
Simplified Scientific

from the
Rose Cross
Magazine Archives


Echoes/Rays from the Rose Cross Magazine—Complete Issues—1913-1994 »

Rays from the Rose Cross Magazine—Complete Issues—1995-2004 »

Rays Index 1913-19 »

Articles Sections

The Mystic Light »

Studies in the Cosmo-Conception »

Max Heindel's Message »

Western Wisdom Bible Study »

Spiritual Astrology »

Rosicrucian Philosophy in Q&A »

Healing »

Health & Nutrition »

Religion and Art »

News Perspectives »

Book Reviews »

For Children »

Editorial »

Feature »

Miscellaneous »

The Mystic Light

The Pursuit of Peace »

Science and Religion »

The Brothers of the Rose Cross »

What is Spiritual Work? »

Three Theories of Life »

The Visible and Invisible Worlds »

The Desire World »

The World of Thought »

The Constitution of Man »

Invisible Helpers and Mediums »

The Panorama of a Past Life »

The First Heaven »

Birth and Childhood »

Retrospection and Concentration »

The Pros and Cons of Abortion »

Rebirth: The Master Key »

Understanding the Animals »

Eastern and Western Spiritual Alternatives »

The Aquarian Age »

Clairvoyance »

The Science of Death »

Effects of Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco »

Aquaria (The Last Hours of a Spy) »

Children »

Rosicrucian Interpretation of Christianity »

Concentration, Meditation, and Prayer »

Eastern and Western Spiritual Alternatives »

The Rosicrucian Emblem »

The Process of Evolution »

Memorial Service »

The Dangers of Hypnotism »

The Law and Our Needs »

Life More Abundant »

Mediumship »

Motherhood »

Responsibilty and the Spiritual Aspirant »

Shakespeare—The Lay Bible »

Spiritual Growth and Psychic Development »

Why I Am a Rosicrucian Student »

Practical Methods of Achieving Success »

Help Spread the Teachings! »

The Power of Thought »

World Peace Meditation »

Interpretation of Rosicrucian Fellowship Hymns »

Max Heindel As I Knew Him »

"In Case of Being Released from the Physical Body" Form »

The Mystic Midnight Sun, by Max Heindel »

Rosicrucianism and Religion, by C.W. »

Symbology of Christmas, by Katharine Hillwood Poor »

The Pilgrim of Time, by Pansy E. Black »

Light Seen From Afar, by C.W. »

A Christmas Story, by A Probationer »

Creed or Christ? (Poem) »

The Effect of Feeling »

Praise Ye The Lord »

Giving Thanks »

Another Year is Dawning, by Frances Ridley Havergal »

Take It and Eat It Up »

The Spiritual Path, by Barbara Joiner »

The Silver Cord, by Max Heindel (as edited by a Student) »

The Rosicrucian Way, by Beryl Hamilton »

How to Have a Peaceful Death, by Elsa Glover »

Under the Shadow of the Almighty, by May Miles »

Christian Mystic Initiation »

Nature, by Dave Breese »

Where We Are—the Seat of Power »

The Triumph of Light, by C.S »

Seeing Beyond Illusion, by Angela Ponce de Leon »

Trinitarian God in the Gospel of St. John, by C.W. »

The Chart of Initiation, by A Probationer »

The Reward of the Perfected Spirit »

Life Is What You Make It »

Obedience »

The Foundation of Founders' Day, by C. W. »

Nine Steps to Spiritual Healing, by Frieda Mader »

The New Name, by Dr. George W. Carey »

Conquering Self, by O. R. »

You Inherited Yourself, by Ernest Crutcher, M.D. »

How I Found the Rosicrucian Teachings »

How I Found the Rosicrucian Teachings (PDF) »

The Foundation of Founder's Day (PDF) »

Nine Steps to Spiritual Healing (PDF) »

Conquering Self (PDF) »

You Inherited Yourself (PDF) »

The Mystic Midnight Sun (PDF) »

Rosicrucianism and Christianity (PDF) »

Symbolism of Christmas (PDF) »

The Pilgrim of Time (PDF) »

Light Seen From Afar (PDF) »

A Christmas Story (PDF) »

The Spiritual Path (PDF) »

The Silver Cord and the Seed Atoms (PDF) »

The Rosicrucian Way (PDF) »

How to Have a Peaceful Death (PDF) »

Under the Shadow of the Almighty (PDF) »

The Triumph of Light (PDF) »

Seeing Beyond Illusion (PDF) »

Trinitarian God in the Gospel of St. John (PDF) »

The Chart of Initiation (PDF) »

Assessing Our Progress (PDF) »

Traveling in Foreign Countries (PDF) »

God is Light (PDF) »

Christ Jesus and the Four Gospels (PDF) »

Acceptance (PDF) »

The Science of the Eternal (PDF) »

They Are Not Our Children (PDF) »

Unanswered Questions (PDF) »

The Other Disciple (PDF) »

Advent (PDF) »

The Rising Star (PDF) »

The Legend of the Poinsettia (PDF) »

The Breastplate of the High Priest (PDF) »

The Fullness of the Time (PDF) »

Suffering (PDF) »

Alone for Others (PDF) »

The Rosicrucian Brotherhood—Part 1 (PDF) »

The Rosicrucian Brotherhood—Part 2 (PDF) »

The Rosicrucian Brotherhood—Part 3 (PDF) »

The Occult Basis of Folk Stories Including the Fairy Story (PDF) »

What is Truth? How is it Found? (PDF) »

The Roses on the Cross—A Meditation (PDF) »

Conscience and The Eye of God (PDF) »

Seeing Through the Dark Glass—Visions of A. E. Williams (PDF) »

The Dweller on the Threshold (PDF) »

Forgiveness and its Blessings (PDF) »

The Luke Jesus and the Matthew Jesus (PDF) »

The Spring Equinox (PDF) »

The Cosmic Egg— A Universal Symbol of the World and Man (PDF) »

Good Friday Magic (PDF) »

Meditations on Mardi Gras (PDF) »

Freedom (PDF) »

Noah and His Wonderful Ark (PDF) »

Bethlehem and Ruth (PDF) »

Commandments—Old and New (PDF) »

Exploring the Origins of Rosicrucianism (PDF) »

A Doctor Witnesses a Transition (PDF) »

Vision and Character (PDF) »

Sleep, Memory, and the Substance of Life (PDF) »

Peace on Earth, Good Will (PDF) »

Reincarnation—A Rational New Chance (PDF) »

Magic, White and Black, Part 1 (PDF) »

Eye Hath Not Seen, Nor Ear Heard (PDF) »

The Diamond Body of the Temple of God (PDF) »

Magic, White and Black, Part 2 (PDF) »

Though Your Sins be as Scarlet (PDF) »

Indian Yoga in Relation to the Christian Rosicrucian Path (PDF) »

The Song of Prayer (PDF) »

A Creed for Our Time (PDF) »

The Shekinah Glory and The Divine Feminine (PDF) »

The Way of the Passion—The Foot-washing (PDF) »

The Song of Prayer—Forgiveness (PDF) »

Initiation: From Ecstasy to Christian Incorporation (PDF) »

The Way of the Passion—The Scourging (PDF) »

The Song of Prayer—Healing (PDF) »

By What Authority? (PDF) »

The Power of the Word (PDF) »

The Way of the Passion—Crowning with Thorns (PDF) »

The Value of Work (PDF) »

Meditation—Guidance of the Inner Life (PDF) »

A Dream within a Dream (PDF) »

Meditation, Prayer, and Daily Rhythms (PDF) »

The Harvest of Human Experience (PDF) »

Symbology of Christmas (PDF) »

The Higher Stages of the Passion—Cross-Bearing (PDF) »

The Higher Stages of the Passion—Crucifixion (PDF) »

The Higher Stages of the Passion—Entombment and Resurrection (PDF) »

Meditations: I am the Door; I am the Good Shepherd (PDF) »

Easter Thoughts (PDF) »

Meditation: I Am the Resurrection (PDF) »

The Mystery of Golgotha—The Evolution of the Cosmos of Love (PDF) »

Service and Intuition (PDF) »

The Crucible (PDF) »

Meditations—I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; I am the Vine (PDF) »

Let This Mind Be in You (PDF) »

The Mystery of Golgotha—The Redemption of the Luciferic (PDF) »

Adonai (PDF) »

Meditation: The Purification of Love from the “Ground Up” (PDF) »

The Mystery of Golgotha—The Defeat of the Ahrimanic; The Risen One (PDF) »

The Virgin Mary and the Evangelion (PDF) »

The Language of Flowers Peace: A Legend of the Golden Rod (PDF) »

The Spiritual Aspect of Birth Control (PDF) »

Meditation: Peace and Holiness Through Christ (PDF) »

Sophia and the Event of Pentecost—The Organ of the Pentecostal Revelation (PDF) »

Advent (PDF) »

The Virgin Mary and the Evangelion (PDF) »

Meditation: The Cross of Christ (PDF) »

Freedom and Free Will (PDF) »

Constantine and the Esoteric Bible (PDF) »

The Pentecost Event as the Human Realization of the New Testament (PDF) »

Meditation: Love on the Cross and in Hell (PDF) »

The Mystic and the Occult in Max Heindel’s Writings, Part 1 (PDF) »

The Fetter of Sorrow (PDF) »

The Natural Laws of the Universe (PDF) »

The Mystic and Occult in Max Heindel’s Writings, Part 2 (PDF) »

What’s in the Next Room? (PDF) »

The Mysterious Apocrypha Historical Data and the Occult (PDF) »

Illusion (PDF) »

Cosmic Theology (PDF) »

Meditation: The Ascension (PDF) »

The Mystic and the Occult in Max Heindel’s Writings, Part 3 (PDF) »

The Book of Tobit (PDF) »

Tests in the Quest (PDF) »

The Faith That Makes Faithful (PDF) »

Keys to the Kingdom: The Pineal Gland (PDF) »

The Will and Christ-Centered Meditations (PDF) »

The Mystic and the Occult in Max Heindel’s Writings, Part 4 (PDF) »

The Keys to the Kingdom: The Pituitary Body (PDF) »

Judge Not (PDF) »

To Serve with Joy (PDF) »

Meditation: Christ as Healer (PDF) »

The Mystic and the Occult in Max Heindel’s Writings, Part 5 (PDF) »

The Truth Within (PDF) »

The Power of Thought (PDF) »

The Christmas Rose (PDF) »

Meditation: Training the Will (PDF) »

War and Peace (PDF) »

Truth—from Information to Transformation (PDF) »

Your “Double Life” (PDF) »

The Celestial Hierarchies and Dionysius the Areopagite (PDF) »

Free Will and Destiny (PDF) »

Meditation: Rise and Walk (PDF) »

The Glorious Resurrection (PDF) »

The Heart of the Open Mind (PDF) »

The Secret Book of John (PDF) »

Why Work? (PDF) »

Accidents are not Accidental (PDF) »

The Incarnation Mystery: Statement, Provocation and Invitation (PDF) »

The Question and The Answer (PDF) »

Meditation and Prayer (PDF) »

Witnessing a Transition (PDF) »

The Secret Book of John, Part 2 (PDF) »

The Mystery of the Lost Word (PDF) »

Meditation—Formed by Light for Light (PDF) »

Walking in the Middle of the Road With the Sons of Cain (PDF) »

Keynotes of Max Heindel’s Teachings (PDF) »

The Tie with the Teacher (PDF) »

Free Will and Noetic Destiny (PDF) »

Staurolite or Fairy Crosses? (PDF) »

Pilgrim’s Progress Through Occultism (PDF) »

The Last Enemy to Be Conquered (PDF) »

Life and Form (PDF) »

Nature Spirits (PDF) »

Petitionary Prayer (PDF) »

More Light (PDF) »

Mythology and Esoteric Truths (PDF) »

Doing on Earth as in Heaven (PDF) »

Meditative Prayer (PDF) »

The Fourth-Dimension is Not Time (PDF) »

Pilgrim Meets Compassionate (PDF) »

The Ladder of Love (PDF) »

Mythology and Esoteric Truths, Part 2 (PDF) »

Transmissive Prayer (PDF) »

The Teacher (PDF) »

Meanderings of the Spiritual Path (PDF) »

Christ and the Rational Mind (PDF) »

Studies in the Apocalypse—Weight, Measure, and Number In the Spiritual History of Mankind—Part 1 (PDF) »

Vertical Telepathy (PDF) »

Studies in the Apocalypse—Weight, Measure, and Number In the Spiritual History of Mankind—Part 2 (PDF) »

The Wages of Revenge (PDF) »

The Mystic Feast and the Wedding Garment (PDF) »

The Lord’s Prayer (PDF) »

Religious Authority and the Christian Dispensation (PDF) »

Promoting Spiritual Development (PDF) »

What is Time? (PDF) »

Studies in the Apocalypse—The Letter to the Angel of the Church in Thyatira (PDF) »

Christ is the Divine Messenger (PDF) »

Regeneration (PDF) »

Two Stories (PDF) »

The Knights Templar (PDF) »

Reincarnation Is a Fact—Narratives of the Work of Invisible Helpers (PDF) »

The Ladder of Love (PDF) »

Studies in the Apocalypse—The Letter to the Angel of the Church in Sardis (PDF) »

Early Representatives of the Rose Cross (PDF) »

Christ Jesus and Initiation (PDF) »

After Dying, Part 1 (PDF) »

Imagination (PDF) »

Catastrophes, Their Cause and Cure (PDF) »

The Creation of Heroes—A Myth (PDF) »

Letter to the Angel of the Church in Sardis—Conclusion; Letter to the Angel of the Church in Philadelphia, Part 1 (PDF) »

The Leaven of Life (PDF) »

The Dark Night of Mother Teresa (PDF) »

The Virgin Mary and Christian Rosenkreutz (PDF) »

After Dying, Part 2 (PDF) »

The Creation of Heroes—A Myth (PDF) »

The Incarnation Mystery: A Unique Case? (PDF) »

The Letter to the Angel of the Church of the Philadelphians, Part 2 (PDF) »

What Are We Thankful For? (PDF) »

Triune Music and Soul Songs (PDF) »

The Gift (PDF) »

Trees at Mount Ecclesia (PDF) »

It Were Better That a Millstone (PDF) »

The Little Soul (PDF) »

Man’s Rebirth: Journey to the Center of the Earth (PDF) »

As We Sow (PDF) »

The Letter to the Angel of the Church of the Laodiceans (PDF) »

To Tell the Truth (PDF) »

Goethe’s The Mysteries—An Interpretation, Part 1 (PDF) »

Grace (PDF) »

The Challenge of Life (PDF) »

Goethe’s The Mysteries—An Interpretation, Part 2 (PDF) »

The Transmutation (PDF) »

The Highest Human Privilege (PDF) »

Justice and Judgment (PDF) »

Wands and Serpents (PDF) »

A Modern Magician—A Story of the World’s Greatest War—Soul Versus Self (PDF) »

The Gardener (PDF) »

Studies in the

Death and the Panorama »

The After-Death Binding Effect of Attachment »

The Drunkard After Death »

The Benefits of Purgatory »

Importance of an Undisturbed Retrospection »

Living Our Purgatory Here and Now »

The Central Region of the Desire World »

The First Heaven »

The First Heaven »

Purpose of Initiation »

Concentration »

Concentration (PDF) »

Is There Feeling in Matter? (PDF) »

The Purpose of Initiation (PDF) »

Preparations for Rebirth (PDF) »

Max Heindel's Message

Acquiring Soul Growth (PDF) »

Christian Mystic Initiation (PDF) »

The Reward of the Perfected Spirit (PDF) »

Allowing Defective Children to Die (PDF) »

Psyche (PDF) »

How to Prove Psychic Experiences (PDF) »

The Esoteric Reasons for Christmas (PDF) »

Attending His Own Funeral (PDF) »

Fear and its Mastery (PDF) »

The Sacrament of Communion (PDF) »

The Method of Spiritual Cognition (PDF) »

Prayer (PDF) »

Unnatural Means of Attainment (PDF) »

A Glimpse of the Past (PDF) »

A Prophetic Vision (PDF) »

The Successful Life (PDF) »

The Esoteric Meaning of Easter (PDF) »

The Nature and Symbolism of the Soul—According to Ancient Ideas (PDF) »

Success vs. Generosity (PDF) »

Commendation vs. Condemnation (PDF) »

The Mystic Message of Christmas (PDF) »

The Blind Shall See and the Deaf Shall Hear (PDF) »

From Law to Faith (PDF) »

Why Trials Beset the Occult Student (PDF) »

Why the Truth Seeker Must Live in the World (PDF) »

The Nobility of All Labor (PDF) »

The Planetary Spirit of the Earth (PDF) »

The Keynote of Christianity (PDF) »

Spiritual Teachers—True and False (PDF) »

Daily Exercises in Soul Culture (PDF) »

The Holy Grail (PDF) »

Practical Precepts for Practical People (PDF) »

How Are the Dead Clothed? (PDF) »

The Esoteric Meaning of Easter (PDF) »

Spiritual Seeing and Spiritual Hearing (PDF) »

Religion in Time of War (PDF) »

But One Thing Is Needful (PDF) »

Does Success Make One Generous? (PDF) »

Do the Dead Lose Interest in Us? (PDF) »

Athanasia, the Cornerstone of Religion (PDF) »

Discerning Truth from its Imitation (PDF) »

Obsession of Man and of Animals (PDF) »

Immortality of the Soul (PDF) »

Prayer, Concentration, and Meditation (PDF) »

Retrospection and Remorse (PDF) »

Magic—White and Black (PDF) »

Western Wisdom
Bible Study

The Ascension »

The Baptism »

Christ Jesus—Lord of the Sabbath »

The Crucifixion »

Eighth Commandment—Exodus 20:15 »

The Eighth Commandment »

The First Commandment—Exodus 20:3 »

The First and Great Commandment »

The Fall of Man »

The Fifth Commandment—Exodus 20:12 »

The Fourth Commandment—Exodus 20:8-11 »

The Four Thousand Fed »

Gethsemane »

The Glory of the Resurrection »

Good Tidings of Great Joy »

Healing the Leper »

The Heart of the Twelve Commandments »

The Immaculate Conception »

An Interpretation of the Revelation to John »

Jesus and Christ Jesus »

Jesus Walks on the Water »

Jonah and the Whale »

The Keys to the Kingdom »

The Kingdom of Heaven »

The Lord's Prayer »

Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself »

The Mystery of Golgotha »

Ninth Commandment—Exodus 20:16 »

The Ninth Commandment »

Origin of the Scriptures »

Origin of the Scriptures, by Max Heindel »

Parable of the Marriage Feast »

Parable of the Mustard Seed »

Parable of the Sower »

The Parable of the Tares »

Profession Without Faith »

Rebirth and the Bible »

The Resurrection »

The Second Commandment—Exodus 20:4 »

The Seventh Commandment »

The Solar Myth, by Max Heindel »

Spiritualizing the Mind »

The Stigmata »

Stilling the Tempest »

Tenth Commandment—Exodus 20:17 »

The Tenth Commandment »

The Test of the True Teacher »

The Temptation »

The Third Commandment—Exodus 20:7 »

The Two Ways »

The Unpardonable Sin »

"Unto Us a Child is Born" »

The Seventh Commandment (PDF) »

The Eighth Commandment (PDF) »

Origin of the Scriptures (PDF) »

The Ninth Commandment (PDF) »

The Solar Myth (PDF) »

The Tenth Commandment (PDF) »

The Solar Myth—Part 2 (PDF) »

The First and Great Commandment (PDF) »

The Tabernacle in the Wilderness (PDF) »

Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself (PDF) »

Tabernacle in the Wilderness—Part 2 (PDF) »

Tabernacle in the Wilderness—Part 3 (PDF) »

The Creation, Part 1 (PDF) »

The Creation, Part 2 (PDF) »

Revealing the Hidden Mysteries (PDF) »

The Creation, Part 3 (PDF) »

Creation, Part 5—Conclusion (PDF) »

Individualization of Man (PDF) »

Individualization of Man (PDF) »

The Fall of Man (PDF) »

Jesus and Christ Jesus (PDF) »

The Lord's Prayer (PDF) »

The Mystery of Golgotha (PDF) »

The Sacraments (PDF) »

The Star of Bethlehem (PDF) »

The Sacrament of Baptism (PDF) »

The Sacrament of Marriage (PDF) »

The Immaculate Conception (PDF) »

Miscellaneous Interpretations (PDF) »

Miscellaneous Interpretations—Part 2: Confession and Absolution (PDF) »

Miscellaneous Interpretations—Part 3 (PDF) »

Miscellaneous Interpretations—Part 4 (PDF) »

Miscellaneous Interpretations—Part 5 (PDF) »

Babylon and the New Jerusalem (PDF) »

Ritual, Repetition and the Soul Body (PDF) »

Thinking and Speaking as Taught in the Bible (PDF) »

The Mystery of the Summer Solstice (PDF) »

The Sign of the Master (PDF) »

Abraham and Moses Contact the Coming One (PDF) »

The Cosmic Pattern in the Life of Abraham (PDF) »

Abraham: The Cosmic Pattern for the Man of the Fifth Root Race (PDF) »

Moses and Jacob—Initiate Sons of the Ancient Wisdom (PDF) »

David—Revelations of Truth (PDF) »

Solomon—Revelations of Truth (PDF) »

Songs of Initiation (PDF) »

The Three Degrees of Discipleship (PDF) »

Discipleship: The Fellowship Degree, Part 1 (PDF) »

Discipleship: The Fellowship Degree, Part 2 (PDF) »

Our Bible's Heritage (PDF) »

The Harp of David (PDF) »

The Vicarious Atonement (PDF) »

Where Were We at the Time of Creation? (PDF) »

The Seven Jewels and the Seven Stages of Initiation (PDF) »

A Study in Values—Jonah and Peter (PDF) »

Old Testament:

Genesis »

Exodus »

Leviticus »

Numbers » »

Deuteronomy »

Joshua »

Judges »

Ruth »

1st Samuel »

2nd Samuel »

1st Kings »

2nd Kings »

1st Chronicles »

2nd Chronicles »

Ezra »

Nehemiah »

Esther »

Job »

Psalms »

Proverbs »

Ecclesiastes »

Song of Solomon »

Isaiah »

Jeremiah »

Lamentations »

Ezekiel »

Daniel »

Hosea »

Joel »

Amos »

Obadiah »

Jonah »

Micah »

Nahum »

Habakkuk »

Zephaniah »

Haggai »

Zechariah »

Malachi »

New Testament:

Matthew »

Mark »

Luke »

John »

Acts »

Romans »

1st Corinthians »

2nd Corinthians »

Galatians »

Ephesians »

Philippians »

Colossians »

1st Thessalonians »

2nd Thessalonians »

1st Timothy »

2nd Timothy »

Titus »

Philemon »

Hebrews »

James »

1st Peter »

2nd Peter »

1st John »

2nd John »

3rd John »

Jude »

Revelation »

Spiritual Astrology

The Pairs of Opposites »

Letters to Students of Spiritual Astrology, #1, 2 »

Letters to Students of Spiritual Astrology, #3, 4, 5 »

Letters to Students of Spiritual Astrology, #6, 7, 8 »

Letters to Students of Spiritual Astrology, #9, 10 »

Letters to Students of Spiritual Astrology, #11, 12 »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Charts #1: Six Planets in Common Signs; Chart #2: A Study in Melancholy; Chart #3: A T-Cross & Schizophrenia »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Charts #4: Libra Rising & Kidney Dysfunction; Chart #5: Blindness & Spiritual Sight; Chart #6: A Lack of Will Power »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Charts #7: A Severe Rash; Chart #8: Glaucoma »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Charts #9: Stuttering; Chart #10: Hypochondria, & Egocentricity »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Chart #11: Bed Wetting »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Chart #12: Asthma »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Charts #13: Lymphatic Cancer; Chart #14: Lung Cancer & Intestinal Ulcers »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Charts #15: The Painful Path to Enlightenment; Chart #16: A Spinal Injury »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Charts #17: Negative Clairvoyance; Chart #18:Paralysis »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Charts #19: A Grand Cross; Chart #20: Blindness »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Charts #21: Colon Inflammation & Auto-Intoxication; Chart #22: Auto-immune Disease »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Chart #23: A Life of Torment »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Chart #24 »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Charts #25: Hypertension; Chart #26: Alcoholism & Asthma »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Chart #27: Diabetes »

Astro-Diagnosis/Astro-Analysis, Charts #28: A Lesson in Directing; Chart #29: The Ears & Nerves »

The Educational Value of Astrology »

The Ductless Glands—Their Role and Rulers »

Rulerships and Qualities—Anatomy and Physiology Correlated to the Zodiac »

The Planet Pluto »

The Prenatal Epoch »

Rising Planets (January/February, 1995) »

Astronomy for Astrologers: Comets; Jupiter (February, 1931) »

Food for Good Health—Astrologically Analyzed (February, 1957) »

The Aquarian Age and the Second Advent (November, 1942) »

Introduction to Spiritual Astrology—Part IV, by Barbara Joiner »

Destiny and the Twelfth House (Conclusion), by Edward Adams (Part 1) » (Part 2) » (Part 3) »

Man with a Gavel, by A Probationer »

Introduction to Spiritual Astrology—Part IV (Conclusion), by Barbara Joiner »

Texas at 150, by A Probationer »

Introduction to Astrology: Basic Concepts, by Max Heindel »

Steps in the Scientific Reading of the Horoscope, by J.D.M. »

The United Nations: A Star Portrait, by A Probationer » PDF »

The Resurrected Christ in the Realm of the Dead, by C.W. »

Introduction to Spiritual Astrology—Part III, by Barbara Joiner »

Destiny and the Twelfth House, by Edward Adams »

Astrology and Modes of Communication, by Renate Shoemacher »

The Year of the Paradigm Shift, Part I, by Jean de Galzain »
Part II »

Introduction to Spiritual Astrology, Part III (PDF) »

Destiny and the Twelfth House, Part I (PDF) »

Astrology and Modes of Communication (PDF) »

The Year of the Paradigm Shift (PDF) »

Introduction to Spiritual Astrology (PDF) »

Destiny and the Twelfth House (PDF) »

Man With the Gavel (PDF) »

Introduction to Spiritual Astrology, Part IV (PDF) »

Texas at 150 (PDF) »

An Esoteric View of Capricorn (PDF) »

Introduction to Astrology: Basic Concepts (PDF) »

Steps in the Scientific Reading of the Horoscope (PDF) »

The United Nations: A Star Portrait (PDF) »

Proposal: Planet Exaltations are Evolutionary Blueprints (PDF) »

Euphoria in Utah (PDF) »

Basic Astrological Concepts, Part 2 (PDF) »

Greenwich Mean and True Local Time (PDF) »

Congress at its Best (PDF) »

Planetary Profiles: Venus, Mars, and Saturn (PDF) »

The Educational Value of Astrology (PDF) »

Neptune’s Sesquicentennial (PDF) »

Interpreting the Cardinal Signs (PDF) »

Astrology Looks at a Fatal Flight (PDF) »

An Allegory (PDF) »

Jupiter, the Moon’s Nodes, the Part of Fortune, and Planetary Synthesis (PDF) »

The Fixed Signs, Part 1 (PDF) »

Virgo, the Divine Healer (PDF) »

Satan’s Mission (PDF) »

The Fixed Signs, Leo (PDF) »

Planetary Cycles (PDF) »

Returning to Solar Returns—Sidereal Prognostications (PDF) »

The Fixed Signs, Part 3 (PDF) »

The Autumn Equinox—Its Spiritual Significance (PDF) »

The Fixed Signs, Part Four (PDF) »

The Common Signs—Introduction (PDF) »

Tardy Triplets—Occult Reason of Human Misfits (PDF) »

America at its Best—The Marshall Plan’s Semi-Centennial (PDF) »

A Brief Interpretation of Aquarius From a Symbolic Painting (PDF) »

The Common Signs, Part 2 (PDF) »

The Zodiac and Man’s Body, Part 1 (PDF) »

The Sacred Signs of the Zodiac, Part 1 (PDF) »

Sagittarius and the Ninth House (PDF) »

America's Favorite Europeans (PDF) »

Horror in the Heartland (PDF) »

The Sacred Signs of the Zodiac, Part 2 (PDF) »

Virgo and the Sixth House (PDF) »

The State with Two Birthdays (PDF) »

Where America Really Began: Tennessee Turns Two Hundred and Two (PDF) »

Common Signs—Pisces (PDF) »

The Influence of The Planetary Spirits (PDF) »

The Zodiac and Man’s Body, Part 2 (PDF) »

Toward a Christian Astrology (PDF) »

The Better Way (PDF) »

Measure of Amenability to Planetary Vibrations, Part 2 (PDF) »

The Dragon Path (PDF) »

Amenability to Planetary Vibrations, Part 3 (PDF) »

Saturn in War and Peace (PDF) »

Cosmic Rhythms and Terrestrial Life (PDF) »

Stars over NATO (PDF) »

Stars Over Russia (PDF) »

The Measure of Amenability to Planetary Vibrations, Part 4 (PDF) »

With Love from Norway Norway at 94 (PDF) »

Correspondences Between Planets and Plants (PDF) »

Reading a Horoscope—Progressions (PDF) »

Stars, Jewels, and Angels (PDF) »

Horoscope Interpretation, Part 1—Preliminary Considerations (PDF) »

Neptune in the Horoscope (PDF) »

Horoscope Interpretation, Part 2 (PDF) »

Transmuting Squares to Trines (PDF) »

Horoscope Interpretation, Part 3 (PDF) »

Around the Planetary Peace Table (PDF) »

Creative Astrological Analysis—Aspects (PDF) »

Evolution as Shown in the Zodiac, Part 3 (PDF) »

The Star We Live By (PDF) »

Pisces—the Zero Hour (PDF) »

A Brief Outline of Basic Astronomy (PDF) »

Astrology and National Holidays (PDF) »

Astrological Anecdotes From Scoffing Skeptic to Ardent Advocate (PDF) »

Will Christendom Unite? (PDF) »

Chronicle of the Living Christ: The 33 1/3-Year Rhythm (PDF) »

The Great Work (PDF) »

Foundations of Cosmic Christianity: Recurring Aspects (PDF) »

Wake Up America—Stars Over the New Administration (PDF) »

Cosmodynes—An Astrological Tool (PDF) »

Johfra and the Signs of the Zodiac—Scorpio and Sagittarius (PDF) »

Astrology, A Cosmic Science (PDF) »

History’s Greatest Land Battle (PDF) »

Johfra and the Signs of the Zodiac—Capricorn and Aquarius (PDF) »

Pluto, Planet of Death and Regeneration (PDF) »

Johfra and the Signs of the Zodiac—Pisces and Aries (PDF) »

Practical Astrology is Spiritual Astrology (PDF) »

Progressing the Horoscope (PDF) »

Johfra and the Signs of the Zodiac—Taurus and Gemini (PDF) »

Gemini and the Children of Alternation (PDF) »

Were You Born Under a Lucky Star? (PDF) »

Johfra and the Signs of the Zodiac Cancer and Leo (PDF) »

Astro-View of Heredity and Disease (PDF) »

The Astrology of Reincarnation (PDF) »

House Classification (PDF) »

Johfra and the Signs of the Zodiac—Virgo and Libra (PDF) »

Astrology and Polarity Therapy (PDF) »

Earth’s Vesture (PDF) »

Astrological Aphorisms for Healing (PDF) »

Astrology Makes Known to Man the Will of God (PDF) »

The Prenatal Epoch (PDF) »

Lucifer and Satan in Astrology (PDF) »

Classification of Astrological Elements (PDF) »

The Significance of the Full Moon (PDF) »

The Divine Science (PDF) »

The Ascendant (PDF) »

Evolution Considered Astrologically (PDF) »

The Ruler of the Ascendant (PDF) »

Astrology—Its Teaching and Ethics (PDF) »

Personality and Individuality (PDF) »

Aspects to the Ascendant (PDF) »

On This Firm Basis (PDF) »

Revelation (PDF) »

Cured by Angelic Visitation (PDF) »

White Light Astrology (PDF) »

The Prenatal Epoch—A Reply to E.J. (PDF) »

The Shuttle of Destiny (PDF) »

Zodiacal Signatures in the Ten Commandments (PDF) »

The Value of Astrology (PDF) »

The Character of Capricorn and Saturn (PDF) »

Aquarius, the Water Bearer (PDF) »

The Commandments of Astrology (PDF) »

God’s Message Through Pisces (PDF) »

Planetary Vibrations & Fate and Free Will (PDF) »

The Message of the Stars Interprets Max Heindel’s Horoscope (PDF) »

The Devolution and Evolution of Astrology (PDF) »

God’s Message Through the Astrological Sign Taurus (PDF) »

Suggestive Thoughts on Astrology (PDF) »

The Science of the Stars (PDF) »

God’s Message Through the Astrological Sign Cancer (PDF) »

Astrology as a Guide in Life (PDF) »

The Cosmic Harp—Cancer and Leo (PDF) »

Toward Freedom (PDF) »

The Wisdom of the Stars (PDF) »

God’s Message Through the Astrological Sign Virgo (PDF) »

Love, The Temple Builder (PDF) »

God’s Message Through the Astrological Sign Scorpio (PDF) »

Astrology: The Clock of Destiny (Diagram) (PDF) »

Astrology and the Child (PDF) »

God’s Message Through the Astrological Sign Capricorn (PDF) »

Astrology, Polarity, and the Alphabet (PDF) »

Uranus and Neptune (PDF) »

God’s Message Through the Astrological Sign Aries—The Lamb of God (PDF) »

Rosicrucian Philosophy
in Questions
and Answers

No Beginning to Man; The Flesh & Blood of Christ; Effect of the Moon on the Invisible Helper »

Need for Physical Vehicles; Time of the Entrance of the Spirit into the Physical Body; The Events in Purgatory »

Alternating Male & Female Embodiments; The Unequal Status of Women; The Practical Uses of Esoteric Knowledge »

How the Length of Life Is Determined; Reducing the Interval Between Earth Lives; Why Children Die; The Effects of Cremation Upon the Physical Body »

The Three Kinds of Memory; Avoidance of the Post-Mortem Purgatorial Experience; Why We Don't Remember Previous Lives »

The Number of Human Beings In the Rebirth Cycle; Verifying the Reality of Rebirth; Transmigration—Fact or Fallacy?; Reason for the Different Interpretations of the Bible; Work and History of the Angels and Archangels »

Another Look at the Creation Story In Genesis; The Biblical Fall of Man; The Tree of Life »

Cain and Abel; The Ark of the Covenant; Everlasting Salvation and Damnation—Fact or Fallacy?; The Immaculate Conception »

The Star of Bethlehem; Differences Between Mediums and Clairvoyants; Spreading Higher Knowledge; How to Become an Invisible Helper; Purpose of Leaving the Physical Body »

Clairvoyance of Children; Different Forms of Supersensible Sight; Various Methods of Acquiring Clairvoyance; The Best Time for the Concentration Exercise »

Reviewing the Day's Events in Reverse Order—Why?; Dangers of Breathing Exercises; Origin of Comets; The Harmony of the Spheres »

Praying to the Planetary Ambassadors; The Wisdom of Animal "Instinct"; Our Attitude towards the Animals »

"Man, Know Thyself!"; The Story of the Holy Grail »

Material Wealth and the Higher Life; Reuniting With Loved Ones After Death; The Effects of Embalming »

Helping Friends Who Are in Purgatory; Our Responsibility to the Dead »

Man's Responsibility to the Animals; The Rebirth of Children; Ripe Destiny »

Infant Mortality; Fate or Free Will? »

The Fruit of Evolution; The Rosicrucian Viewpoint on Capital Punishment; Judging Soul Age »

Spiritual Aspects of Birth Control; Procedure with So-Called Incurable Diseases »

Idiocy and Insanity; Removing Diseased Organs »

Nature of White Blood Corpuscles; Food of the Future »

People in the Desire World See the Sun; Contact With Deceased Relatives During Sleep; Nature of Creatures Seen in Delirium Tremens »

Nature of the Desire World; Undines and Mermaids »

Method of Spiritual Cognition »

The Fourth Dimension; The Memory of Nature »

The Tests of Initiation; Creating a New Body »

Meaning of the Letters "I.N.R.I."; The Temple and the Priest's Robe; Spiritual Hermaphrodites »

The Essence of Christianity; The Reason for Calling Christ "The Son of Man" »

The Mission of Christ; Biblical Proof of Rebirth »

The Nature of Jesus' Body After Death »

The Time of the Aquarian Age »

Egyptian Astrologers; Neptune, the Octave of Mercury; The Use of Astrology in Training Children »

Why Mercury is Colorless and Neutral; The Balance of Joy and Sorrow »

Planetary Polarity; Atlanteans Who Had Not Evolved Lungs; The Cause and Cure of Sleepwalking »

Proving the Existence of the Vital (Etheric) Body; Prayer, Concentration, and Meditation »

The Three Parts of the Silver Cord »

The Mistake of Allowing Defective Children Die; The Results of Burning Incense »

Mother Shipton's Prophecies »

The Soul and Soul Body »

The Nature of the Myth; The Cause of Inequality in Evolution »

Rosicrucian Fundamentals in Questions and Answers »

Effect of Death on Jesus' Dense and Vital Bodies »

Psychic Development; Pre-Birth Panorama; Perfection of God »

Condition of Animals After Death » PDF »

Condition of Animals After Death (PDF) »

The Effect of Death on Jesus’ Dense and Vital Bodies (PDF) »

Spiritual vs. Psychic Development (PDF) »

Determining the Time of Easter (PDF) »

Rosicrucian Societies in America (PDF) »

Jesus and Christian Rose Cross (PDF) »

Reconciling the Teachings with the Bible—Postmortem Memories—the Value of Struggle (PDF) »

Morphine and Postmortem Consciousness; Sleepwalking: Its Cause and Cure (PDF) »

Morphine and Postmortem Consciousness; Sleepwalking: Its Cause and Cure (PDF) »

There Is No Death (PDF) »

The Blood of Christ and The Keys to Heaven (PDF) »

The Tree of Life, Earthbound Spirits, Proof of the Master, Co-Inherence, Deformities (PDF) »

Forgiveness of Sin; the Ego after Death; Helping the Dead; Esoteric Meaning of Judas (PDF) »

Initiations: Occult and Mystical (PDF) »

Mother Love as a Factor in Materialization; Max Heindel’s Health; Postmortem State of a Miser (PDF) » »

The Reason for Christ's Violent Death; Is There a Last Day? Immortality of the Physical Body? (PDF) »

Christ as Mediator; After-Death Conditions; the Invisible Helper’s Seed Atom (PDF) »

Homosexuality and Esoteric Teachings (PDF) »

Dealing with Evil Thoughts; Inheriting Parental Characteristics; Predicting Death by the Horoscope (PDF) »

The Case Against Vaccinations (PDF) »

The Purpose of Physical Existence; Dangerous Pests (PDF) »

Grades of Spiritual Sight (PDF) »

Mystery Schools, Clairaudience, Angels, The Lost Word (PDF) »

The Significance of the Four Gospel Symbols (PDF) »

A Shortcut to Heaven?; Mother Love as a Factor in Materialization; Post-Mortem Fate of Vivisectors PDF] »

How Are the ‘Dead’ Clothed? (PDF) »

The Mystic Marriage; Materialism and Disintegration; Payment of Debts in the Next Life (PDF) »

Suggestion to Children During Sleep; Is Christ to Supplant Jehovah?; Clairvoyance and Childhood PDF] »

Human Discontent Jehovah and the Holy Spirit Changes in Religion (PDF) »

Miscellaneous Questions (PDF) »

Fate of Executed Murderer; Use of Spiritual Power; Cooperating with Scientists; Interpreting Joshua (PDF) »

Birth Control, Clairvoyance of Children, “Pearls are not Whiter” (PDF) »

Etheric Footprints, Power of the Square, Recognition in the Desire World (PDF) »

Planetary Forces; Etheric Eden; Retreat; Rosicrucian vs. Orthodox (PDF) »

Training Children (PDF) »

Manichaeism; Remembering Past Lives; Correcting Color Blindness (PDF) »

Suicide and Salvation; Organ Transplants; Hypnotism; Exercises for Clairvoyance (PDF) »

The Ethers and Second Death; The Son of Man (PDF) »

Tests of Initiation; Persistence of Facial Likeness; Donating Body Organs (PDF) »

A "Bad Deal"; Visits From Disembodied Friends; Prenatal Influence of Mothers (PDF) »

Protection When out of the Body; The Panorama of the Blind; Seeing Entities; Praying Spirits out of Purgatory (PDF) »

Pearls Are Not Whiter; Capital Punishment; Alchemy and the Garden of Eden (PDF) »

Are Children Responsible for Their Actions?; Removing Diseased Organs; Suicide (PDF) »

Being as Gods—Planet X (PDF) »

Visiting a Cemetery; What is Happening to Me?; The Universe is Like a Rose (PDF) »

Plant Responses; Who Initiates?; The Woman Within; Jesus’ Disciples (PDF) »

Animal Rebirth; Light on Lucifer (PDF) »

Who Are the Manichees?; The Cross and Roses Meditation (PDF) »

Does Prayer Actually Work?; The Charismatic Movement (PDF) »

An Incomplete Bible?; Healing and the Planets; Faith Problem with Core Beliefs (PDF) »

Occult Reading of a Masonic Legend; Who Rules Your Nerves?; Alien Presence (PDF) »


How the Rosicrucians Heal the Sick »

With Healing In Its Wings »

The Rosicrucian Fellowship Healing Service »

The Temple Service of the Rosicrucian Fellowship »

The Blood »

The Ductless (Endocrine) Glands »

General Causes of Disease »

Specific Causes of Disease-Insanity »

Hysteria, Epilepsy, Tuberculosis, Cancer, etc. »

Heredity and Disease »

Origin and Development of Healing »

The Dense Body »

Sex Education »

To Those Who Mourn »

The Rosicrucian Method of Caring for the Dead »

The Heart: A Wonderful Organ »

Mental Retardation »

Obsession »

In His Heart, by Max Heindel »

Healing Keepers of the Temple »

The Divine Essence: Visualizing the Christ Within (PDF) »

Curing vs. Healing (PDF) »

The Healing Power of Forgiveness (PDF) »

A Case of Obsession (PDF) »

An Invisible Helper's Story (PDF) »

Health & Nutrition

The Wisdom of the Vegetarian Diet »

Sprouting For Health »

Eating Meat: Some Esoteric Considerations »

Functions of the Liver »

Foods That are Good for the Liver »

An Invitation to Health »

Sprouting For Health »

Fruit as Medicine »

The Occult Effect of Certain Foods »

The Newer Hygiene of Living »

Sprouting For Health (PDF) »

Eating Meat: Some Esoteric Considerations (PDF) »

The Occult Effect of Certain Foods (PDF) »

Functions of the Liver (PDF) »

Keeping It Clean—Fiber and the Digestive Tract (PDF) »

Food in Relation to Christ (PDF) »

The Benefits of Juicing (PDF) »

Cancer Therapies—Known and Ignored (PDF) »

Cancer and Herbs (PDF) »

The Continuity of Life And the Nature of Sleep (PDF) »

Pills, Capsules, and Cell Salts (PDF) »

Biodynamic Cooking, Nutrition and Food Handling (PDF) »

Fasting as a Factor in Soul Growth (PDF) »

Vegetarianism—Terms, Types, and Myths (PDF) »

Nutrition in the Light of Occult Science (PDF) »

Wholesome Proteins (PDF) »

Wholesome Vegetarian Soups (PDF) »

Mayest Thou Prosper in Health (PDF) »

Arthritis and the Emotions (PDF) »

What is Basic to Health? (PDF) »

Faith and Luscious Apples; Two Master Keys to Health (PDF) »

The True Cause of Contagion (PDF) »

Quality Non-Flesh Proteins (PDF) »

Spring Cleaning (PDF) »

Simply Heavenly: The Vegetarian Diet—Reflections and Recipes (PDF) »

Why Men Eat More Than Women (PDF) »

Heal Thyself (PDF) »

Cosmic Illumination (PDF) »

The Sure Way to Health (PDF) »

Vegetables: Succulent Roots and Bulbs (PDF) »

History and Health Concerns of Soybeans (PDF) »

Assimilation (PDF) »

Vegetarianism and Digestion (PDF) »

Toxemia and Health (PDF) »

How the Rosicrucians Heal the Sick (PDF) »

The Wisdom of Natural Living (PDF) »

Fasting as a Factor in Soul Growth (PDF) »

Cosmic Biochemistry (PDF) »

Digesto-Sura (PDF) »

Prayer and the New Panacea (PDF) »

Vegetarian Domestic Science (PDF) »

Why Butter is Better (PDF) »

The Probiotic Revolution (PDF) »

Cosmic Illumination: A Story of Healing (PDF) »

Lacto-Fermentation (PDF) »

Micro and Macro Anatomies of Man (PDF) »

Seeking the Light (PDF) »

Religion and Art

Knight, Death, and the Devil (from The Spiritual Life), by Evelyn Underhill »

The Philosophical Mountain...Rosicrucian Document (Part 1) » (Part 2) »

The Mystic Marriage »

The Divine Image (Poem)...Willliam Blake (Part 1) » (Part 2) »

The Knight, Death, and the Devil (PDF) »

The Resurrected Christ in the Realm of the Dead (PDF) »

Temple Symbolism—Part One (PDF) »

Temple Symbolism—Part Two (PDF) »

The Apocalypse—Verbal and Visual Revelations, Part 1 (PDF) »

The Apocalypse—Verbal and Visual Revelations, Part 2 (PDF) »

The Apocalypse—Verbal and Visual Revelations, Part 3 (PDF) »

Pictures of the Apostle Peter (PDF) »

The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosencreuz—The Fifth Day (PDF) »

William Blake and The Trying of Job (PDF) »

What Did Christ Jesus Look Like? (PDF) »

The Miraculous Image of Guadalupe (PDF) »

Mary Magdalene—From Sinner to Saint (PDF) »

Mary Magdalene (PDF) »

The Trees of the Bible: A Study of Symbolism (PDF) »

The Tree of Life (PDF) »

God’s Images (PDF) »

Pictures in Poems (PDF) »

Dante Rossetti Poems Inspired by Paintings (PDF) »

Mary of Magdala (PDF) »

Rosicrucian Emblems of Daniel Cramer (PDF) »

Esoteric Symbolism in Sacred Art (PDF) »

The Shadow of Good Things to Come (PDF) »

The Shadow of Good Things to Come (PDF) »

News Perspectives

Wilderness as a Religious Concept, by Roger G. Kennedy »

Liberty and Personal Responsibility, by Robert Novak »

The UFO Controversy, by Rick Manoff »

Something Missing From Your Bible?, by A Probationer »

Something Missing from Your Bible? (PDF) »

Something Missing from Your Bible? (PDF) »

Wilderness as a Religious Concept (PDF) »

Capital Punishment: A View from Within (PDF) »

Law and the Individual Life (PDF) »

Journey to the Center of the Earth (PDF) »

The Shroud of Turin—Holy Hoax? (PDF) »

Cloning: Its Implications and Limits (PDF) »

Deliberate Death: The Worst May be Yet to Come (PDF) »

The Chemical Manipulation of Consciousness (PDF) »

A Look at Factory Farming (PDF) »

Transgendering and Cosmic Law (PDF) »

Pro Life—Contra Life (PDF) »

Growing Old Is Not Only What It Seems (PDF) »

Living out of the Body (PDF) »

Stem Cell Therapy: New Lease on Life? (PDF) »

Astrology—Is an Old Science Coming of Age? (PDF) »

Great Britons—A Personal Choice (PDF) »

Christianity and Vegetarianism (PDF) »

Book Reviews

Characterizing the Spiritual Life »

The Soul of a Business, by A Probationer »

Whose Truth? Who's a Heretic? »

The Peshitta: A New Look at an Old Book »

Paying the Ultimate Price; The Philokalia »

St. Paul and the Damascus Event (PDF) »

What Jesus Saw from the Cross (PDF) »

The Lost Books of the Bible (PDF) »

The Transcendental Universe (PDF) »

The Veiled Pulse of Time (PDF) »

Tesla, Master of Lightning (PDF) »

Zanoni, A Rosicrucian Tale (PDF) »

The Afterlife Experiments (PDF) »

Emanuel Swedenborg—Seeker, Scientist, Seer (PDF) »

For Children

Grandpa Rabbit In Paradise »

Aurea's Trip »

Frolic, the Blue Dragonfly »

The Sylphs' Sandstorm »

The Magic Mirror—Which Is Lovelier? »

The Adventurer »

The Knight of the Daffodils »

The Flying Jewels »

The Joke Is On Jasper »

The Team »

The Trial »

When the Flowers Woke Up »

Jessica's Bad Day »

Lavender Pencils »

Elf-child's Adventure »

The Cord and the Nest »

Frankie and the Plaster »

The Extraordinary Mushroom »

Jacob Spreads the Teachings »

The Little Lame Princess, by Matilda Fancher »

Spring Sprites, by B. Coursin Black »

Betty's Dream, by Esther Tobiason »

Cornelia and the Color Fairies, by Hasmick Vee »

Oh, Fairy, Tell Me! (poem), by Cyril Vernor »

The Garden in Spring, by Grace Evelyn Brown »

Fairies (poem), by Catherine M. Bloom »

What the Pinky-White Blossoms Told Elva, by Helen Boyd »

Friendly Robin, by Florence Barr »

Celestia's Gift, by Matilda Fancher »

Star Babies, by Olga White »

Jane's Thought Garment, by D. D. Arroyo »

My Thoughts (Poem), by Patsey Ellis »

The Princess Who Learned to Smile, by Evelyn Van Gilder Creekmore »

The Tired Little Worker, by Dorothy V. Baird »

The Elf-Man (Poem), by John Kendrick Bangs »

Our Angel Helpers, by Perl Amelia Williams »

The Taylor Twins at the Fairy Flower Dance, by Maxine V. Griswold »

The Fairy Bouquet, by Rowena Greenwood Noyes »

God Is Holding Your Hand, by Clara E. Huffman »

The Wind (Poem), by Patsey Ellis »

The Fairy Ring (A One-Act Play for Children), by Helen M. Mann »

Lucile Meets the Thought Fairies, by Myrtle Hill Leach »

The Adventurer, by Florence Barr »

The Little Shadow, by D. D. Arroyo »

The Fairies' Ministry (poem), by Clara Huffman »

A Journey with the Fairies, by Emma Mary Coates »

The Perturbed Little Tree, by Kay Randall »

Marky and the Angel, by D. D. Arroyo »

Sleeping Out (poem), by Edna Blevins Lewelling »

A Garden Fantasy, by Maude H. Wilkinson »

Felice Meets Greytail, by Ellen D. Wildschut »

The Enchanted Lake, by Mary-Abby Proctor »

Billy's Soul, by Helen Boyd »

Undines (poem), by Patsey Ellis »

The Little Prince, by Florence Barr »

Oh! My Tummy! (A playlet for children), by Marjorie Brinkly »

Dedication »

The Coral Necklace, by Florence Barr »

Michael's Watermelon, by Patsey Ellis »

"Let the Whole Wide Earth Rejoice", by Helen Waite »

James' Gift, by Marguerite Walker »

What Child Is This?, by Gussie Ross Jobe »

When (poem), by Ola Sward »

A Week in Fairyland, by H.P. Nicholls »

Christmas Comes to a Turtle, by Ruth La Boda »

The Adventures of Rex and Zendah in the Zodiac, Part I, by Esme Swainson (Introduction) (Article) »

The Adventures of Rex and Zendah in the Zodiac, Part 2, by Esme Swainson »

The Boy Who Proved His Teachers Wrong, by A Probationer »

The Boy Who Proved His Teachers Wrong (PDF) »

Christmas Comes to a Turtle (PDF) »

The Adventures of Rex and Zendah in the Zodiac—Part I (PDF) »

The Adventures of Rex and Zendah In the Land of the Fishes (PDF) »

Rex and Zendah in the Zodiac—Part 3 (PDF) »

The Land of the Sea-Goat (PDF) »

Rex and Zendah in The Land of the Archer (PDF) »

Rex and Zendah in The Land of the Scorpion (PDF) »

Rex and Zendah in The Land of The Scales (PDF) »

Rex and Zendah in The Land of the Virgin (PDF) »

Rex and Zendah in The Land of the Lion (PDF) »

Rex and Zendah in The Land of the Crab (PDF) »

Rex and Zendah in The Land of the Twins (PDF) »

Rex and Zendah in The Land of the Ram (PDF) »

The Little Cloud’s Gift (PDF) »

Keys to Heaven (PDF) »

The Day’s Work Before Sunrise (PDF) »

The Princess and the Peacock (PDF) »

Meek and Mild (PDF) »

To Win the Prize (PDF) »

America’s Greatest President (PDF) »

How the Burro Got His Ears and His Voice (PDF) »

Fairies (PDF) »

King Thrushbeard (PDF) »

The Crooked Fir Tree (PDF) »

Trial by Weed (PDF) »

God is Holding Your Hand (PDF) »

The Girl That Lost Things (PDF) »

Jane’s Thought Garment (PDF) »

The Enchanted Lake: A Tale From the Folklore of The East (PDF) »

Christmas Eve in the Forest (PDF) »

The Little Lame Princess (PDF) »

Spring Sprites (PDF) »

A Peri of the Desert (PDF) »

The Man Who Learned to be Kind (PDF) »

The Discontented Spark (PDF) »

The Legend of the Stars (PDF) »

The Pilgrim Who Dragged His Hind Leg (PDF) »

The Three Trees (PDF) »

The Bag of Magic Gold (PDF) »

A Lesson of Faith (PDF) »

Fairies (PDF) »

Why the Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves (PDF) »

The Selfish Giant (PDF) »

Aurea’s Trip (PDF) »


The Destiny and Future of The Rosicrucian Fellowship (PDF) »

Rosicrucians True and False (PDF) »

The Anti-Christ and the Human Genome (PDF) »

Faith Swallowed up in Knowledge (PDF) »

Measuring Time, Deducing Dimensions (PDF) »

What a Natal Horoscope Doesn’t Show (PDF) »


Builders All (PDF) »

How Much Do You Love Me? (PDF) »


This One Day (Poem), by Eleanor Friese »

Crossword Puzzle: Words of Christ Jesus from John »

November, 1995 Epehemeris »

December, 1995 Ephemeris »

Star Thoughts, by J. Otho Gray »

Roads to God, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox »

Earth (excerpt), by John Hall Wheelock »

To a Snowflake, by Frances Thompson »

Beginnings...Quotations (inside front cover) »

January, 1996 Ephemeris »

February, 1996 Ephemeris »

The Children's Song (Poem-excerpt)...Rudyard Kipling »

An Essay on Man (Poem-excerpt)...Alexander Pope »

Truth (Poem), by Ben Jonson »

What to Forget...News Item »

Doing and Being for Others...New Testament Passages »

Spencer (Poem)...Dagmar Frahme »

Christ is Arisen (Poem), by J. W. von Goethe »

Christ is Arisen (graphic version) »

March 1996 Ephemeris »

April 1996 Ephemeris »

Inscription on a Church Wall, Attributed to Comte de Saint Germain »

My New-Cut Ashlar (Poem), by Rudyard Kipling »

Audio Tapes for the Spiritual Aspirant »

Study With Us »

Rosicrucian 50 and 100 Year Ephemerides »

Magazine back cover »

Psalm 84 »

Crossword Puzzle: Christ's Words From Luke (PDF) »

Crossword Puzzle: Christ's Words From John (PDF) »

Echoes/Rays from the Rose Cross Magazine Issues-1913-1920 »

Rays from the Rose Cross Magazine Issues 1995-2004 »

Rays Index 1913-19 »

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