
Simplified Scientific



Questions Concerning

Why, with a few exceptions, are we reincarnated without having the slightest knowledge of any previous existence, and thus suffer blindly in this life for transgressions of which we are entirely ignorant, committed in some former life? Does it not seem as though we could get better and quicker spiritual advancement if we knew how and why we had erred before, and what acts we must correct before we can progress? »

Are all the human beings that people the earth at the present time souls that have gone through earth life before, or are new souls being created all the time? »

How do we know beyond a doubt that rebirth is a fact? Is it not possible that those who so state may be suffering from hallucination? »

Do the souls that have passed into Purgatory and through the First, Second and Third Heavens come back there and reincarnate on this earth, or do they go to other spheres? »

Do we come in contact with friends of one life when we are born again into a new life? »

Is the experience gained in each incarnation recorded separately and added to the previous ones, so that in the ultimate the spirit is entirely conscious of the complete sum of its experiences, or is that experience more or less unconsciously absorbed by the next succeeding incarnation, so that only a general effect is obtained? »

When the spirit coming down to rebirth has drawn to itself its mind stuff and sinks into the Desire World, will it not then be in Purgatory again? »

How can you believe in the theory of reincarnation—that we come back here in the body of an animal? Is it not much more beautiful to believe in the Christian doctrine that we go to heaven with God and the Angels? »

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