
Simplified Scientific



Questions Concerning

Why do animals, which are a lower evolution, have an instinct which seems so much more reliable than the reason of human beings? »

Can you throw some light on what our attitude toward the lower forms of life should be? Have we the right to kill anything harmless, since every living thing is in a sense our brother? How about the venomous insects and reptiles? »

Are not enormous and destructive reptiles created by the evil thoughts of men, so far as the form is concerned? And, therefore, is it not an act of love to kill them and thus liberate the divine spark within so that it may occupy a higher form? »

What is a group spirit, where is it, and what does it look like? »

Are animals amenable to the law of causation? »

Do animals live after death? »

When a pet dog or cat dies, does the entire group spirit to which it belongs die at the same time? Also what becomes of the animal soul, and does the human love and care it has received help it on its upward journey? »

What substance does a person or animal throw off whereby they can be traced, as, for example, criminals are traced by bloodhounds? »

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