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Simplified Scientific Christianity         

Simplified Scientific Astrology
by Max Heindel
(Part 2)

Logarithm of Moon's motion: .2119
Logarithm of interval: .3912
Log. of Moon's motion during interval: .6031
Deg. Min.
Value of logarithm .6031 (increment of
correction) 5 degrees, 59 minutes.:
Long. of Moon on noon nearest G.M.T.
Pisces 02 39
Minus increment of correction: 05 59
Longitude of Moon at G.M.T.: Aquarius 26 40

   As in the first horoscope we calculated, so in this we may pass Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn without correcting, and enter the longitude of each for the noon nearest G.M.T. in the horoscope. Mars' motion is 15 minutes on the G.M.T. day and his motion during the interval of 9 hours, 45 minutes would therefore be about 6 minutes. Subtracting 6 minutes from Mars' longitude on Aug. 3rd (the noon nearest G.M.T.), Mars' position in the horoscope will be Aries 4:06. Similarly Jupiter requires a correction of 4 minutes making his position Virgo 15.17.

Longitude of Venus on noon after G.M.T.
(Aug 3):
Virgo 06 21
Longitude of Venus on noon before G.M.T.
(Aug. 2):
Virgo 05 09
Motion of Venus on G.M.T. day: 01 12
Logarithm of Venus' motion on G.M.T.
Logarithm of interval: .3912
Logarithm of Venus' travel during interval: 1.6922
Deg. Min.
Value of logarithm 1.6922 (increment
of correction ) 0 degrees, 29 minutes.
Long. of Venus on noon nearest G.M.T.:
Virgo 06 21
Minus increment of correction: 00 29
Long. of Venus to be entered in horoscope: Virgo 05 52

   Mercury is the last of the planets we have to calculate.

Deg. Min.
Longitude of Mercury on noon after G.M.T.
(Aug. 3):
Leo 09 22
Longitude of Mercury on noon before G.M.T.
(Aug. 2):
Leo 07 17
Motion of Mercury of G.M.T. day: 02 05
Log. of Mercury's travel on G.M.T. day: 1.0614
Logarithm of interval: .3912
Log. of Mercury's motion during interval: 1.4526
Deg. Min.
Value of logarithm 1.4526 (increment of
correction) 0 degrees, 51 minutes.
Longitude of Mercury on noon nearest G.M.T.
(Aug. 3):
Leo 09 22
Minus increment of correction: 00 51
Longitude of Mercury to be entered in
Leo 08 31

   The position of the Dragon's Head or Moon's Node, and the Dragon's Tail, have also to be found. The Dragon's Head for Aug 3rd, the noon nearest the G.M.T., is found in the ephemeris to be in 13:44 Gemini. The Dragon's Tail occupies the opposite point of 13:44 Sagittarius.

   It now remains to calculate the Part of Fortune, and we note the factors in that problem as being:

Deg. Min.
Ascendant, the 12th sign: Pisces 07 08
Longitude of Sun, the 5th sign: Leo 10 05
Longitude of Moon, the 11th sign: Aquarius 26 40

   We proceed according to the rule given:

Sign Deg. Min.
Longitude of Ascendant: 12 07 08
Longitude of Moon: 11 26 40
24 03 48
Longitude of Sun: 05 10 05
18 23 43
Subtract the circle of 12 signs: 12 00 00
06 23 43
Longitude of the Part of Fortune: Virgo 23 43

   We will now make a list of the planets as corrected for insertion in the horoscope:

Sign Deg. Min.
The Sun: Leo 10 05
The Moon: Aquarius 26 40
Neptune: Cancer 17 44
Uranus: Capricorn 18 13R
Saturn: Aries 23 14
Jupiter: Virgo 15 17
Mars: Aries 04 06
Venus: Virgo 05 52
Mercury: Leo 08 31
Part of Fortune: Virgo 23 43
Dragon's Head: Gemini 13 44
Dragon's Tail: Sagittarius 13 44

   We have now cast the two horoscopes and a comparison reveals the fact that although cast for persons born in the same city on the same day of the year, the characteristics of one of these persons will be entirely opposite to those of the other, and as character is the determinator of destiny, the lives of these two persons will be entirely opposite.

   Before we can judge these two horoscopes it is necessary that we should obtain a clear conception of the relations of the planets to one another, to the signs of the Zodiac and to the houses as they are in each of the two horoscopes, and to that end we will make an index that shall reveal these relationships at a glance, so that our minds may not be hampered by mathematics at the time when we are judging the horoscope, but be free and concentrated upon the meaning of the different aspects and positions.


   On the page of our ephemeris copied in this book, you will find in the columns of Saturn and Mars a capital R. The meaning is as follows:

   The planets of our solar system move in one direction, from west to east, but their orbits about the Sun are of varying sizes, and so are their velocities. The earth travels 65,000 miles an hour and still its circle is so large that it requires 365 days to journey around the Sun. Mercury makes a much smaller circle around the Sun, and travels 104,000 miles an hour, so it it completes a revolution around the Sun in 88 days. Uranus travels only 15000 miles an hour, but its circle is so large that it requires 84 years to complete. The other planets show similar variations of speed. If they traveled in a straight line the smaller and faster planets would soon leave the more ponderous and slow-moving behind, but as they move in circle, they pass a given point of observation again and again. Were that point central and stationary this constant forward motion of the planets in their respective orbits would be apparent to all observers; but that is the trouble, there is no stationary point; every particle, from Jupiter, the giant of our solar system, to the smallest particle of "stardust" is in incessant motion around a common center, and therefore, at times one planet moves almost transversely to the path of another moving body and it appears for a time as if it stood still in its orbit. Astronomers say that such a planet is stationary. At other times this oblique motion of the planets relative to the earth's position in its orbit makes them seem to move backward in the zodiac, and this we call Retrograde. In the ephemeris we find a capital R in line with the day when any planet commences thus seemingly to recede, and this retrogradation goes on until we find a capital D which indicates that a direct forward motion of the planet is again observable.

   Though this backward motion of a planet is only seeming, it has a very real effect in respect to the influence which a planet exerts, for it is the angle of the ray which determines the influence of a planet. The planets are foci which transmit and intensify the properties of fixed stars so that they affect us in a much greater degree than when not focused upon the point of observation-the birthplace.

   Let us now suppose that at the time a child is born we look at Saturn and beyond him, right along our line of observation, we see the fixed star Antares which is in about 8 degrees of Sagittarius; the child is then getting a tendency to eye trouble which is sufficiently severe even if the planet is traveling "direct" in its orbit as is generally the case, for then Antares gradually goes out of focus, and Saturn will not return to the conjunction until it has completed its circle journey around the Sun (which takes about 29 years). If, on the other hand, we find that on the day after birth Saturn has retrograded somewhat, and still more the next day, and so on for a week or two, then that also brings Antares out of focus, but but there is this important difference, that instead of taking 29 years to form the next conjunction Saturn may become "direct," and form the second conjunction with Antares in a few weeks after birth, and this repeated evil ray may aggravate the natal defect to such an extent that the child becomes blind. Thus we reiterate, that while the retrograde motion of a planet is only seeming, its influence on human affairs is very real.

Chapter VI
The Aspects

   The circle of the zodiac, like any other circle, is divisible into 360 degrees. Within this circle move the heavenly bodies of our solar system, but their motion is far from uniform, as shown in the first chapter. Therefore those planets which move the slowest are overtaken, passed, and re-passed by the swifter bodies.

   When one planet is a certain number of degrees from another planet they are said to be in aspect.

Table of Aspects

The Opposition: planets are 180 degrees apart.
The Square: planets are 90 degrees apart.
The Sextile: planets are 60 degrees apart.
The Trine: planets are 120 degrees apart.
The Conjunction: planets are 0 degrees apart.

   The Parallel occurs when two planets have the same degree of declination, no matter whether one is north and the other south of the equator. This will be made clear in calculations which follow later.

   Of the aspects mentioned above, the Opposition and Square are said to be evil; the Sextile and Trine are designated good, while the Conjunction and Parallel are classed as indeterminate; if they occur between so-called good planets they bring good; if between the evil planets (so-called) they bring evil. A horoscope is considered fortunate or the reverse according to whether the sextiles and trines are more numerous than the squares and oppositions.

   Such a viewpoint is erroneous. In the Father's Kingdom there is no evil. What appears so is only good in the making. When a lapidary is cutting a precious stone he applies part after part of the rough gem to the grindstone and at each application we may hear the loud screeching, as if in pain, from the stone. By degrees, however, as a consequence of the harsh grinding process, it will acquire a beautifully polished surface with numerous facets capable of receiving, reflecting and refracting the brilliant sunlight.

   God and his Ministers, the Seven Planetary Spirits, are the Lapidaries and man is a diamond in the rough. To polish and uncover his spiritual nature varied experiences are necessary. They may be pleasant or otherwise, as indicated by what are commonly called good or bad aspects; but it is safe to say that the adverse experiences which come to us under so-called bad aspects are as potent developers of spiritual muscle — removing more of our selfishness, serving to make us more tolerant and sympathetic, as the harsh grinding which serves to remove the rough coat of the diamond. Though a horoscope full of squares and oppositions may indicate what is ordinarily termed a hard life, such a one is infinitely preferable (from a spiritual standpoint) to a nativity with only "good" aspects, for that could give but an insipid existence, while a "bad" horoscope will give action and zest to the life in one direction or another.

   Moreover as the stars do not compel, but give tendencies only, it lies with us in a large measure to assert our individuality and transmute present evil to future good. Thus we shall work in harmony with the stars and rule them by obedience to cosmic law.

   The influence of an aspect between the planets at birth is felt even if they are not exactly 60, 90, 120 or 180 degrees apart; an "orb," so-called, of 6 degrees is allowed.

   In the accompanying cut Saturn and Jupiter are within orb of each other because one is 1 degree, the other 7 degrees of Aries. Saturn being 1 degree, is also within orb of Mars (3 degrees) and Mercury (5 degrees), but is not within orb of the Sun, Moon or Venus, as there are more than 6 degrees from 1 (Saturn's degree) to 9, 12 and 14, the degrees occupied by the Sun, Moon and Venus.

   The spiritual reason for this orb is as follows: — Besides the visible body of man which we perceive by our senses, man has also invisible vehicles called by Paul spiritual bodies, and man himself is a spirit.

   When we have developed the faculty of spiritual sight, which is latent in all, we shall see these finer bodies protruding far beyond the dense body which is located in the center of this "aura," much as the yolk of an egg is in the center of the egg, surrounded by the white on all sides.

   Before two human beings come in close physical contact their auras have mingled; that is the reason why we "feel the presence of another" at times before we become aware of him by means of our ordinary senses.

   As above, so below. Man is made in the image of God and of His ministers — the star angels. Each planet has an invisible world protruding into space beyond the dense visible sphere perceived by the eye. When these planetary auras come into aspect an influence is felt, though the visible planets may yet lack 6 degrees in forming an aspect or they may have gone 6 degrees past the aspect before the influence ceases.

   In order to determine at a glance just what aspect the planets in a horoscope have to one another, when within orbs we note the following division of the zodiacal signs:

   Planets in Cardinal signs are in conjunction, square or opposition if within orb, planets in Fixed signs are also in conjunction, square or opposition if within orbs and so are planets in Common signs. A glance at the horoscope will reveal which of the three aspects is formed.

   Another division of the zodiac is:

   Planets in fiery signs are in conjunction or trine if within orb. Planets in earthy signs are in trine (or conjunction); so are the planets in airy or watery signs, as shown in the above diagram.

Essential Dignities and Exaltation:
   Planets are said to "rule" or to be "essentially dignified" in certain signs where the essential nature of planet and sign agree. When placed in the opposite signs, they are in their "detriment," and hence out of harmony with their surroundings.

   Planets are more powerful in certain signs than in others, and are said to be "exalted" when placed in such signs. When occupying the opposite signs, they are in their "fall," hence comparatively weak.

   The following table will show the planets, and the signs in which they are strong or weak, in accordance with the foregoing. It will be noted that each of the planets, with the exception of Uranus and Neptune, rules two signs, while the Sun and Moon rule only one each. Also note that Uranus and Saturn are co-rulers of Aquarius and that Neptune and Jupiter are co-rulers of Pisces.

Critical Degrees:

   The following table shows certain degrees of the Zodiac which are designated as "critical degrees." When a planet is within an orb of three degrees of any of these points, it will be found to exercise a much stronger influence in the life than otherwise. This influence will tend to increase the strength of an exaltation, and also to offset the weakness resulting from a planet being in its fall or detriment. It will also increase the strength of aspects to that planet.

Table of Critical Degrees

   A planet placed in or near the ninth or tenth houses is said to be "elevated." The nearer it is to the Midheaven, the more highly elevated it is. A planet in elevation is much more powerful, for either good or evil, than when placed at a lower altitude.

The Angles:
   When planets are found in the "angles" of the horoscope (First, Fourth, Seventh and Tenth Houses) they are said to be angular or accidentally dignified. When so placed, they exert a greater influence for either good or evil, than when located in the other houses.

   When the student has digested the above information he should proceed to make a table or index of the relationship of the planets as shown in the diagram on page 89.

Chapter VII
Making The Index

   Looking at the horoscope for 8:15 P.M. we note that Saturn and Mars are in Aries, a Cardinal sign. We therefore place them under Cardinal signs in the main. Cancer, the next Cardinal sign, contains Neptune, and that planet is entered under the Cardinal signs in the main. Libra, the third Cardinal sign, contains no planets. Capricorn is the last of the Cardinal signs; Uranus is there and when we have entered him in the index we have a complete list of the planets which, in this horoscope, are placed in Cardinal signs.

   The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. In Taurus we find no planet. The Sun and Mercury are in Leo, hence we enter them in the index under th heading "Fixed." Scorpio has no planets but the Moon is in Aquarius. It is therefore also entered under "Fixed" in the main.

   In this horoscope the Common signs Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces, contain no planets, but Virgo, the other Common sign, has Jupiter and Venus; hence these are entered under the list of planets in Common signs, as is also the Part of Fortune.

   This completes our classification of the planets in respect to the temperament, and to make sure that we have entered all in the index, we count them: Four are in Cardinal; three are classified as Fixed, and two as Common, making a total of nine planets, besides the Part of Fortune.

   That is right; so we proceed in like manner to note the planets in Fiery signs. We enter them in the main. Next the Earthy, Airy and Watery signs. We have then made our classification according to elements, and again we count to see that we have entered all the planets. Four are in Fiery signs; three in Earthy signs; one in Airy, and one in Watery signs. The total is nine planets, which is right.

   We next note the exaltation, etc., as given in the main.

   Now we are prepared to note the aspects, and the student is particularly requested to follow the system as here outlined; then he cannot possibly miss any aspect.

   Place the index finger of the left hand upon the first or left hand planet under th heading Cardinal in the main. (In the present case Mars.) Place your pencil point held in the right hand on the planet next to the right in the Cardinal line (Saturn here). Note by a glance at the horoscope if these two planets are in orb (6 degrees) of each other. Here the answer is, no; one is 4, the other 23 degrees. They are therefore not in aspect. Keep the left index finger in place, but move the pencil to the right to the next planet (Neptune here), and ask, are they within orb? — again the answer is no. Again the pencil point is moved to the right and is on the last planet in the Cardinal line (Uranus); the question, are the planets under the index finger and the pencil point within orb, is asked, and answered negatively.

   Thus we have ascertained that the planet under our left hand index finger (Mars) has no aspect to any of the other planets in Cardinal signs. We then move the left index finger one place to the right (to Saturn), place our pencil point on the planet next to the right of that (on Neptune here), repeat the query, are the planets under the index finger and the pencil point (Saturn and Neptune here) within orb? A glance at the horoscope shows that they are; one being 17 and the other 23. They are therefore in aspect. Our rule says that — Planets in Cardinal, Fixed or Common signs are either in conjunction square or opposition if within orbs!

   A glance at the position of Saturn and Neptune shows that they are not in conjunction; nor in opposition; they must therefore be square to each other. other. We therefore write a square and the symbol of Saturn in Neptune's line in the Index; also a square and the symbol of Neptune in Saturn's line. Thus we have recorded that aspect.

   We leave our left index finger on Saturn, but move the pencil point to the right, to Uranus. We repeat our query, are they in orb? The answer is yes, and their positions indicate the aspect as being a square. This we note in the lines of Saturn and Uranus as in previous cases. Then we have recorded all the aspects of Saturn to the planets to the right of him, and we move our left index finger to the right (to Neptune and Uranus) and ask our question regarding orb. The answer is yes. Neptune and Uranus are within orb of each other, hence in opposition. This aspect is entered in the index also and completes the aspects of Neptune.

   We have now noted in a thorough and systematic manner all the aspects between the planets in the Cardinal line. The same mode of procedure we employ with the planets in the other lines working in each line steadily from left to right. If this method is followed no aspect can be missed.

   In dealing with the planets in the Fiery, Airy, Earthy and Watery signs, we remember of course that they are in trine or conjunction if within orb.

   In getting the Sextiles a different method is necessary. Start with Mars (Aries 4 here), add 60 degrees, which gives Gemini 4. As, is any planet in orb of Gemini 4? The answer is no. Pass the left index finger to the next planet in the horoscope (Saturn). He is in Aries 23; adding 60 degrees gives Gemini 23. There is no planet within orb of that point. The left index finger is passed on to the next planet (Neptune) in Cancer 17. We add 60 degrees which gives Virgo 17. We ask our question, Is any planet in orb of that point? The answer is yes — Jupiter in Virgo 15. Then Neptune and Jupiter are sextile and are so entered in the lines of both planets in the main.

   Proceeding we move the left index finger to every plant in the horoscope in turn; adding 60 degrees and asking our question. When we have followed the circle around we shall also have recorded all the sextiles and missed none.

   The Dragon's Head and the Dragon's Tail exert an influence in the horoscope only when in conjunction with a plant or the Ascendant. An orb of only two degrees or at most three degrees is allowed. The Dragon's Head is regarded as a benefic, its influence being analogous to that of the Sun in Aries, and Jupiterian in effect. The Dragon's Tail is malefic, being Saturnine in quality and having an influence similar to that of Saturn in Libra. In the present case neither the Dragon's Head nor Tail is in conjunction with a planet, hence there are no aspects to them to be entered in the Main.

   There remain yet the Parallels. To find them we turn to the page from the ephemeris for the month of birth (August) found in the back of this book. At the top of the page we find the names of the planets: Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, etc., and below each planet is noted its Declination for the days of the month given in the left hand column.

   As our G.M.T. is early morning on August 3rd we place the declinations for August 3rd opposite each planet in the main.

   An exception is the Moon's declination which requires a logarithmic correction in accordance with the G.M.T. This correction is made by the same method used in obtaining the Moon's longitude. We thus find the Moon's declination to be 17-2.

   The declination of the Part of Fortune is the same as the declination of the Sun when in the same sign and degree.

   Here the Part of Fortune is Virgo 23:43. Take an ephemeris for any year and find when the Sun was there. That will be about September 17, and then the Sun's declination was 2:25 (ephemeris for 1909.) That, then, is the declination of the Part of Fortune. In the same way the declinations of the Midheaven and the Ascendant may be found if desired.

   Having entered all the declinations in the index, place the left index finger on the declination of Neptune at the bottom; the pencil point on the declination next above (Uranus); ask if they are within 1 degree or at most 1 1/2 degrees. The answer is yes, and so they are entered in the column of aspects as parallel. Move the pencil up the line, noting at each step if the declinations of the planets under the index finger and pencil point are within orb (one degree or a little more.) When the pencil point has reached the top, all parallels under the left index finger will have been noted. Then move the left index finger one step up (to Uranus) and the pencil point up to the declination of the planet next above; note their parallel, if any; move the pencil point upward, step by step, following the same method in moving from bottom upward to get the declination as was followed by moving the index finger and pencil point from left to right to get the conjunctions squares, trines and oppositions.

   When the Parallels have been recorded the index is finished; and if placed below the horoscope on one sheet of paper as shown in the accompanying illustration the student will have ready at hand every means of judging the figure without turning his attention from that to computing aspects. Thus a more concentrated attitude of the mind is attainable. Neither is the process of making the index as complicated as the process of describing it; in fact, it is simplicity itself, as it involves no mathematical calculation but only the proper methodical placement of the left index finger and moving a pencil point to the right or upward from that finger merely asking continually: Are the planets under finger and pencil within orb? If this method is followed out the student can never miss an aspect and will be able to make such an index in from fifteen to twenty minutes.

   In order that proficiency may be achieved, the student should endeavor to make the index for the horoscope cast for August 2nd., 8:15 A.M.

   Aspects to the Ascendant, which represents the body, have an influence upon the health. Aspects to the Midheaven indicate the nature of one's opportunities for spiritual advancement. But since the exact time of birth is rarely known, and since a small error in this makes several degrees difference in the Ascendant or Midheaven, predictions made from aspects to these points are likely to be found unreliable. Hence we have not entered them in the Main.


Note: In addition to the foregoing, planets in the last six degrees of any sign must be compared with all planets in the first six degrees of other signs, because they may be in aspect to each other without coming under any of the preceding rules. Examples of this are as follows:

   Mars in 24-30 Aries is in conjunction with Venus in 0-30 Taurus; Mercury in 26-0 Taurus is sextile Jupiter in 2-0 Leo; Saturn in 27-9 Gemini is square Uranus in 2-0 Libra; Neptune in 28-0 Cancer is trine Mars in 3-0 Sagittarius; Venus in 29-30 Leo is in opposition to Mercury in 5-30 Pisces.

Notice To The Student:

   The foregoing chapters describe the basis of Astrology and illustrate in detail the method of erecting a horoscope. They also indicate the elements of the science of reading a horoscope. A great deal of additional information along these lines is given in the Philosophic Encyclopedia following. But the next volume in this series, the "Message of the Stars," is the Rosicrucian text book on the science of Astrological Reading, and the application of Astrology to our daily lives. It contains a complete exposition of the methods used in judging the radical horoscope, also in progressing the chart and making predictions therefrom. Medical Astrology and the diagnosis of disease are comprehensively death with, as are also the bearing of Astrology upon evolution and the general nature and effect of planetary vibrations.

   All who wish to go further in the subject are referred to this volume.

Part II
A Philosophic Encyclopedia Of Astrology

  Accidental Dignity:

   When a planet is placed in an angle its effect is much more powerful than in the succeedent or cadent houses. In this respect a position in the Tenth House is strongest on account of elevation (see Elevation), the First House is next, then the Seventh, and the Fourth House is weakest.

  Adjusted Calculation Date:

   A date at which the noon positions of the planets culminate when used in the Progressed Horoscope.

   It is obtained by a simple calculation, and with it predictions may be made in any horoscope for life, without further mathematical computations; for a full explanation the student is referred to "The Message of the Stars."


   A planet is afflicted when it is parallel, conjunction, square or opposition to Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune, or in square or opposition to any of the other planets (See Combust).

  Airy Signs:

   Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are called Airy signs. Their influence is mostly mental and intellectual.


   The First, Fourth, Seventh and Tenth Houses.

   The Eastern angle with Aries, where Mars is the ruler, suggests the Sun rising to the material activities of the day. As the Sun, denoting spirit, is under the cross denoting matter, but rising toward it, therefore it denotes the beginning of Life in the material world, and Mars, the ruler, stands for the desire nature, which draws the spirit towards material existence in order that it may conquer matter.

   The Southern angle, Capricorn, with Saturn as ruler, suggests the Sun crossing the meridian as it does at noon. It has traversed half its prescribed journey across the heavens, therefore the half-circle is omitted, and the other half-circle is retained under the cross in the symbol of Saturn. Hence Saturn denotes persistence, mechanical ability, etc., and the Tenth House the worldly achievements of the human being.

   The Western angle with Libra in the balance where the material activities turn to the spiritual, divides the day from the night; the busy summer from the inactive winter. It turns the waking hours devoted to the active material life, into the night where man contacts the unseen world. Therefore the circle, spirit, is above the cross of matter, the desire nature has been conquered, and the symbol of Mars turned upside down so that it becomes the symbol of Venus, the planet of love which rules this house, and which is therefore also the house of unions, of partnerships, the house that denotes the one nearest and dearest to us.

   The Northern angle, with the sign Cancer, marks the time when the Sun is at its lowest point. The sign consists of two suns, with the line of force proceeding from each one, but in opposite directions. The line from the sun which points to the East denotes the direction in which the physical Sun moves. The sun with the line of force going towards the West denotes the path in which the spiritual influences turn after the physical Sun has ceased its activity. This angle, therefore, is the angle of mystery, esotericism, and of the dark and unseen side of man's nature; therefore it has for its ruler the orb of night, the Moon.


   A planet is said to be angular when it is placed in the angles of the horoscope. This position strengthens the influence of the planet considerably for good or ill according to the nature of the planet and its aspects.

  Antares: See 'Fixed Stars'.

  Apply: When a swift moving planet approaches an aspect with a slower, it is said to apply to a square, trine etc. of that planet. As the applying planet must be speedier than the one it applies to, it is evident that the Moon applies in turn to the aspects of all the other planets each month when she passes around the zodiac, but Saturn who takes thirty years to make the circle can only apply to Uranus which uses eighty-four years, and to Neptune which takes a hundred and sixty-five years.

   That rule holds good when the planets move direct in the Zodiac (from Aries to Taurus etc.), but if the slower moving planet is retrograde (moving from Taurus to Aries etc.), both the planets may be applying to the aspect. (See direct and retrograde.)

   The influence of the planets is always stronger when they are applying than when they are separating.

  Ascelli: See 'Fixed Stars.'


   The degree of the zodiac which is on the eastern horizon at a certain time. A new degree rises every four minutes, a new sign about every two hours, and the twelve signs rise in every place on earth in twenty-four hours. Whatever sign is on the Ascendant is called the Rising sign. See 'Hyleg'.


   Under this heading will be grouped, Signs of Long Ascension, Signs of Short Ascension, Right Ascension and Oblique Ascension.

   Signs of long ascension are: Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

   Signs of short ascension are: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini.

   They are so called because the signs of Long Ascension rise slowly in Northern latitudes, taking a much longer time than the two hours required if all the twelve signs rose at a uniform rate during the twenty-four hours. Leo takes about two hours and forty-five minutes in Lat. 40 North where New York is, and Pisces and Aries, two signs of Short Ascension, take only one hour and ten minutes. The reason lies in the obliquity of the Ecliptic. The effect is that most people in the Northern Hemisphere are born under the signs of Long Ascension.

   In the Southern Hemisphere the signs listed as of Short Ascension in the foregoing classification, are signs of Long Ascension, and most people are born under them, while the Northern signs of Long Ascension rise quickly in the South and relatively few are born under them. Thus the people of the opposite hemispheres are also opposite in their inner natures, and show different characteristics.

   Right ascension and oblique ascension are not used in the system of Astrology generally in vogue, except in the calculation of the houses, with which the average student has no concern. Longitude is measured on the ecliptic or Sun's path from the first point of Aries, but Right Ascension is measured on the equinoctial or celestial equator.


   The distance apart of planets, which determines their influence for good or ill.

   The square is 90 degrees and the opposition is 180 degrees. These are called evil aspects.

   The sextile is 60 degrees and the trine is 120 degrees. They are called good aspects.

   The conjunction occurs when two planets are in the same degree of the Zodiac, and the parallel is the position of two planets in the same degree of declination, regardless of whether they are both North or South of the Equator, or whether one is in North and the other in South declination.

   These aspects are variable. If between benefics (the Sun, Venus and Jupiter), they are good, or if the planets of variable nature (the Moon and Mercury), are aspected by conjunction or parallel with the benefics it is good, but if the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter are in conjunction or parallel with one of the malefics (Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune), it is evil; the conjunction of two malefics is more so, but the parallel of two malefics is exceedingly strong in its detrimental influence. Conversely, of course, the parallel between two benefics is extraordinarily fortunate.


   If we were to pierce an apple through the centre with a knitting-needle, that would be the axis of the apple, and on this axis it may be rotated. The earth's axis is an imaginary line on which the earth rotates, and this motion of the earth on its axis produces the phenomena of day and night. The axis of the earth always points to a certain star in the constellation Ursa Minor, which on that account is called the pole star; the only one in the heavens which seems never to move. It is not quite stationary however, but has an exceedingly slow vibratory motion called nutation, causing the pole star to change in the course of millenniums. See 'Nutation' and 'Intellectual Zodiac.'

  Axis, Inclination of:

   The axes of all the planets are inclined to their orbits. See page 8.

  Axial Rotation:

   All the planets rotate upon their axes the same as the earth, but the time in which they make a rotation differs widely. See 'diurnal rotation of the planets,' page 8.

  Barren or Unfruitful Signs: Gemini, Leo and Virgo.


   The Sun, Venus and Jupiter. For a thorough synthetic explanation of the terms 'benefic' and 'malefic,' see 'Good' and 'Bad,' also pages 76 and 77.


   The third, sixth, ninth and twelfth houses are called cadent, and so are planets placed in these houses. This position weakens the influence of planets, so that benefics are not so helpful and malefics not so harmful when placed in cadent houses.

  Cardinal Signs:

   Aries, the Eastern sign entered by the Sun at the vernal equinox; Cancer, where the Sun reaches its highest degree of Northern declination at the Summer Solstice; Libra, the Western sign where the Sun goes into South declination at the Fall equinox; and Capricorn, where it is in the lowest South declination at the Winter Solstice.

   The Cardinal Signs are promotive, they further activity in whatever is undertaken under their influence.


   Any plant within three degrees of the Sun is said to be combust, or burned up by the Sun's rays. If Mercury or the Moon are so placed, it weakens the mind: if Venus or Jupiter, it takes away their help and if one of the malefics (Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune) is so placed, it is evil. See 'Affliction.'

  Common Signs:

   Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. They are flexible and vacillating in nature.


   When two planets are within six degrees of each other they are in conjunction. See 'Aspects' and 'Orb.'

  Critical Degrees:

   See table and description of Critical Degrees. These degrees mark approximately the end of each day's travel of the Moon through the twelve signs. The Moon occupies about 27 1/2 days in its passage around the Zodiac, averaging about 13 degrees each day. Thus, starting with the first degree of Aries, the first day's travel will end at the 13th degree, the second day's travel at the 26th degree and so on. Following this out, we find that the Critical Degrees are the 1st, 13th and 26th degrees of the Cardinal Signs, the 9th and 21st degrees of the Fixed Signs, and the 4th and 17th degrees of the Common Signs.


   When a plant reaches Zenith it is said to culminate, for it has then reached its highest altitude and then begins to descent toward the Western Node. This expression is also used concerning aspects. When a planet comes within orb of another the influence is at first weak, but it becomes stronger and stronger the nearer the applying plant comes to the exact aspect, and at that time it culminates or reaches its maximum strength. Then when the plants begin to separate and the aspect is gradually dissolved, the influence is correspondingly weakened, and finally ceases altogether.


   The first degree of a house or sign. When the Sun leaves the 30th degree of Cancer and is in Leo 0 degree, 1 min., it is said to be on the cusp, of Leo, the same with respect to the other signs. If Aries 10 degrees is on the midheaven, as the cusp or dividing line between the ninth and tenth houses is called, and Neptune is in Aries 9 degrees 55 minutes, it is placed in the Ninth House on the cusp, of the tenth. If it is in Aries 10 degrees 5 minutes, it is placed in the tenth house on the cusp.

   As the influence of planets having direct motion is always forward in the Zodiac, a planet on the cusp of a house will always have a stronger influence on the affairs signified by that house than a planet which is placed in the latter degrees of a house.


   The distance a planet is north or south of the Celestial Equator. The highest north declination of the Sun is 23 degrees 27 minutes, which it attains at the summer solstice the 21st of June, and at the winter solstice on the 21st of December it is in the corresponding degree, 23 degrees 27 minutes south declination. Mars, Mercury and the Moon reach declinations 27 degrees north, and on rare occasions Venus attains 28 degrees, but the other planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, have approximately the same declination as the Sun.

   Astronomy teaches that the declination of the Sun is due to the inclination of the earth's axis.


   A degree is the 360th part of a circle. There are 30 degrees in each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and the motion of the planets through these signs is stated in degrees and minutes of longitude, commencing with the first degree of Aries.

   The Sun's path is called the ecliptic, and is taken as the standard line of celestial motion so far as our solar system is concerned. The planets zigzag along the ecliptic sometimes a little to the north of the Sun's path, at other times a little to the south. The distance of a planet north or south of the Sun's path is called latitude, and is also measured in terms of degrees and minutes.

   For an explanation of degrees of declination, see 'declination,' and for the use of degrees to measure right ascension, see 'midheaven.'

   The foregoing explanations embody the use of the degree as a unit of measurement to fix the position of the planets on the celestial sphere containing the fixed stars; but degrees are also used in geography to determine the exact position of any city or place on the surface of the earth. Latitude is then reckoned in degrees from the Earth's equator, which has 0 degrees latitude, to the poles, which have respectively 90 degrees North and South latitude.

   Longitude is measured along the Earth's equator, 180 degrees East and West from the Meridian of Greenwich, which was accepted as a starting point in 1884 by delegates from all leading nations, France excepted.

   For the effect of distances measured in terms of longitude on the influence of the planets see 'Aspects.'

   For the influence of Latitude and Declination on the effect of the planetary aspects, see 'Latitude.'


   The opposite of Ascendant, the point on the western horizon where the Sun and the planets set, so called, because from thence the heavenly bodies commence their 'descent' towards the nadir of the celestial sphere.


   The opposite of 'Dignity,' which see.


   A planet is said to be in its dignity, or to be 'essentially dignified,' or to 'rule,' when it is in certain signs which agree with it in nature, for then the power of the sign and the power of the planet are compounded. The

Note: France accepted the Greenwich Meridian, March 10, 1911.

  influence of the planet is thus strengthened. Conversely, a planet is said to be in its detriment when it is in the sign opposite to the one it rules for then the nature of the sign and the nature of the planet are incompatible and antagonistic, and as a result the influence of the planet is weakened.

   The table shows the rulership of the planets over the various signs and a study thereof will bring out the underlying system and philosophy.

   The Sun is the center of our solar system, the giver of life and heat, and the Moon is (so far as our earth is concerned), the collector and reflector of its vitalizing rays. The solar ray attains its greatest intensity in midsummer* when the Sun is in Cancer and Leo, during June and July, and so Leo, the lion, being a masculine sign of a fiery nature is in essential agreement with the nature of the Sun and therefore helps to dignify and strengthen it.

   The effect of the feminine Moon on the earth's tides shows its inherent affinity for water, which brings it into essential agreement with the feminine watery sign Cancer. On that account Cancer is its home where it is strongest and most dignified.

   The keyword of the Sun is life, and that of the Moon is fecundation. The germ of life which comes from the Sun is planted and watered by the Moon which measures the period of gestation and brings all things to birth. Saturn is the planet of obstruction and decay, the reaper with hour-glass

*This applies to Northern Hemisphere only.

  and scythe who cuts off the life given by the Sun and fostered by the Moon, when his hour-glass shows that the fruits of life's experience are ripe for harvest. Thus he is the planet of death, and moves in an orbit on the outskirts of the solar system, which is the boundary of Chaos, where all things are dissolved and transmuted by spiritual alchemy to finer and finer textures.

   Therefore Saturn is in essential agreement with Capricorn and Aquarius, the signs occupied by the Sun during the cold months of mid-winter, December and January. When placed in these signs his cold, clammy hand makes itself felt as a powerful force that crushes life and joy, that covers the life with the gloom of death.

   Between the orbits of Saturn and the Sun are the orbits of the other planets, and when arranged in order of their distance from the Sun, with the signs of the zodiac so placed that Leo and Cancer are in the center with their rulers, the Sun and Moon, and Saturn's signs, Capricorn and Aquarius, one on each wing it appears that —

   Jupiter whose orbit is inside Saturn's, rules th two signs next to Saturn's, namely Sagittarius and Pisces.

   Mars' orbit is inside of Jupiter's, therefore he rules the signs next to Jupiter's, namely Aries and Scorpio.

   Venus is inside Mars' orbit, so she is dignified in the signs next to Mars' signs, namely, Taurus and Libra.

   Mercury, which is nearest to the Sun, rules the signs between those of Venus and the Sun, namely Gemini and Virgo. See 'Exaltation."


   When planets move with the order of the signs (from Aries to Taurus etc.), they are said to be direct, but when they appear to move contrary to the order of the signs (from Aries to Pisces), they are said to be retrograde. In the ephemeris a capital 'R' at the top of the monthly page is placed with the degrees and minutes of the planet's longitude on the day when it begins to retrograde, and at the top of its column while this motion continues. When the planet resumes its direct motion, this is indicated by a capital 'D,' but there are no 'D's' at the top of columns in the ephemeris to indicate that the planets are 'direct' for that is their natural line of progression. The 'R's' are only used to mark that which is an anomaly.

   The Sun and Moon are are always direct in their motion, they are never stationary or retrograde. See chapter on Retrogradation.


   When a child is born it is immersed in an atmosphere charged with the stellar vibrations peculiar to that moment, which are stamped upon each atom of the sensitive organism by the air inhaled with the first breath. This planetary baptism is the basic cause of all the child's characteristics and idiosyncrasies; it gives certain tendencies which remain through life. This is the radix or radical horoscope which we carry about in our bodies and, whether we know it or not, it is the root of all events in life.

   But the planets do not remain stationary in the positions they occupied at the time of our birth; their progress is eternal as is that of our Father in Heaven, and in time they form aspects other than those which they made at birth. These progressed configurations are called Directions, and they mark the time in life when events are due to occur.

   Directions are of two kinds, primary and secondary.

   Primary directions are formed between the progressed planets and their positions at birth. If, for instance, the Sun was in no degrees of Aries and Jupiter in 25 degrees of Leo at the birth of an individual, then, as the Sun moves forward in the Zodiac at about one degree a day, it will be trine with Jupiter about twenty-five days after birth. The system of time measurement of the planetary progression in general use reckons each day after birth equal to a year of life. Thus the said individual will meet with a very fortunate event in the twenty-fifth year.

   Aspects may also be formed between two progressed planets; to follow out the example given in the last paragraph, Jupiter would progress one or two degrees in the twenty-five days. It would then be in 26 or 27 degrees of Leo, and after the Sun had passed the trine with the radical Jupiter and it would come to the trine of the progressed Jupiter and this would prolong the fortunate influence for several years, though it should be borne in mind that the effect of aspects between two progressed planets is not so strong as when the configuration is between a progressed and a radical planet.

   Secondary directions are formed by the progression of the Moon to aspects with the planets, particularly the radical. These lunar aspects are of vital importance, for unless the primary directions are supported by aspects of the progressed Moon which are of a similar nature, they come to naught. To illustrate by reference to the example of the Sun trine Jupiter. If at the time when that culminated, the progressed Moon had been in Gemini 25, sextile to both the Sun and Jupiter, that would have given a wonderfully favorable impetus to the event signified by the direction, but had the Moon been in Taurus 25, square to Jupiter it would have prevented the event and caused trouble instead. Had there been no secondary lunar direction at the time the event would have remained latent until the next lunar aspect of the progressed Moon either brought it out to life or withered it.

   Lunations (New Moons) are also powerful factors in energizing directions, particularly if they are eclipses. See 'Lunations' and 'Eclipses,' also 'Transits'.

  Double Bodied Signs:

   Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. So called because in the pictorial Zodiac Gemini is represented as a pair of twins, Sagittarius as a Centaur, part man and part horse, and Pisces as two fishes. They are of a dual, acillating nature, and it is remarkable that events in the lives of people having these signs prominent are repeated. They marry several times, their misfortunes never come singly, but their good fortunes also come in multiple.

  Dragon's Head:

   The Moon's North Node. The Nodes are points in the orbit of a planet where it crosses the ecliptic, or Sun's path. The one where it crosses from south to north is called its ascending or North node; the other point where it crosses from north to south is called its descending or South node.

   When the Sun is in the East and crosses the celestial equator from the south to the north, it enters its martial exaltation sign Aries as a conquering king at the vernal equinox, and all nature wakens to the life, love and labor of another year. Therefore the point where the lesser Light crosses into the north declination is also subject to a benign life- giving influence, such as that ascribed to the Dragon's Head. It fosters and promotes all matters within its influence.

   But in the Fall, Saturn, Satan, or the adversary, stands in his exaltation-sign Libra ready to vanquish with his cold clammy hand the lifegiving Sun and usher it across its descending node, leaving the Northern Hemisphere to mourn and die. Therefore the Moon's South Node, called the Dragon's Tail, is deemed to be Saturnine in its effect and obstructs all things wherewith it is connected.

  Dragon's Tail:

   The Moon's South Node. See Dragon's Head.

  Earthy Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

  Eclipses: See 'Lunations.'

  Ecliptic: The Sun's path among the constellations of the firmament.

  Election: See 'Horary Astrology.'


   The zenith which is occupied by the Sun at Noon, is the highest point in the heavens. The nearer that position a planet is, the more elevated it is said to be. Thus a planet in the Eleventh House is elevated above another which is in the Twelfth House, and a planet in the Tenth House is elevated above all other planets.

   Elevation is very important, for it adds considerably to the influence of a planet for good or ill. If Mars, the planet of dynamic energy, is elevated and in its own sign Aries, it endows the person with an almost inexhaustible fund of energy and an indomitable courage, which will be found lacking if he is placed in a weak sign and position like Virgo and the Sixth House. Similarly with the other signs and planets.

  Ephemeris, plural Eph-e-mer-i-des:

   An ephemeris is a twin sister of the Almanac, and gives the geocentric Longitudes and Declinations for the current year. It is absolutely necessary in astrological calculations. But just as it is necessary to get a new almanac for each year to see when the Moon is new and full, when it is Easter or Christmas, etc., so also is it necessary to have an ephemeris for every year when we want to cast horoscopes for people. True, the planets circle about the Sun, but each has its own specific speed, and they do not come into the same position relative to one another that they have while you are reading this, until a period which is called the Great Sidereal Year (25,868 ordinary years), has elapsed. Therefore all horoscopes, even the horoscopes of twins differ, and it is necessary to have an ephemeris for the birth year of any person before you can cast his horoscope.


   The earth's equator is an imaginary line in a plane at right angles to the axis of the earth, and midway between the North and South poles. It divides the earth into two hemispheres, the Northern and Southern. If a pole hundreds of millions of miles in length were thrust through the earth from the equator to the center of the earth, the outer end would inscribe a line on the firmament, when the earth rotates on its axis, and this imaginary line is called the celestial equator, or equinoctial. The latter name is given it because when the Sun is at the points where the ecliptic or Sun's path crosses the celestial equator we have the equinoxes, the times when the days and nights are of equal duration.

  Equinoctial: See 'Equator.'


   The equinoxes occur on the 21st of March when the Sun enters Aries, and the 21st of September when the Sun enters Libra. At those times the day and night are of equal length all over the earth. See 'Equator,' and 'Precession of the Equinox.'

  Essential Dignity:

   A planet is strengthened or essentially dignified when it is in a sign which agrees with its own nature. This is thoroughly explained under 'Dignity,' which see.


   It is explained under 'Dignity,' that when a planet is in a sign of similar nature, it is thus strengthened or dignified, but when another planet of the same nature as the ruler enters that sign it compounds its own qualities with those of the ruler and the sign, and becomes exalted or powerfully strengthened. For instance, Aries is a dry, fiery sign. It is ruled by Mars, a dry, fiery planet, and when the Sun, the source of heart and the giver of Life enters this sign it is exalted to the superlative degree of power, and forthwith Life begins to manifest in all departments of nature. The point to be borne in mind concerning what constitutes exaltation is that it requires the compounding of three similar natures. Scorpio is also a martial sign, but it is water and not in as complete agreement with the nature of the Sun as Aries, therefore the Sun could not be exalted in Scorpio as it is in Aries.

   As the Lord of life and heat, the Sun, is always opposed by Saturn in the rulership of their signs, Leo and Aquarius, so also the cold and deathly Saturn opposes the Sun from its exaltation-sign Libra. Venus and Mars are the planets of attraction from the point of sex, and as all that is generated by sex is under the sway of death, Mars has thus a right to rule Scorpio, the eighth-house sign denoting death; it is also properly exalted in the Saturnine sign Capricorn, and Saturn, the Lord of Death is justly ascribed exaltation-power in Libra, the cardinal masculine sign of Venus.

   Cancer, the moist and feminine sign ruled by the Moon is next to Leo, the hot and dry sign ruled by the Sun. It is therefore required by the law of analogy that the exaltation-sign of the Moon should be next to that of the Sun, in Taurus. Venus, the planet of Love, offers an avenue for the expression of the lunar forces of fecundation, and the moist feminine and fruitful sign Taurus is in entire agreement with these tendencies, hence this sign offers the most powerful expression for the force working though the Moon, and she may therefore rightfully be called exalted in Taurus. Venus blinds us in the bonds of love for the perpetuation of the human race, therefore that love is essentially selfish, hence productive of sorrow. Who has loved much, has suffered much, hence the tear-stained Venus is exalted in the watery twelfth-house-sign Pisces, the sign of sorrow. There, by the purifying effect of grief, the earthly, sensual love is transmuted to Altruism under the benefic ray of Jupiter, the ruler, for it is not the will of our Father that we should suffer beyond what we can bear, but He will with every temptation provide a way of escape.

   Cancer was pictured on the ancient Egyptian Zodiac as a beetle or scarab, which was their emblem of the soul, and it is an esoteric truth that all souls enter terrestrial life through the sphere of the Moon, Cancer. Conception depends upon the place of the Moon and the angle of its ray. Sagittarius, the Centaur, is the symbol of aspiration, the man coming out of the animal, and pointing his bow heavenward. This sign is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of Benevolence, which is now the seedground where our future home is being prepared, where we shall sometime dwell when we have learned the lessons to be taught in the Earth Period and are ready to take up higher work of the Jupiter Period as taught in The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception.

   Thus, as the solar forces reflected through Cancer and the Moon result in generation, so the spiritual ray of the Sun reflected through Cancer and Jupiter act as a regenerative power strengthening the psychic and religious nature, and therefore Jupiter is truly said to be exalted in Cancer.

   Mercury is a planet of a variable nature; it takes on the color and characteristics of any sign or planet with which it is configurated; therefore it has no particular affinity with any of the other planets or signs ruled by the other planets, and hence must seek exaltation in its own signs. And as Gemini is masculine it is not so well in accord with Mercury as is the listless negative sign Virgo, hence that is the sign of Mercury's exaltation.


   When a planet is in the sign opposite its exaltation-sign it is said to be in its 'fall,' for that sign, its Lord and exaltation-ruler are all of exactly the opposite nature. Thus, when the glorious Sun which is exalted in Aries, is in the opposite sign Libra where the cold and dreary Saturn has domain, it is weakened and afflicted thereby. Conversely, when Saturn is in the sign Aries, the Sun's exaltation-sign, it shrivels and shrinks under the heat rays. When the benefic amiable Jupiter, exalted in Cancer, is placed on the opposite sign Capricorn, the sign of the surly Saturn, and the exaltation-sign of the brusque Mars it is surely afflicted and in its fall. Similarly with the other planets.

  Feminine Signs:

   The feminine signs comprise the six signs with even numbers: Taurus, the second sign, Cancer the fourth sign, etc. This includes the earthy signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; and the watery signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Earth and water are the two attributes of 'Mother' Nature. Given them she is able to bring forth, and so the signs which have affinity with these essential elements may well be called 'feminine.' Even Virgo, which is essentially barren is perhaps the most important of the feminine signs for when the Sun is in Virgo during September, the spiritual wave of rejuvenating life commences its descent into the earth where it centers at Christmas and then commences to radiate the germinal life which springs forth and blooms at Easter.* Then the Savior having given his life once for all, once more ascends to the Father.

  Fiery Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

  Fixed Signs:

   Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius are called 'fixed' signs because when they are on the angles of a horoscope and many planets are in them, they make the person very 'set,' and give him an unusual amount of perseverance so that he will nearly always achieve whatever he attempts to do if it is humanly possible.

  Fixed Stars:

   The twelve constellations of the Zodiac are composed of a large number of stars, and all over the firmament we see clusters of luminous bodies, which seem to preserve the same position relative to one another, differing in this respect from the Sun, Moon and planets which we see moving among the star clusters. Therefore the star clusters composing the zodiacal constellations are called 'fixed stars.' It is a matter of knowledge however, that their immobility is only apparent because of their vast distance from us, —

*Six months later in the Southern Hemisphere.

   — and that they are really rushing through space at an enormous speed.

   In astrology we deal principally with the twelve constellations of fixed stars composing the Zodiac. There is no doubt that other fixed stars have an influence on human affairs, but our minds are still too weak to grasp the full significance of zodiacal signs, the planets and houses in all their multitudinous combinations, and if we attempt to mix in the other fixed stars and their aspects we shall surely be lost in the maze. Therefore the student is advised to consider only the following fixed stars: Pleiades, located in 29 degrees of Taurus; Ascelli, in 6 degrees of Leo; and Antares, in 8 degrees of Sagittarius. These stars, it has been observed, have a decidedly detrimental effect upon the eyes. When the Sun or Moon is in these degrees and afflicted by one of the malefics, or when one of the malefics is in one of these degrees, and the Sun or Moon afflicted anywhere in the horoscope, trouble with the eyes result.


   The horoscope, or map of the heavens cast by astrologers is usually spoken of as a 'figure.'

  Fruitful Signs:

   Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, the signs comprising the watery Triplicity, are the particular vehicles of the fertilizing function in nature. When the Moon is in these signs she pours out with specially free hand the Water of Life, the fecundating principle, and it is a matter of observation that seeds planted when the Moon is in these signs bear more bounteously than when planted under less favorable conditions.

  Geocentric System of Astrology:

   When Copernicus proved that the earth and the other planets revolve around the Sun, he is said by scoffers and skeptics to have exploded the system of Astrology which regards the earth as the center around which the Sun, Moon and planets circle. That is a mistaken idea, which may perhaps be shown by an illustration. We still continue to say that the Sun rises, though we know that it is the earth that moves while the Sun remains stationary; but whether the Sun moves in a circle around the earth, and illuminates each portion of its surface in turn, or the earth moves upon its axis and thus exposes one part after another to the rays of the stationary Sun, the effect upon the earth is the same, namely, we get light and sunshine during part of the twenty-four hours. Similarly with the other planets, Astrology judges their effects when in certain positions relative to the Earth, regardless of how they came there. Besides, it is so much more convenient to speak from the geocentric standpoint and say "the Sun rises at six," than to say "the axial rotation of the earth will bring us in line with the Sun's rays tomorrow at six o'clock." Even the most arrogant ranter against the so-called geocentric fallacy would probably balk at taking his medicine in that way.

  Good and Bad:

   'Good' and 'bad' are terms one often hears applied to horoscopes, aspects and planets, and it therefore seems necessary to emphasize that in reality all is good. In the Father's Kingdom, the Universe, there can be nothing permanently 'bad,' and that which we so designate is really only good in the making.

   It may also be said that a horoscope is not necessarily good because the aspects of the planets are by trines and sextiles. Sometimes it is the very reverse, for it is in the struggle of life that we develop strength; very few are strong enough to stand prosperity. Chances are that in a horoscope full of good aspects there lurks the snare of indolence so that the person does not exert himself and becomes driftwood upon the ocean of life, while another who has what we call a very afflicted horoscope is roused by the adverse conditions generated by squares and oppositions, and by sheer force of will conquers his stars and masters his destiny. In that case, and there are many, the 'bad' horoscope is surely a greater blessing than a good one. It is no use to have an automobile if we are too lazy to keep it oiled and cleaned, for it will give us a lot of trouble, and unless we keep the wheels of fortune oiled by constant attention to the opportunities of life, the horoscope will not help us no matter how 'good' it is. But if we have what is called a 'good' horoscope and do our part, it will prove a triumphal chariot in which we may ride the royal road of life. And the best axle oil is called helpfulness. The heavier you load your car down with lame and weary ones, the easier it will ride.

   And Saturn! Yes, it is true that he is responsible for most of the whip lashes of fate, but he can give us nothing that we have not earned, and the purpose is not vengeance, but education. The moment we realize that deep down in our hearts, we shall cease to murmur, and ask: Why is this happening to me, what have I done to deserve it? Then, seeking prayerfully for the reason, that we may learn to mend our ways in that respect and so escape kindred trials in future, we shall draw nearer to our Father, and learn to kiss the cross. Thus, instead of being an unmitigated evil, the visitations of Saturn are opportunities to correct our wrongdoings and learn wisdom.

   It is similar with the so-called Malefics. At present their influence seems evil to us because we have not learned to work in harmony with them for the highest good.

   But even today, the aspects of Saturn to the Moon and Mercury give depth to the mind and power of concentration, which are decidedly good. Mars in aspect with these planets energizes the mind and makes it more alert; Uranus in aspect to them gives a spiritual perception to those who can express this faculty, but they are very few.

   On the other hand, the so-called good planets may be decidedly detrimental by fostering self-indulgence, and therefore the appellation 'good' or 'bad' is ambiguous. The true esoteric student will carefully cultivate this mode of mind with regard to the factors in Astrology, and always base his judgment on this conception of the planets and their aspects.

   A malefic that is well placed and aspected will prove of more help than a benefic that is weak and afflicted.

  Great Sidereal Year: See 'Intellectual Zodiac.'

  Heliocentric Astrology:

   A system introduced by certain modern astrologers in an effort to conform to the Copernican conception of the solar system with the Sun as the center. It is not satisfactory however, for while those who practice geocentric Astrology have the records and observations of past ages to guide them, the votaries of the new system have mainly speculation.

  Horary Astrology:

   The science of judging how a certain matter will turn out from a figure set up for the time the question was asked. The philosophy is that the same stellar influence which makes a person sufficiently anxious to ask the question contains also the answer. Therefore, if the person who wants to know is an astrologer, he erects a horoscope for the time when he first thought of consulting the stars. If a person who cannot set up a figure applies personally to an astrologer, the latter sets up a figure for the time when the question is asked of him, and if the question comes through the mail, he casts a horoscope for the time he actually read the question in the letter. This is very important, for if the figure be set up for a wrong time, the judgment is certain to be wrong. It sometimes happens that the matter asked about has not reached such a state of completion that the issue is settled, and a definite answer can be given. Therefore the first thing to do after the figure has been cast, is to see if it is 'radical,' and can be judged.

   If the first or second degree of any sign is rising, or if one of the three last degrees of any sign rises, or if the Moon is in the last three degrees of any sign, or void of course, it is not safe to judge but the inquirer should wait a more favorable time and ask the question again.

   When Saturn is on the Ascendant or in the First House he always obstructs the matter, and if he is in the Seventh House the astrologer's judgment fails.

   If none of these things hinder, the figure may be judged by the following method:

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Contemporary Mystic Christianity

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