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Astrology Independent Study Module No. 22

Reading Aspects by the Use of Keywords

   In The Message of the Stars a table of planetary keywords is given for the various planets, both in favorable and adverse aspect.These keywords represent the boiled-down essence of the planets. In The Message of the Stars the following passage occurs in regard to the use of keywords in connection with the delineation of a horoscope: "When the student has mastered the meaning of the positions and aspects of the various planets, he may with the greatest of ease give a good delineation of the effect of each aspect by combining the keywords in the table and elaborating upon them."

   This self-study module will be devoted to carrying out this idea. It will include a complete set of keywords for all the planets, signs, and houses. It will also work out two aspects by the use of keywords, namely, Uranus sextile Jupiter and Saturn opposition Jupiter, showing how one may arrive independently at the net results which were obtained in Astrology Independent Study Module No. 21.

   Before we proceed, however, let us get a few fundamental conceptions in regard to what a horoscope shows. Astrology is the Clock of Destiny, but the horoscope does not create anything for us. The planets merely galvanize into action the tendencies which we have within us. They impel in a certain direction, but they do not compel. The human will is superior to astrological influence. The will cannot be gauged in advance; therefore we can never be certain that the astrological influences will work out entirely according to rules, because we cannot tell to what extend the will of the individual may interfere with them.

   The rank and file of humanity, however, may be relied upon to respond quite closely to astrological influence. In the main only those who have begun to consciously direct their evolution are able to set it aside and thus rule their stars. The student of astrology by his very study of the subject and the endeavor to apply his knowledge is beginning to direct his evolution, and therefore is becoming able to rule his stars. If astrology is made the subject of fatalism, that is, a belief in a fixed fate, it becomes a curse rather than a blessing. There is always a way out of the conditions brought about by any aspect; therefore we need not regard our fate as fixed at all. Moreover, astrology is a science of probabilities; any square is susceptible of several interpretations. Therefore it behooves us not to make any hard and fast, ironclad delineations of the horoscope, for if we do we are very likely some time to be mortified by their failure to materialize. Astrology is exceedingly valuable as an index to character, and since character is destiny, the horoscope gives us a general index of our destiny; but in general it has many possibilities of interpretation.

Application of Keywords

   Every planet, every sign, and every house has certain characteristics and a certain field of action which may be expressed by keywords. Farther on is given a table of keywords. You will notice that there are three sets for the planets and three for the signs. The first set gives the basic nature and field of action. The second gives the positive variations or qualities which result from right use of the planetary vibrations. The third gives the negative variations or qualities which result from misuse or excess. The basic keywords apply in all cases no matter whether the square is benefic or adverse. The positive qualities are brought into action by the benefic aspects, that is, the sextile and trine and the benefic conjunctions noted in the table in Self-Study Module No. 20. The negative qualities are brought out by the adverse aspects, namely, the square and opposition and the adverse conjunctions in the table.

   The Table of Keywords gives only the more important characteristics of the planets, signs, and houses. As you progress in your study of the subject, you will continually add new keywords and qualities to this list. There are also keywords for the aspect itself, that is, for the sextile,square, etc. The keyword of an aspect is usually a verb indicating action. You will learn the keywords of the aspects when we come to delineate a portion of this horoscope.

Table of Keywords


Basic Keywords: Self-esteem, initiative, pioneering.
Positive Qualities: Courage, enterprise.
Negative Qualities: Self-will, temper.


Basic: Determination, harmony, earthiness.
Positive: Endurance, thoroughness.
Negative: Argumentativeness, obstinacy.


Basic: Intellectuality, literary ability.
Positive: Versatility.
Negative: Changeability, superficiality.

Basic: Love of home.
Positive: Sympathy, tenacity.
Negative: Clannishness, timidity.


Basic: Vitality, affection
Positive: Nobility, loyalty, leadership.
Negative: Arrogance, cruelty, vanity.


Basic: Service, mental qualities.
Positive: Purity, discrimination, hygienics.
Negative: Criticism, introspection.


Basic: Capacity for partnership, art.
Positive: Balance, justice.
Negative: Indecision, lack of poise.


Basic: Sex, healing, secret forces of nature, military affairs.
Positive: Regeneration, courage.
Negative: Discord, passion.


Basic: Aspiration, philosophy, religion.
Positive: Idealism, philanthropy.
Negative: Dogmatism, bigotry.


Basic: Position, honors, ambition.
Positive: Authority, organization, justice.
Negative: Pride, suspicion, pessimism.


Basic: Humanitarianism, universal friendship, scientific methods.
Positive: Cooperation, diplomacy, progressiveness.
Negative: Impracticableness.


Basic: Unity, ripe destiny, sensitiveness to the superphysical.
Positive: Compassion, inspiration, mysticism.
Negative: Dreaminess, psychism, sorrow.



Basic Keywords: Individuality, life, ambitions, those in authority, men.
Positive Qualities: Generosity, dignity.
Negative Qualities: Laziness, despotism.


Basic: Personality, imagination, fecundation, change, the public, women.
Positive: Magnetism.
Negative: Dreaminess, visionariness, vacillation.


Basic: Reason, speaking, writing.
Positive: Quick-wittedness, dexterity.
Negative: Restlessness, demagogy, dishonesty.


Basic: Attraction, love, social activities, beauty.
Positive: Artistic ability, harmony.
Negative: Laziness, sensuality.


Basic: Dynamic energy.
Positive: Constructiveness, enterprise.
Negative: Destructiveness, temper, friction.


Basic: Expansion, ideation, optimism, law.
Positive: Benevolence, vision, success, popularity.
Negative: Extravagance, indolence, over-confidence.


Basic: Contraction, persistence, caution, system.
Positive: Faithfulness, analysis, discipline, tact.
Negative: Crystallization, obstruction, avarice, fearfulness, limitation.


Basic: Altruism, intuition, originality, sudden action.
Positive: Inventiveness, independence.
Negative: Eccentricity, irresponsibility.


Basic: Superphysical entities, divinity, esotericism.
Positive: Inspiration, spirituality.
Negative: Delusions, fraud, mediumship.


1st: Early environment, personality, physical body.
2nd: Finance.
3rd: Lower mind, short journeys, brothers and sisters, speaking and writing.
4th: The home, the mother, old age, lands and mines.
5th: Pleasure, education, children, publications.
6th: Service, health and sickness.
7th: Partnership, marriage, the public, the fine arts.
8th: Inheritance, cause of death, regeneration.
9th: Higher mind, religion, law, long journeys.
10th: Profession, social standing, the father.
11th: Friends.
12th: Ripe destiny, mysticism, institutions for unfortunates.

General Notes

  Planets represent the driving forces of the horoscope.

  Signs represent the static forces, which color and modify the influence of the planets.

  Planets in signs indicate the character and inner capacities.

  Planets in houses give the circumstantial details of the life.

Reading by Keywords

  In Astrology Independent Study Module No. 20 we worked out the aspects and other elements for a horoscope erected for New York City, Sept. 15, 1912, 2:00 a.m. In Astrology Independent Study Module No. 21 this horoscope was delineated by reference to the Message of the Stars. We will now take two aspects in the chart of Self-Study Module No. 12 (Aug. 10, 1912, 4:00 p.m.) and analyze them in detail by the use of keywords.

No. 1: Uranus Sextile Jupiter

  The sextile is a harmonious aspect and indicates that good judgment is used in all the matters ruled by these two planets so far as it may not bets of an adverse character. Therefore we use in addition to the basic keywords the positive set of qualities for both Uranus and Jupiter and also for the two signs in which they are located, namely, square and Aquarius. We will not consult the Table of Keywords above. From it we note the following keywords and qualities:


Basic Keywords: Expansion, ideation, optimism, law.
Positive Qualities: Benevolence, vision, success, popularity


Basic Keywords: Aspiration, philosophy, religion.
Positive Qualities: Idealism, philanthropy.

  We now have to combine the keywords and qualities of Jupiter with those of Sagittarius to find some of the characteristics and activities given thereby. In doing this it is necessary to exercise some ingenuity to select and blend into a key sentence the keywords that will produce a reasonable and probable result. Upon examination we conclude as follows: The positive Jupiter in Sagittarius gives vision (Jupiter) that may be exercised along the lines of religion (Sagittarius), or philosophy (Sagittarius), with success (Jupiter) therein. Also there may be aspiration (Sagittarius) for the law (Jupiter) and a high idealism (Sagittarius) in its practice.

  We will next apply the above method to Uranus in Aquarius. From the Table of Keywords we obtain the following:


Basic Keywords: Altruism, intuition, originality, sudden action.
Positive Qualities: Cooperation, diplomacy, progressiveness.


Basic Keywords: Humanitarianism, universal friendship, scientific methods.
Positive Qualities: Cooperation, diplomacy, progressiveness.

  Selecting and blending keywords from this list that seem to fit together we conclude that the positive Uranus in Aquarius gives original (Uranus) methods of developing and carrying out humanitarian (Aquarius) projects and obtaining the cooperation (Aquarius) of others in these projects. The altruism (Uranus) and progressiveness (Aquarius) of the native lead him to develop along the lines of universal friendship (Aquarius), that is, to make all humanity his friends.

  Next we combine the keywords of Uranus and Jupiter to ascertain the kind of character and activities given by this aspect. We conclude as a result that this person is of the altruistic (Uranus), inventive (Uranus) type, and that the corresponding qualities will be exerted along benevolent (Jupiter) lines and the maintenance of law (Jupiter), with general success (Jupiter) resulting.

  We will now look at the keywords for the houses containing these two planets. The keywords for the 1st house as found in the table are: early environment, personality, and the physical body. The keyword for the 11th house is "friends." Combining the keywords of the positive Jupiter with those of the 11th house, we find that this position gives vision (Jupiter) in selecting friends (11th) and success (Jupiter) in friendships (11th). Combining the keywords of the positive Uranus with those of the 1st house, we conclude that the native has a very original (Uranus), altruistic (Uranus) personality (1st), and is likely at times to be quite un-conventional (Uranus). Sudden action (Uranus) is also shown due to the restlessness of Uranus.

  When two planets are tied together in an aspect, it results in a mutual action and reaction between the affairs of the two houses containing them. In this case there will be such an action and reaction between the 1st and 11th houses. Briefly, the action of the 1st house affairs upon those of the 11th will be as follows: The original (Uranus) progressive (Aquarius) personality (1st) of the native will make (sextile) for him friends (11th) of an optimistic (Jupiter) idealistic (Sagittarius) type. Note that seven keywords are used, namely, one for each of the two planets, the two signs, and the two houses, also one for the sextile, which is a verb denoting action. This is called the "sevenfold combination of keywords." There action of the 11th house affairs upon those of the first is as follows: The benevolent (Jupiter) philosophical (Sagittarius) friends (11th) of the native will help (sextile) him in his original (Uranus) humanitarian (Aquarius) projects, and the direct effect upon him will be an improvement in his personality (1st) due to the help he has given to others.

  (It should be noted here that since Jupiter is in 5:38 of Sagittarius, it is only 4:22 from the cusp of the 12th house. Since the orb of a house is 5 degrees, extending backwards, it will be seen that a small percentage of Jupiter's influence, roughly 10%, will be exerted in the 12th house. We will not investigate this, however.)

  This finishes the itemized delineation of the aspect. It is not a complete delineation, however. Many other deductions could be made, but it goes far enough to illustrate the method and give the student an idea of the principles involved. It yet remains to summarize all the above items into a concise paragraph, using nontechnical language, leaving out all astrological terms, and avoiding repetition of the same thought. We will leave this to the student to do as an exercise in synthesis. Please send this to us at the same time that you send the delineation asked for at the end of this self-study module.

No. 2: Saturn Opposition Jupiter

  The opposition is usually a somewhat inharmonious aspect; therefore in delineating it we will use the basic keywords but combine them with the negative qualities instead of the positive. This applies both to Saturn and Jupiter and the signs which they occupy. The basic keywords of Jupiter are: expansion, ideation, optimism and law. The negative qualities are: over-confidence, extravagance, and indolence. The basic keywords of Sagittarius are: aspiration, philosophy, religion; the negative qualities are: dogmatism, bigotry. Selecting the keywords which will naturally blend, we arrive at the conclusion that the negative Jupiter in Sagittarius gives the native a tendency to over-confidence (Jupiter) and thus to expand (Jupiter) too rapidly in matters connected with philosophy or religion (Sagittarius). He is also extravagant (Jupiter) and dogmatic (Sagittarius), and pursues his studies in the above subjects in an indolent (Jupiter) manner.

  Following this same method to determine the negative nature of Saturn in Gemini, we blend the basic keywords which we find in the table with the negative qualities. As a result we conclude that this person will be persistent (Saturn) in literary (Gemini) pursuits; but his contracted (Saturn) mental (Gemini) condition will make his literary (Gemini) product superficial (Gemini), and limit (Saturn) his success in this field.

  Proceeding similarly with the negative aspect of Saturn opposition Jupiter, using the basic keywords and the negative qualities in the table, we deduce the fact that this aspect limits (Saturn) the benevolent(Jupiter) tendencies of the native, obstructs (Saturn) his vision (Jupiter), and in general handicaps (Saturn) him in his work; also the indolence (Jupiter) of the native subtracts from his persistence.

  Next we examine the negative effect of these two planets in their respective houses. Combining the basic keywords and negative qualities of Jupiter with the keywords of the 11th house, we conclude that some of the friends (11th) who will be attracted under this aspect will be of the extravagant (Jupiter), indolent (Jupiter) type. Combining the basic keywords and negative qualities of Saturn with the keywords of the 5th house, we see that the native will be limited (Saturn) in matters connected with pleasure and children (5th), and he will meet obstructions (Saturn) in activities connected with education and publications (5th).

  The action of the 11th house affairs upon those of the 5th will be as follows: The extravagant (Jupiter), bigoted (Sagittarius) friends (11th) which the native naturally attracts to himself, so far as this aspect is not neutralized by others, will interfere (opposition) with his success in publishing (5th) his literary (Gemini) works by causing him to lose his native caution (Saturn) and become careless. The reaction of the 5th house affairs upon those of the 11th is as follows: The avarice (Saturn) of the native in intellectual (Gemini) pursuits connected with educational (5th) projects will cause (opposition) the loss of prosperous (Jupiter), idealistic (Sagittarius) friends (11th). Note that sevenfold combination of keywords is used in both cases in this paragraph.

  This delineation of Saturn opposition Jupiter is very elementary in character; many other conclusions could be formed regarding this aspect. The delineation should be summarized in the same manner that was used in summarizing Jupiter sextile Uranus. Please send us this summary along with the preceding one.

  It will be noted that the two aspects delineated above are quite contrary in character. This is where the judgment of the astrologer must come in to determine which one will dominate and how much of the influence of each will be felt. In order to determine this we look to ascertain the relative strength of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. Jupiter is strong because he is dignified in Sagittarius and because he is the ruler of the horoscope. Also Jupiter is above the horizon, while Saturn is below it. Planets above the horizon have greater freedom of action than those below and are not so hampered by fate. Therefore we may conclude that Jupiter is stronger than Saturn, and therefore will quite largely be able to overcome the limiting, contracting influence of Saturn. Another factor in the situation is that both Saturn and Jupiter are supported by Uranus, the former by a bsextile and the latter by a trine, Uranus is strong by being dignified in Aquarius and located in the 1st house. Therefore the intuition of Uranus will be used by the native to overcome the restricting saturnine influence.

  Hence we may conclude that Jupiter, supported by Uranus, will dominate the situation quite largely and hold the obstructing, limiting qualities of Saturn in check, forcing Saturn to bring forth many of his positive qualities instead of the negative. The native will nevertheless at times yield to the saturnine inclinations and thereby obstruct his own best interests and get into a pessimistic frame of mind as a result. But this will be only temporary; the expansive optimism of Jupiter will always win out in the end, and good will prevail over evil.

  When we have two aspects of an opposite nature, as in the present case, it does not mean that one will neutralize the other. The two will appear alternatively from time to time in the disposition of the native. The effects in the outer world, however, signified by the houses, may be quite largely neutralized; that is, the benefic aspect may dominate the adverse one to such an extent that the latter will not produce marked detrimental effects. But the two phases of the character will persist and manifest until the lower is mastered.

  The above reading of a positive and a negative aspect has been done in such a manner as to afford the student a key to the whole matter of delineation. It is only necessary to apply the above method to all the other aspects, using the keywords which apply in each case and combining them to arrive at conclusions. If the student can do it once, he can do it any number of times. After he has mastered the principles involved in reading and balancing a pair of conflicting aspects, he is quite capable of reading an entire chart, because it is largely a repetition of the same process. At the end all the departments of the horoscope must be similarly balanced so as to determine how any department may modify the influence of the others and thus affect the net result.

Work for the Student:

  (You are welcome to e-mail your answers and/or comments to us. Please be sure to include the course name and Independent Study Module number in your e-mail to us. Or, you are also welcome to use the answer form below. You will find the answers to the questions below in the next Astrology Independent Study Module.)

  1. To see that you have mastered to some degree the principles set forth above, will you please delineate by the use of keywords the following aspect, which occurs in our chart:

   Mars in Virgo in the 8th house, sextile to the Moon in Cancer in the 7th house.

  Send this delineation to us, and we will examine it and criticize it as to its correctness. Also please send the summaries requested above for Uranus sextile Jupiter, and Saturn opposition Jupiter.

Miscellaneous Points:

  "These aspects (the conjunction and the parallel) are variable. If between benefics (Sun, Venus, Jupiter), they are good, or if the planets of variable nature (Moon, Mercury) are aspected by conjunction or parallel with the benefics, it is good, but if the Sun, Moon, Mercury, or Jupiter is in conjunction or parallel with one of the malefics (Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune), it is evil; the conjunction of 2 malefics is more so, but the parallel of 2 malefics is exceedingly strong in it mental influence. Conversely, of course, the parallel between 2 benefics is extraordinarily fortune." (Simplified Scientific Astrology.)

  "It may also be noted that the conjunction and parallel act principally upon the health, while the other aspects affect the business, social standing, etc." (Message of the Stars.)

  "The points in the horoscope which are the principal foci of vitality and health are the Sun, Moon, and ASC, designated by the term "hyleg" by ancient Arabian astrologers. It needs little argument to show that the great and glorious reservoir of life which we call the Sun is an important factor in the matter of health, and that the lesser Light, the Moon, has dominion in this respect, for she collects and reflects the solar rays. The reason why the ASC is designated as a factor in health and vitality is not so apparent upon the surface, but when we realize that the ASC at birth is the Moon's place at conception, the reason is obvious, for the Moon is the planet of fecundation, the focus and reflector of the solar life-forces , and if, at the time of conception, when the human seed-atom was planted, she was in a weak sign like Virgo, there is fundamental lack of energy and vitality at the very start of life, and a consequent lassitude which affects through all the years of its existence the body then beginning to germinate." (Simplified Scientific Astrology.)

  "Astrologers have observed that a child born at or near noon, when the Sun's rays strike the birthplace from the 10th house, has a better chance of advancement in life, other things being equal, than one born after sundown. Therefore, they say that the 10th house determines social position and honor." (Simplified Scientific Astrology.)

  "Aspects to the ASC, which represents the body, have an influence upon the health. Aspects to the MC indicate the nature of one's opportunities for spiritual advancement." (Simplified Scientific Astrology.)

  "Planets placed in the 12th house are considered as being on the ASC within 6 degrees thereof, also all planets in the first house, no matter how far from the rising degree; but if a sign be intercepted in the first house, planets placed therein will not have as strong an influence in the life as though the sign occupy the cusp." (Message of the Stars.)

Your Name:

Your E-mail Address:

Your Study Module #22 Answers:

Answers to Astrology Independent Study Module No. 21:

Leo on Asc: Gives dignity and confidence, along with boldness and leadership qualities, yet expressing cheerfulness and strength.

Well Aspected Sun as Life Ruler: Vitality, Dignity, and authority find expression here.

Moon in Scorpio in 4th House: Gives courage, independence, a reserved and deep-rooted emotional nature.

Sun Sextile Moon: The individual should be able to express through creativity for there is confidence in the nature, and an agreeable manner to express it.

  Leo on the ASC indicates an outgoing and optimistic personality, which tends to be aggressive and demonstrative in nature. The Sun, ruler of the ASC in Virgo and in the 2nd house indicates the outgoing Leo personality is somewhat subdued and presents itself in a more discriminating manner than usual. The 2nd house position also indicates an interest in money and finance, but since the Sun is sextile Neptune and trine Uranus a more spiritual inclination is shown. The individual may learn true values through experiences connected with money and possessions.

  The Moon in Scorpio and in the 4th house, sextile the Sun, indicates that resourcefulness, and courage along with confidence will be attributes of the character. There would be a capacity for persistence and a one-pointedness of effort in pursuit of a chosen goal, but he must be careful that zeal does not become personal vindictiveness which is indicated Moon square ASC.

Supplemental Student Material:
The "Good" Aspects

   The function of the sextile and trine aspects is to reveal relative degrees of the regenerate consciousness of humanity. They are our points of enlightenment; our "urgings toward greater Good" (sextile) and "realization of unfolded Good" (trine). The sextile is the process by which the trine is created.

   The philosophically minded astrologer never thinks of or refers to the sextile and the trine as "lucky" aspects because he knows that every factor in a horoscope is an effect of a specific cause; the original cause was, of course, an expression — in action — of a particular level of consciousness in the past. He recognizes that every sextile in a chart out- pictures a certain work of regeneration which, started in the past, was brought to such a point of efficiency that it now registers as a dynamo for the releasement of further and greater regenerative power in this incarnation. He recognizes that every trine is a registration of equilibrated relationship between two planetary factors; a trine is always a result of regeneration of consciousness — it is never a fortunate "accident of heredity" in any way or on any level of development.

   By many, the sextile aspect is considered a "minor" or "small" aspect; perhaps this interpretation is made because the aspect involves only sixty degrees — half a trine. When we study the sextile symbol we are alerted to the fact that the sextile is as "major" as any other aspect; when we recognize its significance as a picturing of the dynamic phases of evolution we realize that it is one of the most important of all astrological symbols and is one by which the astrologer, in understanding it, can render great service to those who are seeking greater awareness of their own source of Light.

   The essential geometric form of the sextile aspect symbol is the hexagonal — a figure of six equal sides which rests, as do the square and trine symbols, on a horizontal base. The cyclic starting points of the square and trine are the midpoint and the cusp of the second house, respectively; the sextile "starts" at the Ascendant — the first factor which reveals the essential dynamic quality and significance of the aspect. As with the trine, progress around the hexagonal is made by diagonals at the turning points; a diagonal composite of horizontal and vertical implies an abstraction of "upward and onward forever" — the symbol of spiritualized evolution.

   The first diagonal of the hexagon cuts across the first and second houses and establishes contact with the cusp of the third house. In other words, it takes a short cut across the desire potential of the second house and directly connects the "I AM" of the Ascendant with the "I Think" of the third house. Following around the hexagon we see that the other five lines cut across the houses which are abstractly related to the earth and water signs and that the entire symbol has, as its structure points, the houses related to the fire-signs (Spirit) and the air signs (Mind). (These houses are also identifiable as the two pairs of "parallel relationship" — first and seventh, third and ninth — plus the two houses of Love power potential — the fifth, and its spiritualized polarity, the eleventh.) The symbol tells us that the sextile aspect represents the dynamic, positive, propelling agencies of the human consciousness — it cuts through the levels of desire and instinct — pulling into expression those factors of consciousness which neutralize the miasmas in the subconscious resources of intense feeling.

   The square and trine symbols are "enclosed," representing a stage of consciousness in which something definite has been arrived at. The square is unregeneracy which has become "lockjawed" — it must be pried loose by regenerative agencies so that evolution can be continued; the trine is a specific level of flowering — a level of inner synchronization and equilibrium. It will, in due time, be decrystallized just as a flower is decrystallized in its own timing so that the new life processes of the plant may be inaugurated. The two planets involved in trine aspect to each other are destined to come into trine relationship with other planets in the future, so the "static" quality of their present relationship will, in right timing, become subject to evolutionary forces for the creation of new patterns of experience out of which new trines may result.

   In human experience we see this decrystallization of trines represented when we consider that those things which represent happiness, harmony, and contentment to a child of six do not bring satisfaction to a man of forty. That which may represent a flowering of culture to an aborigine in the jungle may appear as child's play to a person who is manifesting as a member of a truly cultured society. "Any planet trine to any other planet" represents, essentially, a flowering of consciousness; but, the manifestations of trines are relative to evolutionary development.

   When we consider the sextile symbol we are looking at a picture of "lines of force." This symbol is, unlike the other aspect symbols, open — a picture of radiations from a center. Since it is open there is an implication of indefiniteness of shape. It is in fact, process at work rather than thing accomplished. The six lines — cusps of the fire and air houses — represent the charging of new light and warmth from the center; not the center itself but that which emanates from it.

   The sextile aspect is the principle of leverage and counter-thrust. It has to have something to work against and, in reference to levels of human consciousness, the thing it works against is always a state of unregeneracy. We cannot remain in a specific or composite level indefinitely; to do so would be to insure stagnation. (Translate "stagnation" to mean "death.") The sextile aspect then is the mechanism by which Cosmic Progress expresses through us for decrystallization of congestion and makes possible the great alchemical changes of transmutation and regenerated releasement of potentials.

   Two planets in square aspect to each other depict a state of inertia through unregeneracy; these forces must, if Life is to express progressively through the person, be decrystallized so that the soul energies may be redistributed and thus make possible an eventual harmonious relationship as trine. A planet which sextiles one of two squared planets is the alchemical agency — counter-thrusting against the inertia of the square. The vibrational exchange between that planet and the one it sextiles is the decrystallizing potential for re-directing the energies of the squared planet. It is like a chemical which, when put into water, softens the water so that the work of cleansing is made easier and more thorough, or the liquid which loosens up the grease in a drain pipe so that the drain may more efficiently dispose of the waste water. When the two planets of an opposition aspect are, respectively, trined and sextiled by a third planet, the sextiled planet is the one that is being worked on by the regenerating agency. If you have occasion to study a chart one planet of which registers only by the sextile aspect to other planets, give very careful attention to that planet; on its cultivation depends much of the person's spiritual on-going; such a planet provides a very significant counter-thrust against much that may represent unregeneracy.

   Two planets registering as an otherwise unaspected sextile tell the story that, in their evolutionary inter-relationship, these two have been allowed to get off to a good start — an indication of direct awareness of regenerative expression and a fair promise that flowering into trine relationship is not too far in the future. However, the regenerative work must be expressed continually to make this flowering possible; complications by unregenerate patterns can result in a "gumming up of the works." Help such a client to understand the principles of two such planets so that he will know how to put to work these particular expressions of his consciousness as neutralizers for other vibrations of an unregenerate kind, and to develop their potentials in relationship to each other. We must give very careful study to the sextiles and semi-sextiles that we find in any chart; we recognize that they are the workings of the regenerate consciousness to decrystallize and redistribute energy-patterns which have become stagnated in unregeneracy.

   The symbol for the trine aspect, when related to the abstract wheel, coincides with the cusps of the second, sixth, and tenth houses — an equilateral triangle resting on a horizontal base. Symmetrical as is the water-trine, the Earth trine also represents, by its horizontal base, a peacefulness — a "perfect resting." In this symbol we see the human consciousness enjoying the fruits of constructive effort; after a phase of redirection has been made, the full flowering of the experience is realized and enjoyed — either at points during an incarnation or during a cycle of incarnation.

   Some astrologers co-relate the symbol for the trine aspect with the essential meaning of the planet Jupiter — due, it may be supposed, to the "happiness" or "good fortune" by which they identify that benevolent vibration. Actually, such an interpretation does not coincide with the meaning of the trine. Jupiter, with all due respect to his manifold virtues, is a dynamic vibration; the trine is equilibrated, poised, an indication of inner harmony, a flowering of spiritualized consciousness, an awareness of the Higher Self — all the results of transmutative efforts.

   Apply the horizontally-based triangle to the twelve- housed wheel and perceive that, cyclically, it starts at the cusp of the second house; it travels across to the cusp of the sixth house, then directly to the cusp of the tenth. The wheel is the picturing of the evolution of human consciousness through experience patterns so the inner meaning of the trine must be found in consideration of the houses that it abstractly represents, and from that may be deduced the planetary vibration to which it most closely corresponds. Since the trine represents regenerated result let us apply regenerate key-words to the three houses involved:

   Second House: "possession and desire for possession" has been transmuted into consciousness of right exchange of money and materials, perfect stewardship and the resultant regeneration of relationships, between people who have learned to direct finance-exchange through right feeling toward each other.

   Sixth house: the consciousness of "Labor" is regenerated into an expression of Love-Service as a releasement of fifth-house potentials; as an extension of regenerated second house, people who work and people who are worked for are in sympathetic and equilibrated relationship to each other; exchange in money and commodities is balanced by exchange in work- value; the right consciousness of money-exchange correlates with the best expression of work potential. "Capital versus Labor" is transmuted into "Capital and Labor" harmoniously integrated as a base — the horizontal line — for the vertical structure to the third point which is:

   The tenth house: the achievement of a perfected Society, including and enclosing the best expressions of all classes and evolutionary levels of humanity. Since the earth-houses succeed the fire- houses, the picture is shown that perfected society is a manifestation of the powers of self-awareness, love and wisdom of all people. The single trine aspect in an individual horoscope represents an attained awareness of some level or phase, of right relationship of the individual to the world at large; the symbol itself, as an abstraction of the Great Horoscope, represents the spiritual, cultural, and economic flowerings of humanity, as an entity, on its evolutionary Path.

   Civilizations rise, flower, and fall; individuals rise to, pass through, and transcend "points of rest" in their individual experience but the trine symbol is the apex, the "perfected achievement" — the blossoming of the best in individual or collective consciousness. Its planetary correlative is not Jupiter but Venus, the arch-symbol of the feminine essence of consciousness — Harmony, Love, and Beauty distilled from the strivings and growings of all people; honey distilled from the nectar of flowers; the perfection of line, structure, and color of the cultivated human body; the gleam and sparkle of meticulously cut jewelry: culture that represents the best of mankind's realizations.

   Through your trine aspects you are aware of your God- consciousness — you are "in tune" with your best: the amplitude, beauty, and harmony of your outer conditions are the reflections of your regenerated consciousness. Do more than just enjoy your trines — share them with all people you contact by keeping your "trined consciousness" alive and expressive always. In this way you not only share your treasures but, by the power of sympathetic vibrations, you "ignite" other people to a greater awareness of their inner Good, and thereby stimulate the good aspects in their charts.

The T-Cross and Grand Cross Aspects

   These two aspect-patterns are regarded by many astrological readers with feelings of considerable negative concern for the persons represented by the charts. It is true that life-lessons of grave import and evolutionary significance are indicated by these patterns. It is just as true that the astrological reader must learn to regard them impersonally and unemotionally, with philosophic calm, if he is to interpret them in a serviceable way.

   Any mode of astrological reading that tends to emphasize the interpretation of experience as being actual evil, misfortune, calamity, or tragedy cannot be truly enlightening; yet this kind of approach occupies the minds of many readers when they seek to interpret even a single- square aspect. Hence the fusion of opposition-aspect with multiple squares, as is depicted by both the T-Cross and Grand Cross, represents to them "something awful raised to the umpteenth degree," an implication of a quality of karma so terrible as to be almost — or actually — beyond hope of resolution during the entire scope of the present lifetime.

   In all justice, we astro-readers must make ourselves more cognizant and recognizant of the foundational Principles of Life so that, when we are called upon to read charts which contain these multiple tension-patterns, we can exercise correct perception and thereby further enlightenment, rather than exercise ignorance and fear and thereby increase distress and hopelessness in the consciousness of the persons concerned. These complex aspects can be viewed from many standpoints of Principle which reveal secrets of destiny as indications of evolutionary placement and progress. Our responsibility and service are focalized on the expansion of perception of principle.

   For pursuance of this material, it is suggested that you prepare several copies of the twelve-housed wheel with the zodiacal signs arranged in sequence from Aries as Ascendant-sign; also a listing of the zodiacal signs according to the "Crosses," as follows:

   Cardinal: Aries and Libra, Capricorn and Cancer; Fixed: Leo and Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio; Mutable: Sagittarius and Gemini, Virgo and Pisces.

   The clockwise sequence of adjoining squares for each sign: Aries: Cancer and Capricorn; Libra: Capricorn and Cancer; Capricorn: Aries and Libra; Cancer: Libra and Aries; Leo: Scorpio and Taurus; Aquarius: Taurus and Scorpio; Taurus: Leo and Aquarius; Scorpio. Aquarius and Leo; Sagittarius: Pisces and Virgo; Gemini: Virgo and Pisces; Virgo: Sagittarius and Gemini; Pisces: Gemini and Sagittarius.

   Consideration of "planetary scope:" the minimum planetary scope of the T-Cross is three planetary points, two of which are in opposition to each other, both being squared by the third. The minimum planetary scope of the Grand-Cross is four planetary points, patterned as two pairs of oppositions forming a sequence of four square aspects. The maximum scope of both is all ten planetary points which maybe inter-related by close orb or by "extended" orb. In the case of many T-Cross and Grand-Cross aspects, of four or more planets, the numerical difference between the first planet which applies to the aspect and the last one may be as high as twelve or thirteen degrees; the extension of orb is valid because the planets are inter- related in the same aspect.

   Consideration of aspect-quality: The T-Cross and Grand-Cross aspects may be thought of as "pure" if their planetary points all occupy signs of the same cross — cardinal, fixed, or mutable; they are "mixed" if the planets, though in valid numerical orb, occupy signs representing a mixture of crosses. A few examples:

   T-Cross, minimum, pure: Venus in 9 Leo opposition Jupiter in 9 Aquarius, both squared by Moon in Taurus (or Scorpio).

   T-Cross, minimum, mixed: Venus in 26 Leo opposition Jupiter in 28 Aquarius, both squared by Moon in 2 Sagittarius (or Gemini); Venus and Jupiter are in fixed signs, Moon is in mutable.

   T-Cross, multiple (four to nine points), pure: Saturn 6 Libra, Jupiter 9 Aries, Uranus 14 Cancer, Neptune 17 Libra; the aspect-orb, from Saturn to Neptune is eleven degrees.

   T-Cross, multiple, mixed: Pluto 28 Gemini, Mars 3 Capricorn, Venus 2 Aries, Moon 8 Aries: aspect-orb is ten degrees, Pluto in mutable, the others in cardinal.

   Grand-Cross, minimum, pure: Sun 4 Pisces, Uranus 2 Virgo, Moon 7 Sagittarius, Jupiter 1 Gemini — close orb throughout, mutable signs.

   Grand-Cross, multiple (nine-point) mixed: Uranus 22 Capricorn, Moon 23 Cancer, Neptune 24 Cancer, Mercury 19 Libra, Mars 21 Libra, Venus 22 Libra, Jupiter 26 Libra, Sun 2 Scorpio, Saturn 3 Taurus; aspect-orb is 14 degrees, Mercury to Saturn; mixture of cardinal-fixed.

   Experimentation with varieties of T-Cross and Grand-Cross patterns-also using various signs as Ascendants-will develop fluency in recognition of them in the study of charts. Start with "minimum- pure" ones and progress, by expansion, into more complex and varied ones.

   Regarding the understanding of the reasons for, and purposes of the T-Cross and Grand-Cross aspects, keep always in mind this statement of Life-Principle: Release of power depends upon, and is succedent to, focalization of power. For example, release of power in activity is focalized by Will to fulfill Purpose, release of power as Love is focalized by relationship-contact and the resultant ignition of individual or mutual consciousness-of-Love; release of power as Teaching is focalized by the need of the teacher to give expression to what he has learned and the need of the student to what is expressed. This Principle may be perceived by the discerning person in every aspect of life and experience. and on all planes of functioning.

   The almost ominous implication of difficulty delineated by the T-Cross and Grand-Cross aspects has its resources in the fact that it pictures an internal or subjective, method of much needed focalization for correction of wasteful tendencies practiced through several past lives. In other words, these patterns picture a karmically conditioned gathering of forces which tell the astrological reader that those Principles that govern human destiny will not permit the person concerned — he who is represented by the chart — to continue with a program of relative wastefulness in attitude and activity. The present incarnation is thereby represented as the karmically timed opportunity, through a relative limitation of scope, to bring order into consciousness by a focus on concentrated experience. Charts which contain the T-Cross and Grand-Cross aspects portray life-patterns which always reveal a certain "circumscribing" or "fencing in" of experience in specialized ways; many, many years or, in some cases, an entire lifetime are utilized to experience personal application to some particular phase of activity, relationship, or problem. To the degree that the person can under- stand and agree with the necessity for that phase, as opportunity for discipline, training integration, or redemption, will he make use of his T- Cross or Grand-Cross pattern.

   But, to the degree that he continues to resist, resent and rebel against it will he continue to intensify the difficulties implied in the "circumscribing" quality of the experience. We must keep in mind that no planetary aspect has frustration or limitation as its purpose. It is we who have created the present feeling of frustration in not having walked with our experience in a balanced way in the past.

   To bring order out of the chaos we created, Life institutes. by the Principle of Polarity counteractive measures in the form of focalizing and concentrating us in more and specialized ways so that by repetitious and continuous application we are enabled to engender processes of unconscious or conscious alchemy; to overcome weakness by developing strength, to dispel ignorance by garnering knowledge and understanding, to polish and refine the crudities of past unregeneracies and thereby distill the consciousness of soulic and spiritual power. We set the measures and pace of our unfoldment but the Forces and Principles of Life, as portrayed in our planetary aspect-patterns, provide the substance of our unfoldment-processes in environments, relationships, and activities in which and through which we are concentrated and focalized for specific phases of fulfillment and growth.

   From the objective viewpoint, the astro-reader in studying the registration of a T-Cross or a Grand-Cross sees a portrait of a human who regard his "Cross-experiences" from one of three principal levels: (1) helpless, hopeless endurance; (2) antagonism, angry resistance and friction; (3) making constructive use of the experience to gain training, refinement, and growth. This is offered as a clue toward the synthesis of the spiritual values of the chart-depending on which one of these three views is held by the person will the astro-reader know how best to approach the interpretative presentation of the tension-patterns.

   One of the most important points in the study of the T-Cross is found in thinking of it as a combination of lines of force. In imagination, place yourself at the center of a copy of the Great Mandala; around your waist are looped three ropes the ends of which are in the hands of three people who stand at the Aries cusp, the Libra cusp, and the Cancer Cusp; these three people are trying to pull you toward them — away from your position at the center; you are trying to keep your position and, to do so, you must resist all three directions of pull. Aries and Libra, opposite each other, represent the opposition aspect of the T-Cross; Cancer square to both of them, is the "apex" of the T-Cross; if the Cancer person dropped his rope then the tug-of-war would be only between Aries and Libra, but as long as Cancer also tries to pull you, you have to try to counteract his pull. You do so by exerting your counter-force in the direction of — what would be — the Capricorn-point opposite Cancer.

   Therefore, the point opposite to the apex of the T-Cross is as important to study as any of the three occupied points because that fourth point represents, spiritually and psychologically speaking, the quality which you must exercise and develop when the conflicts and frictions represented by the three points of the T-Cross threaten to pull you away from your center It represents spiritual qualities and powers which your Higher Self is seeking to make you aware of in order to develop internal balance and integration. In the study of any chart containing a T-Cross pattern give careful thought to the Sign opposite the apex and the conditions indicated by its planetary ruler. In the study of timings (major transits, progressions, etc. ) watch carefully for those periods when the activations will go over the Point opposite the apex- these timings always bring very significant opportunities-through testing-for maintaining and developing internal poise and serenity by spiritually polarizing the negative tendencies stirred up by the stimulus to the T-Cross planets.

   Planets are people: the patterns and tendencies of your consciousness are stimulated or ignited by your contacts with other people — this ignition makes possible what we call experience. Among the most important people in the life of one who has a T-Cross in his natal chart are those who have planetary points in the sign opposite to the apex-planet of the T-Cross. Their planet — or planets-may be unregeneratively, regeneratively, or variably aspected, but in any ease in some degree, they represent that which the T-Cross person is seeking to find within himself for greater psychological and spiritual integrity. If the other person's corresponding quality is unregenerate, he will be a very significant tester to the T-Cross person; if regenerate, he will be — potentially at least — a helper, an inspirer, a good example, an ideal. If his quality is variable, then study the most pronounced tendency by timing the meeting of the two persons; try to determine whether the unregenerate or the regenerate quality or tendency was most in effect when the people concerned initiated their relationship to each other. You may find that the best tendencies of the variable person were being stimulated at that time, indicating that his purpose in the experience of the T-Cross person is basically uplifting and helpful. To put to use the spiritual power or quality indicated by the sign opposite the apex of a T-Cross is creative white magic because it represents a very high degree of spiritual alchemy in consciousness.

   For the study and analysis of a Grand-Cross, the suggestion is offered that you make a separate mandala of it and study it apart from the natal chart at first, keeping in mind that the lines of force from the center of the horoscope, or the mandala, indicate two oppositions which polarize each other and four squares which inter-act upon each other. Then for clarity and elimination of confusion of thought, create a mandala for each of the planets in the Grand-Cross which will include all the natal aspects which include the particular planet. In this way you can dissect all the evidences of alchemistry and a regenerative potential that may be used by the person to gain spiritual growth from the experiences indicated by the Grand-Cross. A Grand-Cross is really a little horoscope within the natal — a concentration of the forces of consciousness which, if used constructively and creatively, can make the present incarnation a very important upward step on the evolutionary spiral. Its basic key-word might be stated: evolutionarily necessary concentration of consciousness and abilities for constructive use. The evil implied by the Grand-Cross is by individual interpretation only; its purpose is to further the individual's good through focalization.

   In conclusion there are a few special approaches which should be taken into consideration. Increased awareness or the powers of faith in spiritual law and patience — the right use of Time-will be particularly helpful to the person who has Saturn configurated in a T-Cross or Grand-Cross; he must be encouraged to practice the spiritually constructive, long-range view-point toward his experiences because his needs for the indicated discipline are especially urgent for his life-time.

   If the Moon is configurated in either of these aspect-patterns, then scientific knowledge concerning the purpose and action of the instinctual mind will be particularly helpful; because this person has undertaken a big assignment, for this life-time, in clearing negative residues from past lives. If the planetary Ascendant ruler is configurated, the evidence is shown that the person will experience considerable re-focalization through physical difficulties and information concerning the esoteric or spiritual co-relations of Law with physical Conditions may prove the answer to his greatest evolutionary need. If Uranus is a factor, then exercise in intelligent adjustment to changes is indicated as a part of the spiritual assignment — especially if Uranus is squared or opposed by Saturn and Saturn has the predominant influence in the chart generally. The inclusion of Jupiter in these patterns indicates that sincerity of motivation is to be exercised to neutralize or alchemicalize tendencies of false pride and unfruitful compensations. Mercury's inclusion indicates that mental discipline and Clarification is to be distilled from the concentration of experience as well as improvement in methods of communication. The Sun's inclusion in these patterns is especially significant; the basic purpose of the concentration of experience is to — evolutionarily — turn the attention of the person God-ward, to realize his true Source of Life and Being.

— Supplemental Student Material Reference: Studies in Astrology, Elman Bacher

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