
Simplified Scientific

(Part 1)


— A —

Abortion, 8J: (ADH) »

Adenoids and Constipation, No. 27. (MOS) »

Adjusted Calculation Date (MOS) »

Adolescence (SIA) »

Adrenals, The, 17D: (ADH) »

Amulets, Birthstones and Planetary Colors (MOS) »

Anemia, Pernicious, 11F: (ADH) »

Angles, Comparative Effect of Cardinal, Fixed and Common Signs on the (MOS) »

Animal Experience (SIA) »

Aphorisms (ADH) »

Aquarian Age [Aquarius-Leo] (MOS) »

Architecture (SIA) »

Arteriosclerosis, 18F: (ADH) »

Arthritic Muscular Atrophy, 15B: (ADH) »

Ascendant, The (SIA) »

Aspects, The (SSA) »

Aspects of the Planets, Mutual (MOS) »

Aspects, The "Bad" (SIA) »

Aspects, The "Good" (SIA) »

Aspects, The T-Cross and Grand Cross (SIA) »

Aspects, The Trine and the Grand Trine (SIA) »

Aspects, The Variable (SIA) »

Asthma (ADH) »

Asthma, 20A: (ADH) »

Asthma, Morphine Addiction, 20B: (ADH) »

Asthma, 20C, 20D, 20E: (ADH) »

Astro-Diagnosis of Disease (MOS) »

Astro-Diagnosis: Introduction (ADH) »

Astro-Dynamics (SIA) »

Astrologer Discusses Teaching (SIA) »

Astrologer, The (SIA) »

Astrologer, The American (SIA) »

Astrologer as Scientist, Artist, and Priest-Teacher, The (SIA) »

Astrological Keywords (AKS) »

Astrological Path, The (SIA) »

Astrology, Studies in: Foreword (SIA) »

Astrology the Art of Arts (SIA) »

Astrology, White Light (SIA) »

Astrology, The Accuracy of (SIA) »

Astro-Philosophy Discusses Government (SIA) »

Atlantean Epoch, Early [Cancer-Capricorn] (MOS) »

Atlantean Epoch, Later [Taurus-Scorpio] (MOS) »

Atlantean Epoch, Middle [Gemini-Sagittarius] (MOS) »

— B —

Basic Relationship Structure (SIA) »

Bladder Trouble, 7F: (ADH) »

Blindness, Hemorrhoids, No. 32. (MOS) »

Bones, The (ADH) »

Breakdown, General, 7C: (ADH) »

— C —

Calculate the Positions of the Planets, How to (SSA) »

Cancer (ADH) »

Cancer, 21A: (ADH) »

Cancer, 21B: (ADH) »

Cataracts, and Sluggish Circulation, 11B: (ADH) »

Childbirth, 8I: (ADH) »

Children (MOS) »

Childhood (SIA) »

Circulation, The (ADH) »

Circulation, Restricted, 11E: (ADH) »

Color (SIA) »

Complementation (SIA) »

Conditions, Special (ADH) »

Correspondences, Law of (MOS) »

— D —

Dance (SIA) »

Delineation in a Nutshell, Doctrine of (MOS) »

Design (SIA) »

Diabetes, 7G: (ADH) »

Diabetes, 7H: (ADH) »

Diagnosing, Preliminary Steps in (ADH) »

Diagnosing from the Hands and Finger Nails (ADH) »

Diagnosis From Horoscopes (ADH) »

Diameter, Quadrant, and Decanate (SIA) »

Digestive Disorder and Asthma, No. 17. (MOS) »

Digestive Disorder, No. 18. (MOS) »

Directing, A Lesson in (ADH) »

Disease, Sex as a Factor in (MOS) »

Dragon's Head and Tail (MOS) »

Dramatic Art (SIA) »

Ductless [Endocrine] Glands, The (MOS) »

Ductless [Endocrine] Glands, The (ADH) »

Drunken Debauch, Conception in a, No. 1. (MOS) »

— E —

Ear Disease, No. 7. (MOS) »

Ear Disease, Kidney Trouble, Constipation, No. 8. (MOS) »

Ears, Disease of the (MOS) »

Ears, The (ADH) »

Ears and Nerves, 1A: (ADH) »

Ears, The (ADH) »

Ears—Abscesses in Frontal Bone, The (ADH) »

Elevation, Exaltation and Critical Degrees (MOS) »

Encyclopedia of Astrology, A Philosophic (SSA) »

[Endocrine] Ductless Glands, The (MOS) »

Ephemeris—Sample Pages (SSA) »

Evolution as Shown in the Zodiac (MOS) »

Eyes, Disease of the (MOS) »

Eye and Ear Trouble, Weak Back, No. 30. (MOS) »

Eye and Ear Trouble, Poor Circulation, No. 31. (MOS) »

Eyes, The (ADH) »

Eyes, The, 2A: (ADH) »

Eyes, The, 2B: (ADH) »

Eyes, The, 2C: (ADH) »

Eye Trouble, 2D: (ADH) »

Eye Trouble, No. 4. (MOS) »

Eye Trouble, No. 5. (MOS) »

Eyes, The, 2E; 2F: (ADH) »

Eyes, The, 2G: (ADH) »

Eyes, The, 2H: (ADH) »

— F —

Fatherhood (SIA) »

Femur, Broken, No. 6. (MOS) »

Femur, Injury to, 15A: (ADH) »

Foreword: Studies in Astrology, 1 (SIA) »

Foreword: Studies in Astrology, 2 (SIA) »

Foreword: Studies in Astrology, 3 (SIA) »

Foreword: Studies in Astrology, 4 (SIA) »

Foreword: Studies in Astrology, 5 (SIA) »

Foreword: Studies in Astrology, 6 (SIA) »

Foreword: Studies in Astrology, 7 (SIA) »

Foreword: Studies in Astrology, 8 (SIA) »

Fortunes, Social and Financial, 9 (MOS) »

Fractures, Accidental, No. 22. (MOS) »

Fraternity of Astrologer, Artist, Priest, and Healer (SIA) »

Fraternity (SIA) »

— G —

Gallstones, 10B: (ADH) »

Gallstones, 10C, 10D: (ADH) »

Gifts, The Giving of (SIA) »

Golden Rule, The (SIA) »

Goiter; Tonsils, 3D: (ADH) »

Goiter, 3E: (ADH) »

Goiter, No. 29. (MOS) »

Gonorrhea, 8D, 8E: (ADH) »

Guardian of the Threshold, The (MOS) »

— H —

Happiness, Sorrow and Bereavement (MOS) »

Harmony and Discord (MOS) »

Head, Accidents to, No. 28. (MOS) »

Healer, Hints and Helps for the (ADH) »

Healing (SIA) »

Healing, Rosicrucian (ADH) »

Heal the Sick, How the Rosicrucians (ADH) »

Health and Disease (MOS) »

Heart Trouble, Dropsy, No. 33. (MOS) »

Heart and Eye Trouble, Spiritual Sight, No. 3. (MOS) »

Heart Failure, Spasms, No. 24. (MOS) »

Heart, Lung and Kidney Trouble, No. 25. (MOS) »

Heart Trouble, No. 19. (MOS) »

Heart, The (ADH) »

Heart, The, 5A: (ADH) »

Heart; Kidneys, 5B: (ADH) »

Heart, The, 5C: (ADH) »

Heart, The, 5D: (ADH) »

Heart,The, 5E: (ADH) »

Heart, Palpitation of the, 11A: (ADH) »

Horoscope Abstracted, The (SIA) »

Horoscope, Condensation of the (SIA) »

Horoscope, How to Test the (MOS) »

Horoscope, Reading the. Introductory (MOS) »

Horoscopes, Thirty-six Example (MOS) »

Hospital Experience (SIA) »

House, The Second (SIA) »

House, The Fifth (SIA) »

House, The Eighth (SIA) »

Houses, Mundane (MOS) »

Houses, Table of —Sample Pages (SSA) »

Husband or Wife, Description of the (MOS) »

Hysteria, Exaggerated, 14E: (ADH) »

— I —

Index, Making the (SSA) »

Insanity (ADH) »

Insanity and Spirit Control, No. 23. (MOS) »

Insanity, 19B: (ADH) »

Insanity, Obsession, and Tuberculosis, 19C: (ADH) »

Interceptions (SIA) »

Intoxication, Auto, 18D: (ADH) »

Introduction: Simplified Scientific Astrology, 1 (SSA) »

Introduction: Studies in Astrology, 2 (SIA) »

Introduction: Studies in Astrology, 3 (SIA) »

Introduction: Studies in Astrology, 4 (SIA) »

Introduction: Studies in Astrology, 5 (SIA) »

Introduction: Studies in Astrology, 6 (SIA) »

Introduction, 7 (SIA) »

Introduction: Studies in Astrology, 8 (SIA) »

Introduction: Studies in Astrology, 9 (SIA) »

Introduction: Studies in Astrology, 10 (SIA) »

Intuition, The Faculty of (SIA) »

— J —

Joys, Planetary (SIA) »

Jupiter in the Twelve Houses (MOS) »

Jupiter in the Twelve Signs (MOS) »

Jupiter in Aspect with Other Planets (MOS) »

Jupiter, the Planet of Benevolence (MOS) »

Jupiter, Pathogenic Effects of (MOS) »

Jupiter: Principle of Improvement (SIA) »

— K —

Keywords, Astrological (AKS) »

Keywords, Table of Planetary (MOS) »

Kidneys and Mastoiditis, The, 7B: (ADH) »

Kidney Trouble, Accidents, No. 21. (MOS) »

Kidneys, The (ADH) »

Kidneys, The, 7A: (ADH) »

— L —

Leprosy (ADH) »

Leprosy, 12A, 12B: (ADH) »

Life-Assignment, Your (SIA) »

Light (Part 1) (SIA) »

Light (Part 2) (SIA) »

Light as Therapy (SIA) »

Light as Communication (SIA) »

Light as Affluence (SIA) »

Light, Color and Consciousness, Mystery of (MOS) »

Liver and Gall Bladder, The (ADH) »

Liver, The, 10A: (ADH) »

Logarithms, Table of (SSA) »

Luck in Life, Your (MOS) »

Lungs, The (ADH) »

Lymph, Deficiency in, 18A: (ADH) »

— M —

Mandala, The Astrological (SIA) »

Marriage (SIA) »

Marriages, Men's (MOS) »

Marriages, Women's (MOS) »

Marriage and Offspring (MOS) »

Marriages, Second (MOS) »

Mars, the Planet of Action (MOS) »

Mars in the Twelve Houses (MOS) »

Mars in the Twelve Signs (MOS) »

Mars in Aspect with Other Planets (MOS) »

Mars: The Principle of Energy (SIA) »

Mars, Pathogenic Effects of (MOS) »

Medical Astrology (MOS) »

Melancholy, Suicidal Tendency, No. 12. (MOS) »

Mental Case, A, 19A: (ADH) »

Mentality, The (ADH) »

Mercury, Pathogenic Effects of (MOS) »

Mercury Before or After the Sun (MOS) »

Mercury, The Planet (SIA) »

Mercury, the Planet of Reason (MOS) »

Mercury in the Twelve Houses (MOS) »

Mercury in the Twelve Signs (MOS) »

Mercury in Aspect with Other Planets (MOS) »

Military Experience, Involuntary (SIA) »

Mind, Disorders of the (MOS) »

Moon Increasing or Decreasing, The (MOS) »

Moon, the Planet of Fecundation (MOS) »

Moon in the Twelve Houses (MOS) »

Moon in the Twelve Signs (MOS) »

Moon in Aspect with Other Planets (MOS) »

Moon, Pathogenic Effects of (MOS) »

Moon: Principle of Motherhood, The (SIA) »

Motion Pictures (SIA) »

Music (SIA) »

— N —

Narcotics; Cigarettes, 18H: (ADH) »

Neptune: Principle of Instrumentation (SIA) »

Neptune, the Planet of Divinity (MOS) »

Neptune in the Twelve Houses (MOS) »

Neptune in the Twelve Signs (MOS) »

Neptune in Aspect with Other Planets (MOS) »

Neptune Patterns: The Twelfth House (SIA) »

Neptune: Aspects and Positions (SIA) »

Neptune, Pathogenic Effects of (MOS) »

Nerves, The (ADH) »

Nervous Breakdown and Paralysis, 14A, 14B: (ADH) »

— O —

Obsession; Tonsils, 16B: (ADH) »

Osteomyelitis—Inflammation of Marrow of Bone, 15C: (ADH) »

— P —

Paralysis (ADH) »

Paralysis, 13A: (ADH) »

Paralysis and Hardening of the Arteries, 13B: (ADH) »

Paralysis, Facial, 13C: (ADH) »

Paralysis, 13D, 13E: (ADH) »

Paralysis, Infantile, 13F: (ADH) »

Peritonitis, 18E: (ADH) »

Piscean Age [Pisces-Virgo] (MOS) »

Planetary Hours,Tables of (SSA) »

Planetary Octaves: Neptune-Mercury and Uranus-Venus (MOS) »

Planetary Polarities (MOS) »

Planetary Vibrations, The Measure of Amenability to (MOS) »

Planetary Hours (MOS) »

Planets, Anatomy and Physiology Correlated to the (ADH) »

Planets, Pathological Qualities of the (ADH) »

Planets, The Seven Spirits Before the Throne, The (SSA) »

Planets, Intrinsic Nature of the (MOS) »

Planets Are People (SIA) »

Pluto, The Planet (MOS) »

Pluto: Principle of Frozen Fire (SIA) »

Pneumogastric Nerve, Obstruction of the, 14F: (ADH) »

Points, Some Important (MOS) »

Point, the Line, and the Circle, The (SIA) »

Polarity, A Study of (SIA) »

Polypi and Kidney Trouble, 18B: (ADH) »

Possession, Elemental, No. 2. (MOS) »

Post-Atlantean (Sixth) Epoch [Aries-Libra] (MOS) »

Progression of the Horoscope—Fate and Freewill (MOS) »

Progression, Different Methods of (MOS) »

Progression of the Angles (MOS) »

Progressed Solar Directions (MOS) »

Progressed Lunar Directions (MOS) »

Pylorus, The, 6C: (ADH) »

Pyorrhea, 18C: (ADH) »

— Q —

— R —

Renal Calculi, 7D: (ADH) »

Renal Circulation, 7E: (ADH) »

Retrogradation, Planetary (SIA) »

Rheumatism and Impure Blood, 11G: (ADH) »

Rheumatism, 11H, 11I: (ADH) »

Rhythm (SIA) »

Rickets and Tetany, 13G: (ADH) »

Right Living, The Science of (ADH) »

Rising Sign and the Twelve Houses, The (SSA) »

Rising Sign, Mental Effects of (MOS) »

Ruling Planet, Mind and the (MOS) »

Ruling Planets, Well Aspected, Influence of, (MOS) »

Ruling Planets, Afflicted, Influence of, (MOS) »

— S —

Saturn, the Planet of Sorrow (MOS) »

Saturn in the Twelve Houses (MOS) »

Saturn in the Twelve Signs (MOS) »

Saturn in Aspect with Other Planets (MOS) »

Saturn's Command: "Thou Must Fulfill" (SIA) »

Saturn, Pathogenic Effects of (MOS) »

Security (SIA) »

Sense Organs, Astrological Affinities of the (ADH) »

Sex (ADH) »

Sex and Throat, 8A, 8B: (ADH) »

Sex, 8C: (ADH) »

Shakespearean Star Portraits (SIA) »

Signs, Cardinal (MOS) »

Signs, Common (MOS) »

Signs, Fixed (MOS) »

Signs and Houses (SSA) »

Sign, The Rising (MOS) »

Signs When Rising, Influence of the Twelve (MOS) »

Signs, Children of the Twelve (MOS) »

Signs as Mental Significators (MOS) »

Signs, The Anatomical and Physiological Properties of the (ADH) »

Signs, Pathogenic Effects of (MOS) »

Signs, Pathological Qualities of the (ADH) »

Signs, Physiological Afflictions of the (ADH) »

Sixth House Influences, The (ADH) »

Spectrum, The Generic (SIA) »

Spectrum (SIA) »

Speech, Loss of, 3G: (ADH) »

Spine, Curvature of the, No. 20. (MOS) »

Spiritual Sight, Subtile Indications of (MOS) »

Spine, The (ADH) »

Spinal Trouble, 9A: (ADH) »

Spinal Trouble, 9B: (ADH) »

Spirit Control (ADH) »

Spirit Control, 16A: (ADH) »

Stars, Are You Helping Your? (MOS) »

Stomach and Kidney Trouble, 6D: (ADH) »

Stomach, The (ADH) »

Stomach Trouble and Tuberculosis, 6A: (ADH) »

Stomach Trouble and Inflammation of Kidneys, 6B: (ADH) »

St. Vitus Dance and Adolescence, No. 13. (MOS) »

St. Vitus Dance and Tuberculosis, No. 15. (MOS) »

Suicide and Alcoholism, No. 14. (MOS) »

Sun, Moon and Ascendant (MOS) »

Sun, the Giver of Life (MOS) »

Sun in the Twelve Houses (MOS) »

Sun in the Twelve Signs (MOS) »

Sun in Aspect with Other Planets (MOS) »

Sun, Pathogenic Effects of (MOS) »

Sun Sign, The (SIA) »

Sun: Principle of Power, The (SIA) »

Sympathy and Antipathy (ADH) »

— T —

Throat and Genitals, No. 9. 10. and 11. (MOS) »

Throat and Genitals,Diseased, No. 34. (MOS) »

Throat, The (ADH) »

Thyroid Gland Trouble, 17A, 17B: (ADH) »

Thymus Gland, The, 17C: (ADH) »

Throat and Tonsils, 3C: (ADH) »

Time and Place as Factors in Calculation of the Horoscope (SSA) »

Time to Be Born, When Is the Best? (MOS) »

Tonsils, Adenoids, 3A; 3B: (ADH) »

Transits (MOS) »

Triplicities (MOS) »

Tuberculosis, 4A: (ADH) »

Tuberculosis, 4B: (ADH) »

Tuberculosis, 4C: (ADH) »

Tuberculosis, No. 26. (MOS) »

Tuberculosis, Solitary Vice, No. 35. (MOS) »

Tuberculosis, No. 16. (MOS) »

Tuberculosis of the Spine, 9C: (ADH) »

Typhoid and Spinal Trouble, 18G: (ADH) »

— U —

Uranus, the Planet of Altruism (MOS) »

Uranus in the Twelve Houses (MOS) »

Uranus in the Twelve Signs (MOS) »

Uranus in Aspect with Other Planets (MOS) »

Uranus, Pathogenic Effects of (MOS) »

Uranus Commands "Release!" (SIA) »

Uterine Trouble, 8H: (ADH) »

— V —

Veins, Varicose, 11D: (ADH) »

Venereal Disease, 8F: (ADH) »

Venereal Disease, 8G: (ADH) »

Venereal Growths, Horny, No. 36. (MOS) »

Venus: Principle of Perfected Manifestation (SIA) »

Venus, the Planet of Love (MOS) »

Venus in the Twelve Houses (MOS) »

Venus in the Twelve Signs (MOS) »

Venus in Aspect with Other Planets (MOS) »

Venus, Pathogenic Effects of (MOS) »

Vocal Organs, The, 3F: (ADH) »

Vocation (MOS) »

— W —

Walk, Defective, 14C, 14D: (ADH) »

Walk, Inability to, 9D, 9E: (ADH) »

Warning, An Important (MOS) »

Wedding Chart, The (SIA) »

Were You Born Under a Lucky Star? (MOS) »

— X —

— Y —

— Z —

Zodiac, Rulership and Qualities—Anatomy and Physiology Correlated to the (ADH) »

Zodiac, Signs of the (MOS) »

(Part 2) »

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Astrology Self-Study Course Modules »

References: The Message of the Stars (MOS), by August Foss & Max Heindel; Simplified Scientific Astrology (SSA), by Max Heindel; Astro-Diagnosis, A Guide to Healing (ADH), by Max Heindel; Studies in Astrology (SIA), by Elman Bacher

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This website is offered to the public by students of The Rosicrucian Teachings, and has no official affiliation with any organization.