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Complete Index of Max Heindel's Works

— U —

Ulcers, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 552, 555

Ultra-skepticism, is wrong attitude for investigators, Christianity Lectures 297-298

Unbelief, may result in injury, Cosmo-Conception 440

Unchastity, is greatest sin of all, Ancient and Modern Initiation 44

Undines, Mystical Interpretation of Christmas 37; Questions and Answers, Volume II 195, 208; Rosicrucian Mysteries 70

Unfoldment, Gleanings of a Mystic 55; Teachings of an Initiate 108-121

United States, is melting pot, Cosmo-Conception 305-306, 315; Gleanings of a Mystic 74; Letters to Students 144

Unity, Ancient and Modern Initiation 81, 85-86; Freemasonry and Catholicism 7-8

Unity Society, Letters to Students 132

Universal Brotherhood, Christianity Lectures 224, 240, 330; Cosmo-Conception 311; Letters to Students 56, 118, 167; Mystical Interpretation of Christmas 32; The Web of Destiny 97

Universal friendship, Freemasonry and Catholicism 88

Universal solvent, Gleanings of a Mystic 168

Universal Spirit, Ancient and Modern Initiation 91, 93; Mysteries of the Great Operas 74; Letters to Students 23; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 148

Universal soul, Christianity Lectures 103

Universe, has spiritual ebb and flow, Letters to Students 11; formation of, Cosmo-Conception 324-325; is governed by law, Questions and Answers, Volume II 234; is maintained by God, Cosmo-Conception 324; is the Lyre of Apollo, The Web of Destiny 110; is three dimensional, Christianity Lectures 14-15; logic in, Cosmo-Conception 440

Unselfishness, is synonymous with love, Letters to Students 109; necessity for, Christianity Lectures 174; Mysteries of the Great Operas 65; releases creative force, Cosmo-Conception 537

Uraeus, symbology of, Freemasonry and Catholicism 16, 84; Message of the Stars 21-23

Uranus, astrological characteristics of, Message of the Stars 32, 42-43, 47, 166, 341, 345-349; 359-366, 379, 426, 432, 447; effects of, Message of the Stars 564-565, 573, 577; has yellow color, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 162; is beginning to affect many people, Questions and Answers, Volume II 385; life on, is backward, Cosmo-Conception 258; rules pituitary body, Message of the Stars 345, 570; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 32, 35; was first planet thrown off Sun, Cosmo-Conception 258

Urates, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 558

Urd, Mysteries of the Great Operas 89

Uremia, Message of the Stars 548, 552

Urethral disorders, Message of the Stars 558, 563

Ureters, diseases of, Message of the Stars 620

Urinary system, saves man from early grave, Christianity Lectures 139; Cosmo-Conception 444

Urinary disorders, Message of the Stars 550, 553, 555, 562-563

Uterus, diseases of, Message of the Stars 546, 548, 563

Utopia, Letters to Students 90

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