
Simplified Scientific

Study Modules
Study Guides


Independent Study Program (Two Years/Four Semesters) »

Core Concepts Independent Study Modules »

Bible Independent Study Modules »

Astrology Independent Study Course Modules »

Independent Study Guides »

You are welcome to study on your own or e-mail your Independent Study Module answers to us for correction and comments.

Core Concepts
Independent Study Modules

Introductory Level

Module 1: The Visible and Invisible Worlds »

Module 2: The Desire World »

Module 3: The World of Thought »

Module 4: The Four Kingdoms »

Module 5: The Four Kingdoms (continued) »

Module 6: Man and His Bodies »

Module 7: Man and His Bodies (continued) »

Module 8: The Method of Evolution »

Module 9: The Method of Evolution (continued) »

Module 10: The Method of Evolution (continued) »

Module 11: Rebirth and Consequence »

Module 12: Acquiring First-Hand Knowledge »

Advanced Level

Module 13: The Creative Power of Thought »

Module 14: The Work of the Aspirant to the Higher Life »

Module 15: The Mission of Christ and the Forgivenes of Sins »

Module 16: Correct Diet for the Aspirant »

Module 17: Why We Should Avoid Mediumship, Hypnotism.... »

Module 18: The Evolution of Religion »

Module 19: The Science of Dying »

Module 20: The Beneficent Experiences of Purgatory »

Module 21: The Realms of Bliss »

Module 22: Rebirth and Consequence »

Module 23: The Soul, Soul Body, and Soul Growth »

Module 24: The Soul, Soul Body, and Soul Growth »

Module 25: The Path of Attainment, First-Hand Knowledge, and Spiritual Sight »

Module 26: The Path of Attainment, First-Hand Knowledge, and Spiritual Sight (continued) »

Module 27: Prayer—A Magic Invocation »

Module 28: Initiation »

Module 29: The Philosopher's Stone »

Module 30: Parsifal »

Module 31: Parsifal (continued) »

Module 32: Parsifal (continued) »

Module 33: Spiritual Light; The New Element and the New Substance »

Module 34: Faust »

Module 35: Faust (continued) »

Module 36: Faust (continued) »

Module 37: Faust (continued) »

Module 38: Faust (continued) »

Module 39: Faust (continued) »

Module 40: The Ring of the Niebelung—"The Rhine Maidens" »

Module 41: The Ring of the Niebelung—"The Ring of the Gods" »

Module 42: The Ring of the Neibelung—"The Valkuerie" »

Module 43: The Ring of the Niebelung—"Siegfried, the Truth Seeker" »

Module 44: The Ring of the Niebelung—"The Battle of Truth and Error" »

Module 45: The Ring of the Niebelung—"Rebirth and the Lethal Drink" »

Module 46: The Ring of the Niebelung—"The Twilight of the Gods" »

Module 47: Tannhauser—The Pendulum of Joy and Sorrow »

Module 48: Tannhauser—Minstrels, Initiates of Middle Ages »

Module 49: Tannhauser—The Unpardonable Sin »

Module 50: Tannhauser—The Rod That Budded »

Module 51: Lohengrin—The Knight of the Swan—Part I »

Module 52: Lohengrin—The Knight of the Swan—Part II »

The Bible
Independent Study Modules

Module 1: Origin of the Scriptures »

Module 2: The Solar Myth »

Module 3: The Solar Myth (continued) »

Module 4: The Tabernacle in the Wilderness »

Module 5: The Tabernacle in the Wilderness (continued) »

Module 6: The Tabernacle in the Wilderness (continued) »

Module 7: The Creation »

Module 8: The Creation (continued) »

Module 9: The Creation (continued) »

Module 10: The Creation (continued) »

Module 11: The Creation (continued) »

Module 12: Individualization of Man »

Module 13: The Fall of Man »

Module 14: Jesus and Christ Jesus »

Module 15: The Star of Bethlehem »

Module 16: The Mystery of Golgotha »

Module 17: The Lord's Prayer »

Module 18: The Sacraments »

Module 19: The Sacraments (continued) »

Module 20: The Sacraments (continued) »

Module 21: The Sacraments (continued) »

Module 22: The Immaculate Conception »

Module 23: Miscellaneous Interpretations »

Module 24: Miscellaneous Interpretations (continued) »

Module 25: Miscellaneous Interpretations (continued) »

Module 26: Miscellaneous Interpretations (continued) »

Module 27: Miscellaneous Interpretations (concluded) »

Module 28: Babylon and the New Jerusalem »

Independent Study Modules

Module 1: Chart Construction, Part I »

Module 2: Chart Construction, Part II »

Module 3: Chart Construction Part III »

Module 4: Chart Construction, Part IV »

Module 5: Chart Construction, Part V »

Module 6: Chart Construction, Part VI »

Module 7: Chart Construction, Part VII »

Module 8: Chart Construction, Part VIII »

Module 9: Chart Construction, Part IX »

Module 10: Chart Interpretation »

Module 11: The Fixed Signs—Part I »

Module 12: The Fixed Signs—Part II »

Module 13: The Fixed Signs—Part III »

Module 14: The Fixed Signs—Part IV »

Module 15: The Common Signs—Part I »

Module 16: The Common Signs—Part II »

Module 17: The Commons Signs—Part III »

Module 18: The Common Signs—Part IV »

Module 19: The Common Signs—Part V »

Module 20: The Aspects and Properties of Planets and Signs »

Module 21: Reading the Horoscope »

Module 22: Reading Aspects by the Use of Keywords »

Module 23: The Measure of Amenability to Planetary Vibrations—Part I »

Module 24: The Measure of Amenability to Planetary Vibrations—Part II »

Module 25: The Measure of Amenability to Planetary Vibrations—Part III »

Module 26: The Measure of Amenability to Planetary Vibrations—Part IV »

Module 27: Some General Advice Regarding Attitude of Mind... »

Module 28: Progressing the Ascendant and Midheaven »

Module 29: Progressing the Ascendant and Midheaven (continued) »

Module 30: Progressing the Ascendant and Midheaven (continued) »

Module 31: Spiritual Benefits of the So-called Evil Aspects »

Module 32: Neptune Considered... »

Module 33: Astrological Keywords Considered... »

Module 34: Love and Altruism... »

Module 35: Mercury Considered... »

Module 36: "Applying" and "Separating" Planets »

Module 37: Retrograde Planets »

Module 38: Astrology and Health »

Module 39: Chart Delineation »

Module 40: The Individuality; Spiritual Strength »

Module 41: The Personality »

Module 42: The Mentality »

Module 43: Vocation and Finance »

Module 44: Love —Marriage—Children »

Module 45: Delineation: Religion, Philosophy »

Module 46: Delineation: Friends and Enemies—Brothers and Sisters.... »

Module 47: Health and Sickness »

Module 48: Hopes —Wishes —Aspirations; Sorrow and Self-Undoing.... »

Module 49: Progression of the Horoscope »

Module 50: The Progressed Chart »

Module 51: Transits, Lunations, Eclipses »

Independent Study Guides

"The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception" Study Guide in Questions & Answers »

"The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception" Study Guide, by Elsa Glover »

"The Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures" Study Guide, by Elsa Glover »

"The Rosicrucian Mysteries" Study Guide, by Elsa Glover »

"Ancient and Modern Initiation" Study Guide, by Elsa Glover »

"Freemasonry and Catholicism" Study Guide, by Elsa Glover »

"Gleanings of a Mystic" Study Guide, by Elsa Glover »

"Letters To Students" Study Guide, by Elsa Glover »

"Mysteries of the Great Operas" Study Guide, by Elsa Glover »

"Teachings of an Initiate" Study Guide, by Elsa Glover »

"The Web of Destiny" Study Guide, by Elsa Glover »

Browse by Category »

This website is offered to the public by students of The Rosicrucian Teachings, and has no official affiliation with any organization.