
Simplified Scientific



The American

"The 'personal rulership' by Mercury designates this nation as a 'messenger of the gods' in the sense that the United States of America has, as its evolutionary purpose, the fusion of races, nationalities, and religions for gestation of the Aquarian Age."

   The horoscope of the United States of America: 10th — 14 Aquarius 11th — 13 Pisces 12th — 23 Aries Ascendant — 7 Gemini 2nd — 1 Cancer 3rd — 21 Cancer. Planets: Uranus — 9 Gemini Mars — 21 Gemini Venus — 3 Cancer Jupiter — 6 Cancer Sun — 13 Cancer Mercury — 24 Cancer North Node — 7 Leo Neptune- -24 Virgo Saturn — 15 Libra Pluto — 27 Capricorn Moon — 18 Aquarius. Mercury in Cancer is ruler of the chart and the numerical power five (the sum of digits representing July 4, 1776) is the Mercury number. The three principal planetary powers are, in sequence of relative value: (1) Moon in Aquarius; (2) Mercury in Cancer; (3) Uranus in Gemini. All other planets are related, by disposition, to Moon (Venus, Jupiter, and Sun in Cancer, Saturn in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn, no planets in Taurus, Sagittarius, or Leo) and Mercury (Mars in Gemini, Neptune in Virgo, no planets in Aries, or Pisces).

   The "personal rulership" by Mercury designates this nation as a "messenger of the gods" in the sense that the United States of America has, as its evolutionary purpose, the fusion of races, nationalities, and religions for gestation of the Aquarian Age. We have incarnated here at this time — during the past 174 years — to learn more about the principles of life in terms of our archetypal nature as humans. We are, by virtue of our Gemini Ascendant and third house Mercury, a composite of life students, a national epitome of basic brotherhood-sisterhood relationship of humans. The chart's ruler focalizes the Ascendant-identity in the third house-sign, Cancer; the third cusp is then the vibratory ascendant; its ruler, the Moon in Aquarius, is the vibratory ruler, Cancer is "matrix," "seed," "nest," "mother," "enfoldingness," "protectiveness of the immature, the unformed, and the growing." The Cancer-Capricorn diameter is the vibrational diameter of parentage, and in this chart its rulers, Moon in Aquarius and Saturn (exalted) in Libra, the fixed and cardinal of the air-trine, are trine to each other. That which is being gestated — the New-Age Race — will be matured in spiritual aristocracy of true, living democracy if, repeat if, certain vital realizations are made by each progressing individual. The pattern of Moon-trine-Saturn is amplified by Uranus in Gemini (conjunct Ascendant) trine Saturn, and Mars in Gemini trine to both Saturn and Moon. Here we have a four-planet-and-Ascendant grand trine in the signs of the three octaves of fraternity as the "parallelity in human relationship." Because the chart has a grand trine as its basic planetary pattern, it is shown that this nation is provided with a distilled spiritual pabulum which is to be used for progressive — and needed — regeneracies to fulfill its specialized evolutionary purpose. The "pabulum" is the residue of democratic consciousness of each individual who incarnates as an American citizen or who, by evolutionary qualification, becomes a citizen through naturalization.

   Since the "vibratory horizontal" (third cusp, ninth cusp) of the chart is the diameter of education (third — learning, ninth — teaching) it is shown that we are a composite of life-students and life-teachers. This diameter is focalized by the opposition of Mercury in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn and the significance of this opposition — as an "awareness-pattern" — is to reveal the timing for regenerating the "practical mind" into an octave of "practical spirituality." This opposition is "channeled" by Neptune in Virgo, since Neptune sextiles Mercury and trines Pluto. Neptune is not only ruler of the eleventh house but it is in the sign and house of its own polarity, Virgo, fifth house. It is felt by the author that this position of Neptune, because the fifth house is in the lower semi-circle of the wheel, is one of the most significant factors in the entire wheel. It is disposited by the ruler of the chart and in sextile aspect (the "mechanism of alchemy") to it. It is the fellowship ideal which must be, sooner or later, realized by each individual American and expressed as a factor of that which is implied in "being an American." The fifth house placement of Neptune is personal radiation of love-power and in probably no other country is the ideal of fellowship more stressed in the pattern of family-life. Democratically minded Americans recognize and respect the individuality of children and the fellowship-relation between members of family-groups is definitely a transcendence of the "old picture" of rigid family-hierarchy in which children are not companions of but subjects of their elders. Because Mercury rules the fifth as well as the Ascendant we recognize that as parents Americans make a dynamic contribution to the spiritual evolution of our national plan in being willing to learn from their parentage-experiences, to study their children and study with their children. The upsurgence of interest in child psychology in this country is evidence of this planetary aspect in action — and it is the democratically-minded parents who comprise the vanguard of this activity. That American parents and children shall be friendly companions to each other — as an expression of Love-Power — is a foretaste of that which is to be established in the New Age.

   We have been given information through esoteric teachings that the progressive Americans of this age trace their evolutionary descent from ancient Egyptian incarnations. A characteristic of this ancient illumined civilization was that the initiate-priests and priest-kings were not "just rulers" of their subjects — they were spiritual parents. Spiritual instruction of the citizenry was available to all — at all times. Only spiritual worth qualified a man or a woman to function as a spiritual guide in those times — all aspirants were tested to the utmost to prove their qualifications as teachers, seers, healers, "watchers," "warriors on the inner planes," etc. All were fraternal in this respect, regardless of plane of development; all were "life-students" who had to qualify by examination to fulfill spiritual service-patterns. So, the fraternity of American parents and teachers to children and students is the channeling by Neptune of the third- house — ninth-house placement of Mercury opposition Pluto. Parents who are focused on this relationship-ideal are those who most clearly qualify to give embodiment to New-Age personalities.

   The astrologer, as a contributive factor in the spiritual life of this nation, is basically on the "ray of philosophy" rather than that of "devotional religion." He may be Protestant, Hebrew, Catholic, or a follower of any other form of devotion as far as his immediate "religious mold" is concerned, but his focus of attention is the study of life principles through symbols. The planet Uranus, ruler of the fixed air-sign Aquarius, is the planetary significator of those elements of consciousness that enable a human to "become an astrologer." As a fixed sign, Aquarius is one of the structure-points of the square of resource; as an air sign, it is one of the structure-points of the trine of fraternal consciousness. Its square is initiated by its own polarity Leo (fixed fire), the principle of radiative Love Power; its trine is initiated by the cardinal air-sign Libra, arch- principle of reflective complementation. Dynamically, Aquarius is the love- potential liberated for universal expression; reflectively it is the perception of the love-potential of all people by what we call the "spiritualization of Fraternity." The "Leo part of you" alerts you to your attributes as an expression of divine love; the "Aquarius part of you" alerts you to your capacity to express that potential boundlessly and perceive it endlessly as an attribute of every other human. "Psychology" (which is also designated by Uranus) is the "study of the soul" or the "study of the soul's laws." What is the soul but the distillation of past love-expressions? "Psychiatry" is the study of the effects from congestion of the soul's powers in the desire-octaves — a Gemini-like function of studying a specialization of the Law of Cause and Effect. The psychologist deals with the "Leo-Aquarius part of you;" the psychiatrist deals with the "Taurus-Scorpio part of you."

   It is interesting to note that in the chart of the United States there are no planets in Taurus-Scorpio; this diameter is intercepted in the twelfth and sixth houses. The chart contains, however, a very pronounced emphasis on second house patterns: the ruler, Mercury, in its own second house sign; Venus, Jupiter and Sun in the second house; Venus dignified by position; the vibratory horizontal (third cusp and ninth cusp) is duplicated on second cusp and eighth cusp, and the Moon, as vibratory ruler of the chart, is the prime planetary significator; the other two vibratory significators are, in order of significance, Mercury and Uranus. Venus disposits Saturn in Libra which squares Jupiter and Sun in the second house. The violations of the Principle of Stewardship of materials and money is one of the outstanding factors which originate the psychiatric condition of American individuals. The intense compression of attention on evaluation by money-standards with its attendant complexes, tensions, anxieties, and sex-neuroses (sex-consciousness is tied, hand and foot, to possession-consciousness because the diameter of Scorpio-Taurus is a polarity) results in the present high rate of mental-hospital population. Such afflicted persons bring into the present incarnation congested residues, from many past incarnations, of materialistic evaluation of life. But American incarnation is indicative of a timing to evolve from that illusionary evaluation to prepare for the fellowship evaluation of the New Age. It is in the hands of American astrologers to alert clients, audiences, and readers to the meaning of stewardship of materials and balanced exchanges as principles of life. Whenever a person seeks guidance from an astrological reader or analyst regarding "money, income, property and investment" he is, in his higher motivations, actually seeking a clearer understanding of the equilibrium-principle behind these things. Let every astrological practitioner who reads this material refresh his awareness of this truth. We dare not contribute to the weakness of others by catering to their desire for information regarding "good and bad days for financial exercise." We aspire, rather, to contribute to their strength by alerting them to the principles of life which are chemically expressed through media of exchange, coinage, barter, investment, and whatnot. All days are good days for the expression of principle; when the Principle of Equilibrium is comprehended, financial exercise becomes a life-giving channeling for the good of society, the nation, and the race at large.

   Because American citizens, as children, enjoy interchange and mutual growth with children of many national backgrounds, we recognize that the Aquarius-power in the United States chart points to each American astrologer as a "structure-point" in the edifice of international understanding. The astrologer who functions with White-Lighted consciousness knows that "nationalistic traits" are temporary collective specializations of human personality. Because so many people are congested on karmic patterns of nationalistic and racial fears, animosities and frictions, it is the privilege of the astrologer who is also an American citizen to alert the consciousness of his brother and sister humans to the fact that no one's identity is "national" — it is "vibrational." An interesting illustration of alchemy is shown in the United States chart in this way: Neptune, ruler of the eleventh house, is squared by Mars in Gemini but sextiled by the chart's ruler, Mercury, which "disposits" both of these planets. When our international sympathies are touched we open homes, pocketbooks, and resources to those in need. When our localized national prejudices are touched we tend to forget that all Americans are fellow-citizens and we give expression to animosities based on external (Mars, ruler of Aries, the twelfth house-sign) differences of "color, superiority, inferiority," etc. Since the ruler of the Ascendant and fifth cusp is the alchemical agency for the Mars-Neptune square, it is up to each individual American citizen to decrystallize the residues of nationalistic and "caste-ish" prejudice and hatred. Each must do for himself in this regard by very virtue of the fact that democracy — in the spiritual sense of the word — recognizes the individual's right to exercise his potentials, make his own mistakes and learn from the results of his mistakes. The Moon in Aquarius, as vibratory ruler of the chart tells us that an ever-deepening realization of our exoteric identity as "Earthians" is the key we must use to disintegrate those negatives of nationalistic pride, destructive rivalry, violation of exchange-principles and stewardship-principles, etc., in order that the Uranian requirements of the Midheaven may be fulfilled. The "melting-pot" quality of American citizenship and civilization is microcosmic Earthian identity in gestation. The American astrologer, who in his service is the Uranus-power in action, can do much to help others clarify their awareness of the significance of "nationality" as an evolutionary "molding mechanism."

   In other words, because the ruler of the chart also rules the fifth house and the sign Leo is on the fourth cusp (the "psychological base"), the Cancer-position of both Mercury and the Sun identifies the nurture-principle of the love-vibration as the esoteric impulsion behind this gestation of "Earthian identity." Aquarius, with Uranus trine to Saturn (ruler of eighth and ninth houses) is the esoteric objective to be fulfilled. The Sun is squared by Saturn in this chart; blindness to philosophic values impels over-attention on money-values as compensation. Think about this in the light of historical fact. We "take pride" on being the richest country in the world but in all justice we cannot feel anything but shame in the way we have mis-stewarded our vast resources. Conversely, however, adherence to the principles of intelligent and foresighted stewardship would be a demonstration of true power because then the White Light of Sun would combine with the White Light of Saturn as "stewardship-responsibility-power" fulfillment.

   Another most important factor in this chart is the sign Libra on the sixth cusp; Venus, its focalizer, is in the second and conjunct Jupiter which, with the Sun, is squared by Saturn. Libra is the arch- symbol of the Principle of Exchange-in-cooperation so we see that cooperation as a factor in our national work-pattern is a "must" if we are to realize the ideal of true abundance. Venus is a result, a distillation of the qualities of energy-expression; when cooperation between work-initiators (employers) and work-instruments (employees) is not founded on a basis of mutual good then the Venus-power is demagnetized with attendant depletion of Saturn-power. Jupiter, as ruler of the seventh house, conjunct the Sun and both squared by Saturn, then becomes the "opponent" — the illusionary satisfactions of material greed. Negative Jupiter is "greed" as an intense focus on illusionary compensations for the loss of realities. It becomes the establishment of false security through illusionary abundance. We do not, individually or collectively, own any material thing — we exercise our intellects and consciousness as stewards.

   Also, Neptune in Virgo squared by Mars pictures the consciousness-defaults of both employers and employees in regard to the principles of service. When Neptune, as ruler of the eleventh house, is contaminated by negative Mars then the Aquarian objective of the Midheaven is held back from fulfillment. As long as the slogan "Capital versus Labor" is interpreted as a reality, this square — as a congestion in the national consciousness — will prevail. The sextile by the chart's ruler Mercury to Neptune, plus Libra on the sixth cusp, ordains that every American citizen-worker, whether employer or employee, is evolutionarily committed to exercise the principle of cooperative love-service in balanced exchanges. The employer who is negatively based, in ignorance, on exploitation disqualifies for the creative identity of "employer;" the employee who is based on the "un-principle" of non-improvement disqualifies for further development — he postpones the day for qualifying as a creative or administrative worker.

   The astrologer in this country who is focused on the ever-clarifying of his consciousness of life-principles has a specialized evolutionary service to contribute to the race in this "modulatory, gestative" time. In the United States, he can deal with almost every kind of evolutionary social strata, every kind of karmic-return pattern and, because of the repolarization of the archetype during the past century, he is able to contribute a clarifying of relationship-principles through the extended understanding of the principles pertaining to our sexual and generic nature. He himself — through attribute as a "Uranus-identity" — stands as a microcosmic Earthian identity not just because he is an inhabitant of this planet but because the impersonality of his viewpoint, scope of perception, radiativity of Uranus-love-power qualify him, in degree, to personify the New-Age Human.

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