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Simplified Scientific Christianity |
This study guide is intended for use with Ancient and Modern Initiation by Max Heindel. The guide contains two groups of questions for each section in Ancient and Modern Initiation. The first group of questions for a section are questions whose answer may be found somewhere in the section. The second group of questions are labeled as "thought questions." The answers to these questions are not given in the section, but rather can be answered by relating what was said in the section to one's own experience and by using one's creative imagination.
In using the study guide it is recommended that one first read an entire section from Ancient and Modern Initiation to get an overall picture of the topic being discussed. Then answer the questions below, referring back to the text as needed.
It is hoped that this study guide will help the reader clarify and make more precise the understanding of esoteric Truths, so that he or she may tread the path with a more certain step.
1-1] Who designed the ancient Atlantean Mystery Temple?
Mountains surrounded by blue haze ___ |
A. The rays of the Holy Spirit |
Green plants ___ | B. The rays of the Son |
Purple blood in animals ___ | C. The rays of the Father and Son |
Blue and purple curtains in the Tabernacle ___ |
D. The rays of the Father |
The golden "wedding garment" of the mystic Bride _____ |
E. The rays of the Father and of the Holy Spirit |
F. The rays of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit |
1-4] How is it possible for one to build a temple inside of oneself?
1-5] Why does the mystic mason strive to build a temple within himself?
2-6] What does the symbol of the Brazen Laver remind us what we must do?
2-7] What effect will the regular performance of the exercise of retrospection have on the daily life?
The veil through which one enters the East Room from the outside ____ |
A. The north side of the East Room |
The Golden Candlestick ____ | B. The south side of the East Room |
The Altar of Incense ____ | C. The east side of the East Room |
The Table of Shewbread ____ | D. The west side of the East Room |
The veil between the East Room and the Holy of Holies ____ |
E. The center of the East Room |
3-2] Match each item on the left with the item on the right which is most closely related:
The cosmic knowledge and planetary energies which man is given to work with ____ |
A. The Burning of Incense |
Opportunities for service which come through the 'houses' in the horoscope ____ |
B. The Incense |
The essence extracted from acts of service ____ |
C. The Seven-branched candlestick |
The building of the soul body ____ | D. The Shewbread |
3-4] How are acts of service transmuted into soul?
4-3] What do the Tables of Law within the Ark of the Covenant symbolize?
4-4] What does the Golden Pot of Manna symbolize?
4-5] What knowledge is represented symbolically by the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden?
4-7] What two ethical restrictions are there on the use of the creative force symbolized by Aaron's Rod?
4-9] When vital power (creative force) has come under the control of the mind, what can be done with it?
5-2] Why did eating of the Tree of Knowledge bring pain and death into the world?
5-3] What ideal does the flower symbol hold up to man?
5-4] What do the Cherubim with an open flower (on the door of Solomon's Temple) symbolically indicate?
5-6] Why is purity needed to unlock the gate to God?
6-2] At what phase of the lunar cycle is the birth of the Invisible Helper most readily accomplished?
6-3] Next to each item on the left put the letter of the item on the right which is most closely related:
The Jehovistic Fire ____ | A. The Altar of Burnt Offering |
The Christ Light ____ | B. The Molten Sea |
The Father Fire ____ | C. The Furnishings and Light in the East Room |
We must live a stainless life of holiness and consecration ____ |
D. The Furnishings and Light in the West Room |
Those who have attained Liberation can directly see spiritual truths ____ |
The masses learn to control their animalistic passions in order to escape painful consequence ____ |
Through service we make the 'living bread' which feeds the soul ____ |
Those who serve have their path illumined for them ____ |
6-4] Why does the path of holiness narrow as one procedes along it?
7-1] What awakens within the Rosicrucian aspirant the feeling that he is one with all that lives?
7-2] What urges the Christian Mystic onward and leads him to an understanding of things?
7-3] Next to each item on the left put the letter of the item on the right which is most closely related:
The aspirant must work constructively with the laws of nature as a servant of humanity. ____ |
A. Angels sang at Jesus' birth |
The Christian Mystic who is preparing for Initiation will seek birth through parents who perform the generative act without passion ____ |
B. Jesus was a carpenter |
The parents selected for (and by) the Christian Mystic are chosen for their spiritual qualities, not because if their material wealth ____ |
C. Jesus was born in a manger. |
There is rejoicing in heaven when a soul is preparing for the Christian Mystic Initiation ____ |
D. The mother of Jesus was a virgin. |
8-1] In the life of Jesus Christ, what happened immediately after His Baptism?
8-2] When someone is under water and close to drowning, what frequently enters his inner vision?
8-4] How did the clearing of the mists facilitate the development of Egoism?
8-6] What type of intense longing can lead the candidate to the Mystic Baptism?
8-7] What does the candidate perceive and feel in the Mystic Baptism?
8-8] Subsequent to the Baptism, how will the candidate view other people?
9-2] Why is a mental understanding of the unity of all life, by itself, insufficient?
9-4] Why is it wrong for the Christian Mystic to turn stones into bread to feed himself?
10-1] Next to each item on the left put the letter of the item on the right which is most closely related:
If a stove were empty but were endowed with the faculty of speech, it might preach forever the gospel of warmth but not satisfy its audience. ______ |
A. A sermon on brotherhood by one who has not experienced the Baptism will sound hollow. |
A stove filled with burning fuel cannot help heating the surrounding atmosphere. ______ |
B. Not all Christian Mystics reach the same height. |
The heated stove attracts those who are physically cold. ______ |
C. People whose hearts are chilled by the cruelty of the world are drawn to the Christian Mystic. |
The stove does not need words to warm those who are physically cold. ______ |
D. The Christian Mystic cannot help radiating the divine compassion which fills his heart. |
Different stoves have different heating capacities. ______ |
E. The true Mystic need not preach. His every act, even his silent presence, is more powerful than a sermon. |
10-4] In what part of the body is this Fire mainly located?
10-5] What awakens this Fire?
10-8] What lesson must the occultist eventually learn in order to balance his intellectual development?
11-1] In what way are people who do not have knowledge of value to one who does?
11-2] In what ways are humans indebted to animals?
11-3] In what ways are humans indebted to plants?
5-4] Give an example of a situation in which one life wave willingly serves another.
11-5] Give an example of a situation in which one life wave unwillingly serves another.
11-6] Why does the aspirant try to live the harmless life?
12-1] What makes the Christian Mystic become a Man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief?
12-2] What do these feeling of grief lead the Christian Mystic to do?
12-3] When all his friends desert him, to who does the Christian Mystic turn?
12-4] Why do the friends of the Christian Mystic desert him?
13-1] At what points is the interlocking grip between the physical body and the etheric body strongest?
13-2] What generates the stigmata in the Christian Mystic?
13-3] In what direction must the creative force travel at the time of the Crucifixion?
13-5] What is separated from the dense body at the time of the Crucifixion?
13-6] Of what value is it to the Christian Mystic to personally experience the Crucifixion?
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Contemporary Mystic Christianity |
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