-circle — the cusps of the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth houses — as you say "unto" and arrive back at the Ascendant when you say "me." Repeat this action several times to alert your consciousness to a greater realization of the continual, rhythmic functioning of the Law of Cause and Effect in human evolution; in short you are performing a motion- picture of the Golden Rule.
The horizontal diameter of the horoscope-wheel is one of the most important phases of astrological symbology because it is the "arch-symbol" of such as: the esoteric essence of the opposition aspect; the picturing of the self and the other selves; the picture of action and reaction, force and counter-force; marriage as fusion of male and female qualities and expressions in love-relationship; marriage as the magnetic attraction between the individual and any or all complementary relationship-patterns, whether single or collective; the challenge to the separative self by the vibratory forces which seek to decrystallize the separativeness into the larger Life and Consciousness through union, exchange and blending; the mirroring of the individual through his feeling-reaction to those who complement him, either unregeneratively or regeneratively; it is the astrological picture of the physical Law which is started: every force automatically sets up an equal opposite force; this, in physical terms, is Life's way of establishing equilibriums after stress and tension.
Since planets are the active focuses of principles, and planetary positions and aspects depict our individual consciousness of principles, then it is clearly shown that every planetary focus has its counterpart in the zodiacal degree opposite to its position in the natal horoscope. Give this careful attention — it will help you to understand much more clearly why some people who may not be specifically identified by your seventh-house patterns may appear — in your feeling-reactions — as your counterparts; something in their charts may oppose a point of one of your planetary arrangements. In other words, the other person's planet may serve to mirror the counterpart of something in your own chart. He is then, in part, a reflection of yourself, either to pull you down further into your congestions- -through reactions of temptation, friction and enmity — or, by his regenerate quality, to lift you out of your congestions — to love and ideality.
Since I am and I do comprise the "song of the individualized self" as illustrated by the Ascendant of the abstract horoscope, the Golden Rule refers specifically to humanity's "being and doing." It is the start of travel around the wheel through experience-patterns and development-levels. The Rule says, in effect: life is to be lived; I show you how it can be lived in terms of neutralizing inner frictions and establishing harmonies and integrations each step of the way. Let us see how the mandala can be amplified to illustrate the Rule throughout the wheel.
Add the other diameters, thus picturing the twelve houses; add the symbols appropriate to the house-cusps (Aries through Pisces); perform the "ritual" of reciting the Rule — as we did with the Aries-Libra diameter — starting with each cusp in turn. For example, when you "start the motion-picture" with Taurus you are impressing your consciousness with the value of the Rule as an underlying basis of conduct in all of your experiences pertaining to material stewardship and financial exchange and toward all people who are involved in your life through these experiences. So it is with all of the other houses and signs; the Rule directs your conduct in relationship to all people who figure as "vibratory expressions" in your experience-patterns — past, present, and future.
Since every zodiacal point in the first six signs of the abstract horoscope is counterparted by the opposite point, the following is suggested as an exercise for becoming more fluently acquainted with the "opposition pattern;" place the pencil-point on the cusp of the first house and draw it along the horizontal diameter, saying: " Aries is counterparted by Libra;" then turn the wheel so that Libra is on the Ascendant, draw the diameter again saying: "Libra is counterparted by Aries." Follow out this procedure with each pair of counterparted signs until each pair is established in mind as "two parts of the same thing" rather than as "two different things."
Each of the twelve signs is then seen to be a potential starting point for a journey around the wheel. The cusps of the twelve houses — as the horoscope is constructed — form what appears to be six diameters; actually the cyclic action of the "life within the wheel" indicates twelve diameters representing the polarity-action of the horoscope as a picture of the Law of Cause and Effect in action throughout humanity's evolution. These diameters are not complete in themselves until the return is made, since each is simply a short cut between one zodiacal point and its opposite; the two opposites form a structural segment on which the complete circle is built. So, from Aries to Libra and back to Aries — via the diameter — is the short-cut picture of traveling around the wheel from Aries through Libra and back to Aries on the circumference of the horoscope. Cyclic action is implied by both.
Because we put astrological knowledge to work for a certain specific enlightening or regenerative objective, we must learn how to apply to the individual horoscope these picturings of "zodiacal points and their counterparts." In other words, we must always seek to make our philosophical conclusions practical — in astrological interpretation or in living.
We must learn to recognize our patterns of consciousness by identifying our reactions to other people and synchronize these conclusions with the picturings in our horoscopes. When — if ever — this is accomplished we have put our astrological knowledge to constructive, practical use toward lifting reactions of envy, hatred, jealousy, fear, and the like from our minds and hearts. We cannot love our neighbors (humanity) as long as such qualities remain in our "inner." Not loving (the Light in) our neighbor means not fulfilling. Your Light is his light also and the dark congestions of down-pulling reaction must be dissipated if the Light in yourself and in him is to become a living reality in your consciousness. So, let us study our natal charts from this basis of "counterpart" and come into a clearer realization of the fact that our reactions to others form the vibratory barometer of our Consciousness; we will approach this study by renewing our realization that planets are expressions of principles; therefore they are the "goodness of Life in action;" it is our Life-purpose to learn how to live these principles as unfoldment of divine potentials.
Life gives us many opportunities to deal with each planetary pattern and these opportunities are presented to us through our contact with other people whose planetary arrangements synchronize with ours in different ways. We are now concerned with "problems" so we will deal with the "counterparting" of the opposition aspects.
Until such time as you recognize that your Light is one with humanity's Light you tend to "classify" other people in three principal ways: (1) the bad — those who stimulate your unregeneracies; (2) the bad-good — those who stimulate both your unregeneracies and your regeneracies; (3) the good — those you love because they stimulate only your best in consciousness. The "envelope" doesn't matter — relationship, sex, age — we are now considering the "other fellow" only as a vibratory mechanism, expressing in human incarnation, as a factor in your vibratory experience.
Recognize that every opposition aspect between planets in your chart forms an active polarity-pattern; until those elements in consciousness are harmonized by regenerating each factor, a condition of inner tug-of-war prevails. Any person who comes into your life in a significant way whose ruler — planet ruling the Ascendant sign — is conjunct one of your opposed planets is personally identified by that planetary vibration in your consciousness and fits into your life in one of the three above- mentioned classifications. Any person who has any other planet but the chart- ruler conjunct one of your opposed planets might be called a secondary identification or variation of that vibration. Regardless of how the other person is identified, his being in your life is to give you an opportunity to regenerate your expression of the two opposed planets; stimulation of one automatically stimulates the other. If his planet is unregenerate in quality the lesson is clear: you must use the spiritual principle represented by that planet in order successfully to harmonize and fulfill the relationship. If his planet is "bad-good" in quality then you must express the best of both your opposed planets — in other words, you must fuse the best elements of both planets in order to establish greater harmony with all of his planetary conditions represented by that particular planet. If his planet is entirely regenerate, then he is an "agency" for making you aware of the best of the particular planet in your pattern with which he is identified, and he helps you to express the best of the other planet of your opposition. His planet being regenerate, he is your "friend" because his quality stimulates you to express your Light; if otherwise, he is your "tempter."
Therefore, since the opposition-aspect seems to pit one planet against another, the solution is not "working on one planet at the expense of the other;" it is found in translating or transposing the quality of planetary expression into a higher octave, thus redeeming the weakness implied by congestion and friction from darkness into a greater expression of Light. This can be done by different approaches: (1) using the regenerate quality of a third planet which favorably — by trine and sextile — aspects the two opposed planets; (2) using the regenerate quality of the planets which disposit — rule the signs of placement of — the two opposed planets; (3) direct translation — by applying the Golden Rule — of the quality of the two opposed planets. This is a direct philosophical discipline, since the quality of the two planets is dynamically projected from your "Light-center."
In the illustration above, the alleviating planet which helps the opposition may be congested by square aspect from a fourth planet. If such is the case, pay careful attention to the zodiacal point which is opposite to the alleviating planet. Any person in your life whose ruler is within orb of that point will stand, through his regenerate qualities, as a living symbol of the "higher Self" of the alleviating planet. Study that person with great care. Why do you love that person? How does he "lift" you? Why do you feel that you need him? The answer is clearly shown astrologically and can be perceived in personal relations; the best of that person is the higher self of the planet that makes possible a regeneracy of your two opposed planets That person is personally identified as one of your principal "Light- showers" in this incarnation. Don't waste a moment of your time in envy of that person; seek to emulate his good as much as possible. So doing, you will be learning from your own higher self. Assiduously cultivate every quality in your own nature that inspires that person with feelings of love and respect for you; in that way his Light and your Light blend into an "inner-plane- marriage" and the fused Light of both adds to the Light-expression of humanity.
The person whose primary (chart-ruler) or secondary planet squares your opposed planets is also your teacher, but from a different "level." If his planetary quality is negative his effect on you is to ignite or frictionalize the negative quality of your opposed planets. Such a person gives you a stiff examination of your ability to regenerate your opposition; his negatives tend to "take hands with your opposed planets and pull them in his own down-going direction;" since this person's planets can square your opposition from two points — the signs which square your opposition — is it not feasible that the planets in your own chart which rule the squaring signs may be the vibratory power by which you can free yourself from the "effect" of this person's down-pulling effect on you? In other words, by using regenerate expressions of these two planets in your own chart you release yourself from his patterns and you establish your own regenerate counterparting. He no longer appears as your enemy because you have raised into a higher octave of expression the vibratory quality which you have in common with him and in so doing, you make yourself — if the relationship- pattern is a close one — a "Light" for the regeneracy of his planet. You established "up-lift" for yourself but you also extend the up-lift to your neighbor and the regenerating process is seen to form a "complete circle" — it includes him — it doesn't just stop at your own regenerating. The person whose uncongested ruler or planet squares your opposition has the effect of "brakes" on you; his vibratory quality serves to try to protect you from continuing in your frictional or down-going path. He, consciously or unconsciously, serves to show you the error of your ways. Since you are two people, that planet in your own chart being expressed regeneratively is the way your Light "takes hand with his Light." In other words, his unafflicted planetary vibration alerts you to that which in your own nature regeneratively counterparts your opposition. Let yourself open, in consciousness, to the good in that person; he is your friend, your teacher, your guide, your way-shower; he is not-as you may subconsciously tend to feel — your enemy or your antagonist. Take hands with this person in willingness to learn from him and his power will be seen as an agency of raising your opposition planets into a higher octave of expression.
Another form of "counterpart" is seen when you contact a person who has two planets in trine aspect which you have in square or opposition. This might be called "counterpart of aspect-quality;" he "counterparts" you in representing a regenerate fulfillment of something in your consciousness which needs regenerating. He, then, foreshadows the fulfillment you are to make, sooner or later. Particularly if one of his trined planets is opposition one of your squared ones he will stand as a personification of your own Higher Self; he then by aspect-quality and polarity-pattern counterparts you in a higher level of expression. If he has any trined planets opposition a squared planet in your chart that planet, in its regenerate quality, is counterpart of your aspect. Pay attention to that planet in your own chart and provide, from within your own chart and your own consciousness, the redemption and regeneration of your square aspect.
Let us meditate more and more on the great principle of polarity, not from the standpoint of ourselves being "versus" everyone else, but that we are all reflections of each other. The worst and the best of each is counterparted by the best and worst of others; the established recognition, in consciousness, of our joint participation in the one white Light is the goal of all.
— Supplemental Student Material Reference: Studies in Astrology, Elman Bacher
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